I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 176: [Do not break or stand! 】

Tang Jingle plucked up all his courage and questioned the teacher!


   He was the first to stand up and want to learn Kendo, and now he is the first to stand up and question.


  Because the sword has a special meaning to him. Tang Jingle always believed that the sword was really alive, not a dead thing.


   Li reopened with a smile, and held the sword flower with his sword, "Come on, since you also have your own answer, then show everyone your kendo."


   Tang Jingle hesitated suddenly, hesitated in place and did not dare to move forward.


   Meng Hui, who is under the stage, is a veteran teacher, frowning slightly at the moment.


  As a teacher, Meng Hui usually chooses to respect each other when facing students who are not confident.


   After all, if you ask Tang Jingle a student to question the teacher, he must not dare. It is already full of courage to be able to hide among the students and speak up.


   But letting him out of the pile of students now is undoubtedly putting pressure on him.


   What is the purpose of doing this?


   Meng Hui looked at Li reopened on stage waiting for Tang Jingle's response, and gradually fell into thought.




   Tang Jingle seemed to have made up his mind. He clenched his back tooth socket and tried to bite his scalp when he gathered up a lot of energy.


   He walked forward quickly.


When    approached Gu Chengyu, he had a slight pause.


   "Believe in yourself." Gu Chengyu lowered his head and said softly.


   Tang Jingle nodded without knowing why, and walked to the ring.


   "I will suppress my cultivation level to the same level as you, and then let your sword tell me whether it is alive or not!"


   On the ring, Li Zhongkai was still smiling slightly.


   Even after Tang Jingle questioned him, Li Zhongkai's mood was obviously better.


   Seeing Li Zhongkai in a good mood, Tang Jingle, who was originally afraid of Li Zhong's meeting to blame him, also breathed a sigh of relief.


   He settled his mind, and the answer with the sword was just what he wanted.


  Swordsman should use the sword to speak!


   All the swordsmen under the stage held their breath, and like Tang Jingle, they believed that their long-trained swords were alive, not rigid moves.


   "Please enlighten me!" Tang Jingle straightened his posture!


   Next, he will use his own swordsmanship that he has worked hard for a long time!


   The last time he faced Gu Chengyu without drawing his sword, it was the biggest defeat of his life!


   At the 18th Academy Competition that year, he stood as if he was crying. At that time, he was in tears and vowed to win the next time!




   Along with Li Zhongkai's sword light, Tang Jingle's sword was picked and flew far away.


   This time, his sword is gone before he draws his sword.


   Tang Jingle stared blankly at Li reopening.


   Once again, someone held a sword against his throat. The battle was ended in an instant.


   "Sorry, your sword seems to be dead." Li Zhongkai retracted the sword.


   "No! No!" Tang Jingle blushed again, trying to explain, "It's just that I'm not as skilled as people! My way is not wrong!"


   "Then prove it to me!"




   "I told you to prove it to me!"


   Li reopened and put the sword against Tang Jingle's throat again, but this time, a drop of blood flowed from Tang Jingle's throat following the blade of the sword.


   "Huh!" Meng Hui and Liu Jianbo stood up abruptly.


   Now it’s not a college competition, Li Zhongkai is a teacher again, but it’s not allowed to do this in school!


   "Teacher, you won't kill you..." Tang Jingle didn't dare to move.


   "What do you mean? No one in this school dared to stop me!"


   said, Li reopened a little bit more.


   A drop of cold sweat slipped, and Tang Jingle felt that Li Zhongkai had an unspeakable seriousness at this moment.


   He really kills!

   I will really die too!


   The huge murderous intent made Tang Jingle stiff like falling into an ice cellar.


   "Prove it to me! Is your so-called sword dead?"


   Tang Jingle held his breath and tried to concentrate on perceiving his sword, but the sword never responded to him because the sword had already been beaten to the side.


   "Where's your sword? Why don't you come to save you?" The blade went deeper.


   "Let me tell you, the sword is a dead thing! The sword does not save people, people should save themselves!"


   Tang Jingle has never felt that death is so close to him.


   All the stars in the sky seemed to be waving to him.


   Numerous pictures flashed through his mind.


   Every scene from his first sword practice when he was a child to when he came to this academy.


   When he was practicing swordsmanship, his father’s swordsmanship was even more unforgettable in his life.


   From then on, Tang Jingle vowed to learn the art of swordsmanship.


   The spirit of the sword is something his father has always warned him.


   This is absolutely not allowed to be questioned!


   Tang Jingle opened his eyes fiercely!


   The wooden sword in the distance began to tremble slightly, and then the tremor became more violent, and flew to Li reopened!




   The wooden sword was easily clamped by Li Zhongkai with two fingers.


   But everyone can see clearly that it is not a sword that is spurred by spiritual energy, but that it is controlled by consciousness to automatically confront the enemy.


   Meng Hui was stunned, he finally knew what Li Zhongkai was doing.


   Do not break or stand!


   This is the most critical step in using high pressure to force Tang Jingle to take!


   This is a real teaching sword with a strong sense of teaching!


   After using this trick, Tang Jingle fell to the ground abruptly, panting heavily, and the wound on his neck was directly recovered by Li Zhongkai with authority.


   Everyone present can see that he has improved!


   is just a short guide sword!


   Li reopened and saw the bottleneck of Tang Jingle, and created a teaching based on the opponent's personality weakness!


   Meng Hui got excited, thinking about it, wrote it down in his notebook-not broken, not standing! Then I thought about it for a while, and then crossed it out—Teach students in accordance with their aptitude.


   is worthy of being the champion of this college competition. Not only is his strength strong, but he also has his own set of methods for teaching.




   "Envy! I knew I had called to learn swords first!"


   The students under the stage can naturally see the teacher's intention~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, they think that Li Zhongkai may be because Tang Jingle first proposed to learn the sword, so they simply designed a separate instruction for him.


   This made the students who didn't dare to speak out a moment ago regret it!


   If they ask questions, aren’t they the ones who have improved?


   Tang Jingle stepped out of the ring in the envy of the eyes of the students. Slowly walked to Gu Chengyu's side.


   "What did you mean by making me believe in myself?"


"literal meaning."


   Gu Chengyu thought for a while and added, "Believe in your own sword, but...respect the way of others."


   Tang Jingle was slightly taken aback.


   There was indeed a moment, when he succeeded in the sword, he had a soaring confidence in his heart.


   I feel that even Teacher Li Zhongkai has been refuted by himself, then he must be on the right path!


   This emotion only lasted for a short time, Tang Jingle quickly realized that Teacher Li Chongkai was cooperating with him to play the sword.


   In Gu Chengyu's eyes, Tang Jingle, who had just understood Yujian at this moment, was just like him who had understood "My Way" at the beginning!


   It's a pity that Gu's idiom is not good at words, so he can't advise too much.

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