I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 177: 【Kendo Level】

The rest were lamenting Li Zhongkai's high teaching level and his strong ability to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.


   But no one remembers the sword principles Li Zhongkai said.


   but Gu Chengyu took a deep note.


  Practicing sword is practicing people!


   That was not a theory that Teacher Li Zhongkai used to teach Tang Jingle nonsense, but a real insight.


   "You seem to have something to say to me?" Tang Jing was quite reluctant to see Gu Chengyu's hesitant to speak.


   This person who defeated himself seems to be bad at words?


The other students beside    also quietly pricked their ears, wanting to hear what these two geniuses are talking about?


   "You understand Yujian, do you think you are right? Is the sword alive?" Gu Chengyu held back for a long time, and suddenly asked such a sentence.


   Tang Jingle chuckled, and then solemnly said: "No, although I finally understand the true meaning of Yujian. But I want to say that Teacher Li Zhongkai is actually right."


   "A sword is a sword. It is nothing but a piece of iron. But I think he has spirit, so my sword has spirit!"


   "I used to think that Yujian needs to communicate with the sword spirit, but now I know that Yujian is communicating with myself."


   "The sword does not save people, people should save themselves."


   Tang Jingle looked at Li reopened on the stage, with unspeakable longing in his eyes.


Mr.    casually said a word, and he pointed out his bottleneck for many years.


   He has always longed for the sword to fly by himself to save him. In fact, the sword does not know anything. It is often only ourselves that can save us.


   "Teacher Li Zhongkai respects my Tao, and it should be said that he seems to have always respected everyone's Tao. To be honest, I am a little curious about where exactly Li Zhongkai has come?"


   Tang Jingle recalled his father’s teachings, “My father told me that there are three realms of swords.”


   "See yourself, see the world, see all beings."


   Tang Jingle turned his head to look at Gu Chengyu, "I barely saw myself, but what about you? Have you seen the world?"


   Gu Chengyu was startled. He intended to mention Tang Jingle, but he didn't expect to be taught by Tang Jingle instead.


   Yeah... Have I seen the world?


   Gu Chengyu recalled what Mr. Li Zhongkai said when he was in class.


   Teacher Li Zhongkai has always emphasized that while letting him believe in his own way, he must also respect the way of others.


   I am too obsessed with "I Dao", and I can't tolerate the world in my eyes.


   Even though he has seen Li Zhongkai, the "heaven", he has not respected anyone other than Li Zhongkai.


   It wasn't until the tsunami disaster came when he saw Liu Jianbo's Tao that he barely recognized others.


   And now he witnessed Tang Jingle embarking on the process of pursuing his own path, Gu Chengyu had already admitted him unknowingly.


   also started from this moment, acknowledging other heroes in the world!


   "Your sword is very good! The purity is enough!" Gu Chengyu did not answer directly, but raised his head and smiled back.


   Tang Jingle was a little lost when he heard this sentence.


   In those two days of competition, he never saw Gu Chengyu praise anyone. But now he indifferently boasted of his defeat...


   Tang Jingle knew that Gu Chengyu had already seen the world at this moment.




   Following Tang Jingle's performance just now, the enthusiasm of the students was suddenly raised.


   "Teacher, I don't know if I have made any progress in sword practice. Why can't I practice swords with such a level of condensate and foundation?" A student raised his hand from the stage and asked.


   Liu Jianbo glared at him with an angry beard.

   Because he saw the person asking the question, it was his student.


  If you have a new person, forget the old person!


   don't avoid him now, just treat him in front of him and rub his favorability with the newcomer!


   Damn it! Damn it!


   "Is there a realm of sword training?" Li Zhongkai nodded slightly, "A good question."


   "Actually, I have communicated this issue with many kendo masters."


   It was because he had traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers and visited countless kendo masters in order to defeat his teacher Gu Chengyu.


   He also discussed this issue with these people.


   Li Zhongkai on the stage talked unhurriedly, "The realm of swords is just for the convenience of learning. In fact, he does not really exist. But when you reach that realm, you can feel your progress."


   "So countless swordsmen have divided the realm of swords into several layers based on this."


   "The most mainstream view is the three realms of kendo: see yourself, see the world, and see all beings." Li Zhongkai paused slightly, waiting for the students to digest. "But this level of division is really so mysterious and elusive."


   "So there is another plan: the five realms of kendo! The name is very simple, it is ranked by numbers. One is the lowest, and the fifth is the highest!"


   Liu Jianbo got up slightly, this is the first time I have heard of this view.


   And even he had only heard of the three realms of kendo before that.


   This is because the five realms of kendo were learned by Li Zhongkai in another world, and he divided them according to his own talent level.


   white, blue, purple, orange and black, is his talent level.


   Based on his original sword learning situation and the combination of these five color levels, he distinguished five realms.


   "Practice moves first, then practice styles! Moves to the hall, an introduction to kendo! This introduction is the first level of realm!"


   Li Zhongkai began to wield basic sword moves, which is also the state of most people in the audience, and even some students have not yet achieved the basic skills.


   This first realm also stopped countless people.


   "Then forget the moves! The rigid moves lead us into the gate of kendo, but they also restrain us!"


   "If you forget the moves, you can enter the second level. The sword can already move with your heart!"


   Like a sword!


   Yujian is not a move ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is just a method. The person who came up with the method of the sword is simply a genius.


   The sword moves with your heart, no move, no action! Perfectly fit the second realm!


   Li reopened with a single wave of his hand, and the countless wooden swords prepared for the students on the ring moved freely and flew freely!


   If it is when the spiritual energy is cut off, even if it reaches the second state, it can't be so expressive.


  Because of lack of mental power, it is difficult to defend the sword.


  Only when the sword is combined with the rejuvenation of the aura, can it exert such an amazing effect.


   Tang Jingle looked at Teacher Li Zhongkai on the stage, feeling a little bit in his heart, because this was the realm he had reached!


   Countless students looked at the scene of Wan Jian coming together, and they were immediately excited, wanting to see what the triple realm behind them was like!


   Li reopened with a wave of his hand, and countless wooden swords returned to the original place.


   The first and second levels correspond to the two realms of white and blue respectively.


   The five levels of kendo are divided by sword skills.


After   , the division of the three realms began to be based on the heart, and it has a taste of the old version of the three realms of kendo.


   In fact, the first and second levels, strictly speaking, belong to oneself.


  Only when it reaches the third and fourth levels of purple and orange, can it be considered to have seen the world.

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