I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 178: [Kendo fifth! 】

"The third level of kendo means that you have reached the realm of your own. Everyone here has their own way to go." Li Zhongkai said softly.


   The students stared at Li Zhongkai intently at this time, for fear that they would miss those details. Their instinct tells them that the next content is rarely touched.


   The first two realms can still be interpreted by a teacher. At this stage, it may be difficult to have a teacher.


   Even Liu Jianbo, Gu Chengyu and others became serious.


   Gu Chengyu’s sword has already found its own kendo from a technical perspective.


   But his state of mind does not match the strength of his kendo, because he has been very strong since he was a child, and no one can teach him.


   Until just now, I could not step into the realm of seeing the world.


   However, Liu Jianbo and Tang Jingle are just the opposite of Gu Chengyu. They have been beaten up, and they have already restrained their temperaments.


   Tang Jingle was beaten so early, he almost didn't believe his own way, and he almost never saw "self".


   Liu Jianbo has long been in the process of pursuing kendo, step by step, although his talent is average, but his steps are steady. While firmly believing in his own kendo, I have also seen more kendo in this world.


   can be regarded as having seen myself, and also seen the world.


   is also because of this, he was able to see at a glance the malpractice of Gu Chengyu's mentality.


   It was a pity that he was bound by his talent, and Gu Chengyu's sword skills were overtaken step by step in the battle.


   This also shows that although Gu Chengyu and Liu Jianbo are both in the third realm now, it is a sure thing for Gu Chengyu to reach the fourth realm, and the only difference is time.


   But what Liu Jianbo wants to perfect his Xiyan Kendo is his talent.


   Liu Jianbo is extremely energetic at this moment, and his talent can no longer make up for it, but if a teacher guides him, there may be a glimmer of hope to go further!


   "The third level of kendo, we already have the prototype of our own kendo. Not everyone can do it here. Talent, luck, perseverance, and teaching are indispensable."


After    finished speaking, Li Zhongkai slowly picked up his sword.


   Appropriately show the level of the following levels, which will also help students "see the world" later.


   is to make it difficult for them to "see themselves".


   But it doesn't break or stand. If you lose the courage to see more of the world, it will be difficult to make progress anymore.


   The students were stunned. They seemed to see someone behind Li Zhongkai.


   a lonely and independent person.


   Like Li reopened? No, it should be like Gu Chengyu!


   Gu Chengyu stared at Li Zhongkai blankly.


  This is... "My Way"?


   But even he has never seen the back of "Wo Dao". How did Teacher Li Zhongkai show it?


   Even though he was explaining to everyone, Li Zhongkai did not miss the opportunity to teach Gu Chengyu.


   Meng Hui understood the meaning of Li Zhongkai in an instant. He was also a teacher, and Li Zhongkai's guidance of the way by himself really amazed him.


   But he also... can't learn...


   Meng Hui piled up a wry smile. The previous aura of Wuhen stretching, if he shamelessly asked Li Zhongkai about the essence in private, he might be able to learn it.


   As for the subsequent spatial replacement, Meng Hui guessed that this involved the spatial avenue, and of course it was a selective ignorance.


   Kendo is different. Everyone can learn kendo, and Meng Hui also understands kendo. After all, he is a rare almighty teacher.


   He knows a little bit about formation, alchemy, and kendo, and he can use it for teaching.


   But just because he understood, he understood how difficult it is to set goals for his students in such a relaxed way as Li Chongkai.




   Meng Hui thought of a possibility...


   Maybe Li Zhongkai's kendo level has already entered the fifth level!


   As everyone watched, the phantom behind Li Zhongkai became more and more condensed! People can almost clearly feel the sword theory contained in it.

   Kendo is my way!


   I am the answer to Kendo!


   That arrogance and loneliness is deeply impressed in everyone's heart.


   But then there was another change. People seemed to see the mountains, and they saw the only white snow on the mountains.


   The figure stands on the top of the mountain, and it feels like a bit cold from the heights.


   Even so aloof, still retain respect at the deepest level.


  Respect for oneself, respect for enemies, respect for heaven and earth.


   This pure heart is as precious as snow lotus on the mountain.


   "This is the fourth level of kendo. Our Dao has come to an end." Li Zhongkai took a sword flower in his hand, and the image behind him disappeared.


  In fact, the image has never really appeared in people's eyes.


   Swordsman’s sword can speak.


   This is to convey one's own thoughts with a pure sword, and direct this thought to the other's heart.


   I saw it in my heart, and I saw it naturally in my eyes.


   The students under the stage watched this scene silently, and their hearts were shocked.


   They all looked thoughtful at the moment, as if they had been stuffed with a lot of knowledge in their minds, and each felt that they had realized a lot.


   I want to say a lot, but I don’t know where to start.


   An unspeakable feeling rushed to their hearts, and they all couldn't wait to pick up their swords to confirm what they were thinking.


   Tang Jingle closed his eyes and carefully experienced the sword theory he had just seen.


   He has already seen himself, this time he has seen heaven and earth.


  Although there is still a long way to go, Tang Jingle believes that all this will be a matter of course.


   He opened his eyes and slowly looked at Gu Chengyu who was sitting there, "Is this the way you understand the sword?"


   I will surpass you! Tang Jingle thought in her heart.


   The road I understand must go further than you!


   Gu's idiom has gained the most. He feels that his sword path has gone a lot further.




   "As long as it is not the way I walked out of, it is not my way!"


   He forced himself to forget what he had just seen and the sword theory he had remembered.


   Even though Gu Chengyu knows that if he walks slowly, he must be the end of his kendo! And accurate!


   But he has not personally set foot on the back road~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is definitely not the shortcut he wants!


   Li Zhongkai quietly looked at Gu Chengyu. This demonstration of the realm of kendo has a big part for Gu Chengyu.


   And Gu Chengyu's reaction did not disappoint him.


   did follow this path, it was correct, but the upper limit was also locked.


   Li Chongkai hopes that his students will be more advanced than him in another world! That's why Li Zhongkai deliberately showed "My Way." He knows Gu Chengyu's temper, and Gu Chengyu will surely walk it again on his own feet!


   With this trip, there are many more possibilities.


   Li reopened and struck the ring with a sword, making a harsh sound, drawing everyone's attention again.


   "The realm of kendo has been explained almost, in fact, when practicing swords, we only need to concentrate on practicing swords. These realms are only artificially planned and don't need to be overly concerned!"


   "Blindly pursuing the improvement of realm has fallen into the inferior!"


   Li reopened and glanced around, "Then, let me talk about the actual kendo combat--"




   A voice interrupted him, and that was what Liu Jianbo said.


   "Let me see the fifth heavy kendo!"


   His eyes contain unprecedented desire and seriousness!

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