I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 179: [See me like a mountain! 】

The students were in an uproar!


   Before Meng Hui had been calling teacher Li Zhongkai, everyone still understood.


   After all, Mr. Meng Hui’s admiration for Li Zhongkai is almost visible to the naked eye, and he helped Mr. Li Zhongkai to order his name in advance and plan his seat.


   This kind of teacher's name is more like a respect for character.


   But at the moment when Mr. Liu Jianbo said it, the effect was completely different!


  Because this means that it is completely out of recognition and conviction of strength!


   "Let me see the fifth heavy kendo!" Liu Jianbo looked at Li Zhongkai eagerly. He had studied swords all his life, and his desire for swords almost surpassed everything.


   Li Zhongkai looked at him quietly, but did not respond.


   just said faintly: "I have never seen any sentient beings..."


   He lied silently.


   But this is also the truth.


   Because he thinks he can still improve.


  Seeing that I am the first and second place!


  Seeing that the world is the third and the fourth!


   Then... how about seeing sentient beings?


   The fifth level?


Do not! Li Zhongkai thinks there is more!


   The sixth level that no one knows is the real seeing all beings!


   Li reopened at the moment above the fifth level. After the tsunami, he seemed to have seen all beings!


   But it is still one step away, and it should be considered as the sixth half step at the moment!


   The skill of kendo is different from other skills. It was Li Zhongkai himself who practiced hard by himself in the dungeon of another world.


   It is precisely because of this that Li Zhongkai feels that he has not come to an end yet!


   My sword has already seen sentient beings, but people have not yet seen sentient beings.


  Although for others, Li Zhongkai has already embarked on an unprecedented path! Ordinary people stopped at the fourth stage, but Li Zhongkai insisted on reaching the sixth stage!


   Liu Jianbo was stunned when he heard Li Zhongkai's denial.


  He doesn't believe it!


   He doesn't believe that Li reopened and didn't reach the fifth epee kendo!


   He must see the fifth epee kendo today!


   Li Zhongkai did not respond directly to Liu Jianbo, but turned around and continued: "Then let's talk about an advanced practical course!"


"Jingle Bell!!!"


get out of class has ended!


   This is the mechanism after elective courses have been added, and classes were not dismissed originally.


  Because the teachers need to stagger the time as much as possible.


   That's why there is a mechanism for starting and ending classes.


   happened to be stuck at the uncomfortable point. After seeing the fourth orange kendo, the students felt indescribable, and it was the time when they needed to draw their swords in actual combat!


   I didn't expect get out of class to end at this time!


   This is the first time that classmates hate the time for get out of class so much!


   "It seems that the actual combat part will not be discussed until tomorrow!" Li Zhongka nodded noncommittal.


   got up and pointed the sword at the wall that was replaced by the space before!


   "Space replacement!"


  The classroom has been restored to its original state once again. Although I have seen it twice, the shock in the students' hearts is still undiminished!


   "Oh, I can only wait for tomorrow."


   "Too short, too short!"


   The students sighed and packed their things, preparing to rush to the next class.


   Liu Jianbo stood there for a long time without regaining his senses, staring blankly at the wall replaced by space, not knowing what he was thinking.


   then suddenly passed God, got up and flew to one place!




   "Teacher Liu Jianbo, why are you coming with me?" Li Zhongkai looked at Liu Jianbo helplessly.


   Just now, Liu Jianbo flew over violently and stayed close to him.


   "Show me the scenery of the fifth epee kendo!"


   Liu Jianbo said he didn’t leave, he had to look at the fifth one!


   "Please! Just let me see the world, okay?" Liu Jianbo even pleaded.


   Li reopened and gradually became serious.


   It is not that he is unwilling to show, but that the price may be unbearable for Liu Jianbo.

  See the world?


   Li reopened and sighed.


   It’s easy to see the world, but it’s hard to see me!


No matter   !


   "I hope you don't regret..."


   Liu Jianbo nodded hurriedly.




   Only the sword is left in his eyes!




   People look at Mount Tai from fifty miles away and feel that Mount Tai is not high!


   I only think that the world is much taller than him! But when you approach it step by step, it will gradually rise!


   When it is only five kilometers away, you will find that Mount Tai is really high!


   But when you unknowingly walk to the foot of Mount Tai! Mount Tai is already covered with clouds and the sun!


   You can only stand this mountain in your eyes!




   Tianshui City Spiritual Research Institute.


   Liu Jianbo squatted on the street corner of the school blankly.


   At this moment, there is no such thing as a fairy-style bones. People who pass by and see him only think that he is a tramp who has entered the school!


   Gu Chengyu and others have finished the formation class, because Xia Jie clamored to improve the quality of his formation. Talking about 2k upgrade 4k words.


   Everyone couldn't stand him, so they accompanied him to report for the formation class.


   It was that the formation class was not very pleasant, and the big guys were clamoring to let Teacher Wang Huihao show some tricks and space replacement.


   Teacher Wang Huihao is all numb.


   After class, Teacher Wang Huihao ran away in a hurry.


   "Is that Teacher Liu Jianbo?" Xiang Shuxiang's eyes were sharp, and he saw Liu Jianbo squatting on the side of the road.


   Everyone followed her gaze.


   The others are okay. Gu Chengyu's pupils shrank instantly!


   "His kendo...broken?"




How can it be?


   Everyone looked at Liu Jianbo incredulously.


   Gu Chengyu has such a violent mood swing for the first time in his life!


   Teacher Liu Jianbo’s Kendo was recognized by him!


   This is a kendo expert who has seen the world!


   Everyone hasn't reacted yet!


   Gu Chengyu rushed up!


   He held Liu Jianbo's shoulder, "Tell me, who did it?"


   Liu Jianbo raised his head, as if he could see Gu Chengyu clearly, his eyes gradually returned from dullness to clearness.


   "I...I saw..."


   "The fifth heavy kendo!"


   Gu Chengyu was shocked suddenly, "Did you go to Teacher Li Zhongkai?"


   Liu Jianbo was silent, just acquiescing.


   Everyone can't believe it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just glanced at Kendo, how could this be? We have seen the fourth epee kendo before! "


   Liu Jianbo raised his head fiercely, even a little crazy: "Of course you are not afraid!"


   "Because you never learned sword! You don't know him, and you are too far away from him."


   "But if you know him, understand him, and approach him, you will respect him like a god!"


   And the sword learner can't tolerate the gods.


   Especially sword learners who have gone out of their own way!


   Liu Jianbo is full of regrets at the moment, he is good because his kendo realm is too high, but it is also bad because his kendo realm is too high!


   The higher the kendo realm, the more Liu Jianbo will see!


   At that moment, he only felt that he was standing in front of an unattainable mountain!


Do not!


   is halfway through exhaustion! Only then did I realize that I was climbing only a 100-meter hill.


   Others have already stood on the top of the 10,000-meter mountain!


   He didn't give the climbers the desire to conquer, only made people feel extremely desperate!


   "I should listen to him." Liu Jianbo said blankly.


   "What are you talking about?" Gu Chengyu asked hurriedly.


   "You can see the world, don't see me."

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