I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 172: [Honest and reliable Li reopened]

"Isn't it a good thing to call for peace?" Li Zhong opened the door of the training room with a smile.


   Seventh elementary school only saw Li reopened and immediately refreshed.


   "Teacher, did we do that thing about Jerdana today?" Zi Chen stopped practicing and asked curiously. He wanted to confirm this too much.


   Li reopened and touched his head, "It's not a good habit to be suspicious. I can guarantee in the name of the teacher that this incident must not have been done by the fairy league today!"


   Zi Chen immediately relieved his heart, he still trusted Teacher Li's personality.


   After Teacher Li resisted the natural disaster with his body, in Tianshui City Spiritual Research Institute, no one mentioned Teacher Li Zhongkai more than a thumb.


   That is famous for being honest and reliable!


   Seeing the teacher’s affirmative answer, Xia Jie was also immediately happy and planned to continue to be the head of his fan group!


   "But if it weren't done by Xianmeng... wouldn't it be for nothing?" Zhong Maomao asked suspiciously.


   "What did you scold?" Wang Qisi on the side removed the bandage from his hand and looked at it curiously.


   Zhong Maomao picked up the phone and showed it to Wang Qisi.


   There are now more than people who are afraid of being beaten in Jerdana, calling for peace.


   There are also a small group of extremists on the Internet, who believe that this is an act of revenge by the Great Xia Guoxian League and must ask the Great Xia State to apologize unilaterally!


  Wang Qisi suddenly couldn't say it, "The transcendent has been killed, so...has a backbone?"


   Wang Qisi swallowed some indescribable words.


   Would you like to let Moxian go again?


   "I have read those people's remarks." Zi Chen explained on the side, took out his notebook, and found another piece of information.


   "We have already checked their ip by hackers, almost none of them are in Gerdana..."


   "In other words, this is a pure reverse string..."


  Good guys, everyone is calling good guys.


   The other party, this is not too big to watch the excitement, and I want Gerdana to die!


   And the people of Jerdanah are going crazy by this kind of remarks on the Internet, and they leave messages.


   "Please stop talking!"


   "We are really convinced!"


   "Don't pretend to be awesome! Are you really from our country?"


   Those few anti-string comments were replied to the top by countless people after a while.


   Li Zhong smiled and shook his head. Since the reopening last night, he used Witch’s Night to dispatch the Magic Castle to Jerdanah.


   And the preparations for magic have been prepared long ago, in order to be able to make big moves directly when they meet!


   can be said to be well prepared!


   After Zhong Maomao and others discussed it for a long time, Gu Chengyu just came out of the state of cultivation.


   "Teacher, are we going to start class?" Gu Chengyu was eager to try.


   Every time he goes to class, he looks for a chance to play the coaching sword with Li Chongkai. In this kind of confrontation, he makes rapid progress!


   "Of course!" Li Zhongkai just wanted to respond. After all, he came back to teach the lovely students.


   "Boom boom boom!"


   Zhong Yuanhong walked here from the training room next door and knocked on the door to indicate.


   "Lee reopens senior, maybe we are going to have a meeting?"


   "I think it might have something to do with the morning's... the demon fairy?" He wanted to talk about the witch, but he thought it would be better to change to the demon fairy.


   "I'm sorry, children. It seems that our class must be in again next time!"


   Li Zhongkai hurriedly went out with Zhong Yuanhong, leaving only the 7th elementary school in the training room for self-study.

   After they left, he sighed to Shuxiang, "We have not been in class for four days."


   It took two days for the competition. Yesterday was flooded, and today the teacher is okay.


   "Isn't it okay not to go to class?" Xia Jie quietly opened the magic circle, wanting to see the old magical girl who had prepared in advance for a while.


   The rest of them glanced at him helplessly, and then started practicing on their own!




meeting room.


   This is the first time Li Zhongkai talked to them about these lengthy meetings.


   He and Zhong Yuanhong guessed wrong, this meeting was not because of the hotly discussed magic fairy on the Internet.


   "To be honest, Dean, I thought you would talk about some more interesting topics, such as magic fairy..." Zhao Tenghe said dissatisfiedly from the side.


   He has a student, but it's a critical moment of breakthrough. It's not a good thing to get out now.


   The dean buckled the table with his thumb joint, "I think as teachers, we have more important things to discuss than the magic fairy."


   "Mr. Meng Hui, tell everyone what you think!"


"no problem!"


   Meng Hui got up, glanced at Li Zhongkai a little bitterly, and then started his speech.


   This whole Li Zhongkai is a bit inexplicable.


   Zhong Yuanhong reminded him secretly, "His student yesterday ran to your student to intercede, hoping to be added to the seventh class."


   "That's it?" Li Zhongkai was even more inexplicable.


  What is this? Only seven of my previous students were robbed, and I didn't look for them either.


   Zhong Yuanhong shook his head silently, but that's not the only reason.


   Mainly, Ms. Meng Hui escaped yesterday... and Li Zhongkai is the hero again.


   In the previous game, apart from Li reopening the dark horse, Meng Hui was the real favorite to win.


   does not talk about character, he does have a set of teaching skills.


   These two come and go, the two will inevitably be compared.


   Zhong Yuanhong chuckled. Of course, this is not comparable. With his teaching ability, cultivation level, moral character, etc., Li Zhongkai is better than Meng Hui in almost everything.


   "I think! As a teacher, the most important thing is the teaching attitude and teaching strength!" Meng Hui said on the stage!


   "And now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ our school's teaching model is too backward! It's just like those ancient sects! There is nothing like a real university!"


   Li Zhongkai gradually began to take shape, the other party's remarks were very interesting!


   "I think it is necessary to make changes to completely eliminate this ancient system and continue the previous elective system! Let students learn what every teacher is good at!"


   The teachers under the stage talked a lot.


  Meng Hui's meaning is already very clear, that is to make them like the current university.


   Take out the elective course system of the previous experiment and let students choose a course according to their interests.


   To be honest, the teachers did feel the lack of skills when teaching classes recently. Some wanted to learn swords and some wanted to practice Qi all the time.


   Teachers are not all-rounders, they know everything, and it is hard to avoid teaching.


   Or I do understand all of them, but I never have free time to teach.


   "But in this way...Who are these students? We are going to participate in the competition in the end!" A casual teacher raised his own question.


   After all, this is equivalent to taking the students together. In the end, the students will not be as distinct as the previous class system.


   Everyone's students are mixed together, who is it on behalf of the final contest?

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