I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 180: [Respect me as a god. 】

You can see the world, don't see me.


   What an arrogant sentence!


   But everyone was speechless at this time.


  Because the strong man in front of him who built the eighth basement and saw the realm of swordsmanship has already practiced it with behavior. This is not Kyogen, but advice.


   Gu Chengyu frowned tightly. When he put his hand on Liu Jianbo's body just now, he had already checked the details of Liu Jianbo's body.


   There are no external injuries, no internal injuries.


   really just took a look...


   Kendo's self-confidence is no longer at all. At this time, Liu Jianbo, let alone see the world.


   He can't even see himself.


   "What kind of sword is that?" Gu Chengyu put down the hand holding Liu Jianbo, lowered his head, and asked with a heavy heart.


   "Sword of all beings."


   Liu Jianbo raised his head and stared at Gu Chengyu carefully, then grinned: "Do you want to see too?"


   "No swordsman doesn't want to." Gu Chengyu said honestly.


   Liu Jianbo chuckled lightly, "That's what I said."


   It was because of the same curiosity that he got on his own kendo.


   "But." Liu Jianbo supported the ground with one hand and slowly stood up, "I can see, but you can't."


   "I have no hope of advancing in this life. Seeing the sword of sentient beings this time may be my opportunity to break through to the fourth heavy kendo."


   "But you can't." Liu Jianbo put his hand heavily on Gu Chengyu's shoulder, "You are not the same as me, you have a promising future, there is no need to bet on your own future!"


When    fought against Gu Chengyu before, Liu Jianbo had already discovered Gu Chengyu's amazing talent.


   Even though Gu Chengyu could only "see himself" at that time, the sword fight alone could already overwhelm Liu Jianbo.


   The only difference is the combination of Reiki and Kendo.


   There are also these two points that the realm of swordsmanship does not match his swordsmanship.


   But Liu Jianbo knew that once Gu Chengyu broke his vision and saw the world, there was a broad road waiting for him.


   Achieving the fourth realm is simply a matter of course.


   and just today! After seeing Tang Jingle's breakthrough, Gu Chengyu stepped into the world!


   Talent, perseverance, luck, teaching.


  Gu idiom now accounts for all four things!


   Such a proud genius, why bother like him!


   "Why can't I? I'm no different from you." Gu Chengyu retorted. "I really want to say that there is a difference, it is that you and I are different in kendo, we are all walking on our own pilgrimage road!"


   "A Pilgrimage?" Liu Jianbo gave a chuckle.


The word    is really appropriate when used to see Li Zhongkai.


   "That's good! I have a reason, your current level is not enough! So you can't meet!" Liu Jianbo pointed to Wen Chengjie and others.


   "The consequence of not having enough realm is that they are like this. Even if they saw the fourth realm of kendo this morning, they just feel a little bit of sentiment now, and they will never have as much experience as you and me!"


   Gu Chengyu has no words, because Liu Jianbo is right, and it is true.


  Because they didn't do this and didn't specialize in this field, they just thought: Oh, this looks pretty powerful, and it shocked me.


   But only those who are also deeply immersed in this field can know the meaning behind that amazing strength.


   Wen Chengjie and others are those who look at the mountain fifty miles away. They only think that the mountain is quite high, nothing more.


   "At that moment, it was as if a mountain climber was standing at the foot of the mountain. There is no sky in my eyes, only mountains." Liu Jianbo recalled the scene when Li reopened his sword and couldn't help shaking with excitement.

   Because at that time, Liu Jianbo only had that sword in his eyes!


   That sword is his heaven!


"You have just stepped into Jiantiandi now, and I have entered Jiantiandi for more than 30 years. Even if you want to bury your swordsmanship in a hurry, you must at least make his burial richer!" Liu Jianbo jumped out of his memory and tried to persuade him. Gu Chengyu.


   The higher the level of kendo, the closer to that mountain naturally.


   "But I can't wait thirty years." Gu Chengyu hesitated.


   "That's good! I have another reason! The mountain is not high enough now!"


   Hearing this, Gu Chengyu suddenly raised his head and looked at Liu Jianbo incredulously.


   The information revealed in his eyes seems to say: Are you all kendo broken? Is this mountain not high enough?


   Even Wen Chengjie, Xiang Shuxiang and others cast doubtful eyes on Liu Jianbo.


   I heard that Teacher Zhao Tenghe is the hardest mouth in school.


   seems to be a rumor.


   Teacher Liu Jianbo was broken in Kendo, and he was still stiff at the moment.


   Unexpectedly, Tianshui City College of Spirituality took up two things that were harder than the hardest magic weapon in the world-the Su-Zhansu Sword in the hands of Meng Master Jiang.


   One is a mouth, and the other is also a mouth.


   Liu Jianbo was blushed by the old face they looked at.


   "Where, he said it himself."


   Liu Jianbo coughed and imitated Li Zhongkai's speech: "My sword has seen sentient beings, but I have never seen sentient beings."


   It turned out to be like this.


   Gu Chengyu nodded slightly. It turned out that the mountain was not high enough, which meant that Li reopened his own way and had not finished it.


   "So you understand what I mean!" Liu Jianbo said solemnly, "After you have reached your own realm, and after Li reopened your realm, you can get a glimpse of the whole picture by seeing the sword of sentient beings again!"


   "In this state, although it is not looking at flowers in the mist, there is no need to spend your time!"


   Gu Chengyu was moved by some theory.


   "That's right! Teacher Jianbo makes sense! See you when your strength rises!"


   "Yes, yes, I may still be a bit haste now!"


After seeing Liu Jianbo’s tragic situation, the partners next to    were also persuading Gu Chengyu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ enough! "Gu Chengyu yelled, then slowly lowered his head: "I know you are all worried about me, but I am afraid..."


   "I am afraid that these reasons are just lying to myself, I am making excuses for myself!"


   "I'm afraid that if I don't see it now, I will not even dare to see it in the future!"


   "I am even more scared! I am afraid that I have not even seen the sword, so I already treat him like a **** like Teacher Liu Jianbo!"


   Everyone immediately looked at Liu Jianbo. Liu Jianbo was taken aback for a moment, and then he lowered his head in frustration.


   Because Gu Chengyu is right, Liu Jianbo has indeed respected Li and reopened as a god.


   Not only his sword, including his people!


   Liu Jianbo only needs to look at him, and awe and fear will unconsciously flow into his heart.


   "Maybe Mr. Jianbo, what you said is right, after you go to the teacher Li Zhongkai when the realm is up, the effect may be better!"


   Gu Chengyu slowly raised his head, "But this does not conflict with me looking for it now!"


   "I'm going to watch the sword now, and when Teacher Li Zhongkai finishes his way, I will go to watch the sword again! No one stipulates that you can only watch it once! If you watch the kendo break once, you need to practice again! It doesn't matter!"


   "I can watch it again!"


   "One time is not enough! Just two! Until you see death!"

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