I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 173: [Student's internal paper x, teacher's internal paper? √]

Latest website: Meng Hui stretched his clothes nervously on stage.

He glanced vaguely at Li Zhongkai, then quietly looked away.

He is a deserter, but Li Zhongkai is not.

But Meng Hui didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. At the beginning, the immortal alliance gathered for casual cultivators only to use spiritual veins as bait. Everyone came for the benefit, but they all took money to do things.

He can't give his life for it, right?

Meng Hui felt that on the contrary, he was the most accomplished teacher among this batch of casual cultivators.

At least he teaches better than those people.

But... the image in the minds of the students has indeed dropped a lot. Thinking like this in his heart, Meng Hui glanced at Li Zhongkai again.

People who live in the gutter actually envy the sun in the sky more than others.

That day, Meng Hui stood at the barrier, watching Li Zhongkai, who had resisted the natural disaster with his own strength, from a distance, and the light of the flame was deeply imprinted in his eyes.

He felt a little indescribable, and the shock that Li reopened at that moment could not be said to be envy, jealousy, or... admiration.

To be precise, he kind of wants to be that kind of person.

After the disaster ended, Meng Hui quietly returned to school again. Unsurprisingly, the students' respect for him dropped drastically, and even some radicals would secretly spurn him.

But he didn't care, including the fact that his student turned his head and wanted to worship Li reopened the door, and he was not very angry.

After all, his skills are not as good as others, so he is willing to go downhill.

Losing to Li Zhongkai, Meng Hui has nothing to be upset about, but feels that it is reasonable to lose to such a person.

After seeing that stalwart light, he quietly collected all the information of the students in Class 7.

Originally, I wanted to see how my idol taught, and then I was surprised to find that almost all the students who hadn't practiced at the beginning quickly caught up with the progress and even achieved overtake.

He also came to a conclusion that Li reopened his possessions.

Li Zhongkai did not choose to publish it to everyone, but chose to experiment with this idea in his own class.

This is normal, and other teachers will probably not teach their unique skills to students in other classes.

This made Meng Hui particularly angry, but at the same time a little happy.

As a mature person, he knows that everyone will have their own selfishness, and it may be difficult for people to accept the shortcomings of great people, but it is these shortcomings that make a complete person.

Li Zhongkai was never a perfect savior in Meng Hui's heart. After all, Li Zhongkai also had his own life.

He will definitely have his own selfishness.

But this does not prevent Meng Hui from continuing to worship Li reopened.

Thus, today's meeting was born.

The so-called education reform is true, and there is no deception, otherwise the dean will not hold meetings specially.

But this is also Meng Hui's challenge book, and Meng Hui has decided to completely give up the right to fight for spiritual veins!

This can be regarded as the influence that Li Zhongkai has brought to him. He wants to achieve something more valuable.

He now wants to completely change this group of casual teachers! And spiritual education now!

The school actually had elective courses at the beginning, and each class would have one or two electives.

However, it turned out that teachers would hide privately when they were not teaching their own classes. In this way, hiding in private will cause all students to learn skills!

So the elective course system is slowly forgotten by everyone.

Instead, teach in small classes.

However, there are drawbacks to this, that is, only seven students are selected in the competition, and the rest of the students receive much less care than the seven, and the level of students is prone to great differences.

Meng Hui cleared his throat, "I know that everyone has such doubts. After all, everyone's fundamental purpose is still the spiritual vein, right?"

Being so frank, the teachers are a little uncomfortable.

But it also depends on the person who speaks it. If Li Zhongkai said this, the teachers might think it was a mockery of their morality.

But if it was a deserter like Meng Hui who was spurned by students, it wouldn't matter to say it.

After all, no matter how bad it is, it's not bad, you deserter.

"So in order to prevent the teachers from hiding themselves like last time, our class will become blurred this time."

As soon as the words Tibetan and private were spoken, the teachers suddenly became anxious, and they all felt that Meng Hui was the connotation of themselves.

"Slander, you are slander!"

"Nonsense! No one hides privates! Absolutely nothing!"

"I haven't reached the teaching progress yet. Isn't that called Tibetan selfishness?"

"I didn't mean to teach only eleven tricks. It's a simplified version for beginners, do you understand you?"

Several teachers immediately couldn't sit still and began to refute.

Meng Hui didn't expect that, good fellow, there are so many people who do not confess.

"We no longer have a class teacher, but only one counselor, and the student will take the place of his counselor to participate in the war! But the counselor will only teach one course and solve the students' personal problems."

A casual cultivator smiled disdainfully, "Then what's the difference between this and before? Didn't you just change the name?"

"Of course!"

Meng Hui seemed to be waiting for him to ask questions!

"We will give students the right to freely transfer classes! That is to say, your current students may not be your students in half a month!"

"If a teacher wants to be selected by a student as a counselor, he must show his teaching strength and personality charm!"

"You're crazy!" The San Xiu suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Meng Hui by the collar!

San Xiu bit his posterior molar viciously, and squeezed out between the teeth, "Do you know that you are the street mouse in the mouth of the students now? Charismatic than your personality? What are you thinking about?"

"You are totally detrimental to yourself! Lao Tzu worked hard before, but now you ask him to change classes if you ask him to change classes?"

Meng Hui chuckled lightly.

On the surface, the other party is thinking about him, but in fact the words are the other way around.

What he meant was: now Li Zhongkai's popularity among the students is surging, and it is idiotic that others want to rob students with Li Zhongkai.

It's just that there are many teachers who respect Li Chongkai, and the other party dare not say it clearly.

Meng Hui himself used to be such a person, but now he is tired of playing word games with such people.

Meng Hui looked at Li Zhongkai silently. Among everyone, only Li Zhongkai's opinions were particularly important to him. He hoped to be recognized by Li Zhongkai!

"Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I find it very interesting! Teachers are forced to scroll inward, and of course students will learn more unique skills."

Li Zhongkai nodded in affirmation to him.

It's quite interesting to have students select teachers and force them to do their jobs.

Moreover, Li Zhongkai didn't value the following three-house competition, because the demand for spiritual veins was not high.

There is already a Spirit Gathering Array, just wait honestly for Professor Mo to optimize it.

Having spiritual veins is the icing on the cake, but after resisting natural disasters, Li Zhongkai felt that his personality had sublimated.

Too much entanglement in these small profits is not his intention.

He wants to experience the real joy of being a teacher.

It's best not to have too many students. Now these six or seven are pretty good.

Le Wen

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