I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 171: 【The Wizard Rebelled】

In this endless darkness.


   There is only one light, and that is the light emitted by each wizard when he is located.


   The only light that can be active in the eyes of the masses of Gerdana is the light that represents the death of wizards.


   The masses of Jerdanah crouched helplessly and trembling on the ground. Not only was there no light, it was also a silent environment, but they could imagine everyone around them wailing.


   But I can’t hear it! I can't hear it at all!


   I can’t hear the voices of other people around me even when I’m close at hand!


  Only the voice of a demon rang in their ears, and every time a person's name was spoken, a wizard who was usually aloof died!


   "Grace Avid..."


   At the moment when both sight and hearing were deprived, people were forced to subconsciously hear all the sounds made by the demon on the castle.


   How many times is this?


   No one remembers it already.




   A flame suddenly hit the demon in the sky from a distance!


   fought back!


   Our wizard fought back!


   People were suddenly ecstatic, and wanted to use that little light to see clearly what happened to the demon!


   "Masai Ribbs..."


   The demon in the sky spit out a name again almost indifferently.




   didn't even influence him to pronounce the next name.


   The people of Jerdanah lowered their heads again in disappointment.


   One name after another was easily pronounced, and one life after another died easily.


  The wizard also counterattacked countless times during this period!


   But the magic seems to have no effect on the leader at all. It finally penetrated the opponent's magic defense. When the remaining magic attacked the opponent, the opponent didn't even blink!


   directly carried their magic.


   The wizard never thought that the battle between them would turn out to be like this.


   They originally prepared a spiritual defense array for the monks, but they guessed that the monks would come back for revenge. But the wizards didn't expect it to be the witches coming!


  Moreover, the magical powers of the witches can be linked together through a special method, which makes the wizards feel a little at a loss.


   are all unexpected things.


   In the constant counterattack, the wizards also discovered that whoever counterattacks, then the demon would give priority to whose name.


   They hesitated and got scared.


  The compatriots around them keep dying, and they are afraid that it will be their turn next!


   Li reopened over the castle and read their names one by one following the magical guidance.


   "Paul Penreway."


   The name of the last wizard was also pronounced by Li Zhongkai.


   People’s concept of time in the dark is always weak.


   seems to be very fast, but also very slow.


   People don't know how long it has passed, but long after the huge castle disappeared, the people in the capital of Jerdanah didn't get over it. They still stood there in disbelief.


   What makes them most kind at this moment is the sun that can be seen every day on the square.


   After this, I am afraid that many people will start to fear the night.


   And now, the kingdom of Gerdana is really just like what they said, it is a country without transcendence.




   The darkness is lifted!


   Guangming has returned to people's sight.

   At the moment the darkness disappeared, the whole world was reporting the news like crazy.


   Even in the past few years, Shen Ling's Heart Witch Pursuing and Killing Ling's World Matter Incident gradually appeared in the eyes of the masses!


  The name of the magic fairy castle is engraved on the concept by the witch resonance, and everyone who sees it will know its name.


   Therefore, almost everyone in the world also knows the term "magic fairy".


  #The horrible world without light phenomenon


  #What happened in this dark moment


  #The country of Gerdana is really not extraordinary now


  #What kind of group is the magical girl?


   "I was scared to death. I thought I was blind. It turned out that it was Gerdana that was so extraordinary."


   "Please close your eyes at dark, please open your eyes, Wizard Gerdana...Oh, sorry, I didn't notice that you are gone."


   ""The Castle of Fairy Demon", hiss! Is there going to be another extraordinary force? "


   "Is there such a possibility, I mean it is possible. This fairy castle is actually called the magic fairy castle?"


   One hot search after another was pushed to the hot list by the media. People just ate the melon from the tsunami of the world yesterday, but now I don’t expect to come again!




  Tianshui College Training Room.


   "Xia Jie, what are you dressing up?" Wen Chengjie exhaled. Since going out with Teacher Li Zhongkai, he feels that his inspiration has greatly increased. Cultivation has also become much smoother.


   Xia Jie now has a magic wand tied around his waist, holding a Kuro card in his left hand, and a broom in his right hand.


   shouted: "I am now the head of the Magical Girl's chief fan club!"


  As a surfer of the two-dimensional network, Xia Jie has known about the Kingdom of Gerdana for the first time.


   Zi Chen glanced at him slightly, and said angrily: "The news only mentioned that the witches might have done it, and you don’t know what the witches look like! Why did you become a fan so soon?"


   "You don't understand, this is the feeling of breaking the wall of the dimension. It has nothing to do with the appearance. The appearance of the horse monkey shochu in the three dimensions is enough for me to be excited!" Xia Jie said solemnly.


   Seeing that this guy was going farther and farther on the path of perversion, Xiang Shuxiang quickly changed the subject: "Speaking of which, why hasn't Teacher Li Zhongkai returned?"


   In the morning, teacher Li Zhongkai let them study by themselves~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said that they have to go out for something.


   But it's almost the afternoon, and teacher Li Zhongkai hasn't returned yet.


   "Maybe it is pretending to be a magical girl to solve the wizard of Jerdanah." Zichen teased at Xia Jie.


   Although Zi Chen said half-jokingly, he did have a hint of suspicion.


   I suspect that all the magic girls are just posing as members of the Fairy League. After all, how could there be such a coincidence! The opponent's front foot caused a tsunami against Tianshui City, and the back foot was stolen by a third-party extraordinary force!


   It is impossible to say that there is no relationship.


   However, it is not impossible. After all, it is said that there are also a lot of grievances between the witch and the wizard, and Zi Chen secretly figured it out.


   Xia Jie broke the defense all at once, brandishing the Kuro card and duel with Zichen, "You nonsense, the magical girl is definitely not a boy!"


   Zhong Maomao watched the excitement from the sidelines, not too much that they were noisy, he flipped through his mobile phone.


   "Laughing to death, now the people of Jerdanah are calling for peace and prohibiting extraordinary fights..." Zhong Maomao almost burst into laughter when he climbed the wall and saw their comments.


   They didn't recognize that their country was extraordinary before, and then they became bolder, and they were also eager to want the extraordinary to fight head-on.


   Now that I am afraid, I started to call for peace!


   This is too ironic!

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