I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 181: [Talents of Royal Beasts]

Liu Jianbo stared at the unwavering Gu Chengyu and couldn't help but fall in love.


   a long time.


   let out a melodious sigh: "Maybe it is my old man who was really scared."


   "I shouldn't stop the more courageous boy, go!"


   "Mr. Jianbo——" Several people on the side rushed to persuade him.


   There will be a three-house competition after half a month. If Gu Chengyu hasn't broken and stood still during this period, then he will be madly beaten in the competition!


   Gu Chengyu kept silent, and handed the textbook of the formation class to Wen Chengjie who was aside, and turned around to look for Li Zhongkai.


   "He won't agree!" Liu Jianbo shouted again.


   "But you can pretend to stick to him and not leave. You are straight-tempered, and he will believe it when you speak. Maybe it will be a starting point." Liu Jianbo waved his hand and signaled Gu Chengyu to disappear quickly.


   Gu Chengyu nodded heavily!


   then rushed to Li reopened the office without looking back!




   It didn’t take long...


   Gu Chengyu squatted down beside Liu Jianbo in despair.


   The two sat side by side.


   There is another man with a broken sword in this city.






   The students passionately discussed the division of kendo and the breakthrough of Tang Jingle's guidance on the spot.


   Don’t even know why, someone saw Gu Chengyu and Teacher Liu Jianbo squatting on the side of the college’s crossroad in despair.


   Teacher Liu Jianbo’s kendo student said immediately that Teacher Liu Jianbo had directly said in their small group that he could go directly to Li Zhongkai in class in the future.


   At first the students thought it was Teacher Liu Jianbo who was angry.


   have shown their loyalty!


   But after learning about it, I found that it was really impossible to teach!


   Teacher Liu Jianbo's Kendo is broken!


   Although the sword skills are still there, Jianxin has been lost...


   As for the reason for the broken kendo, there are also different opinions. The discussion about this has been going on for a long time, and even countless versions have been passed around!


   But the closest thing to the truth is that Teacher Li Zhongkai's Kendo has reached the fifth level of unprecedented kendo!


   Teacher Liu Jianbo fought with him for three hundred rounds, and the battle was dim!


   In the end, he was defeated by the fifth heavy kendo, which caused the sword's heart to be broken.


   Due to some dignity issues, when Mr. Liu Jianbo heard this version, he did not refute it interestingly, but tacitly defaulted to this version of the rumors.


   In fact, this rumor also has many loopholes, such as where is the dark scene? Why is Gu Chengyu also broken?


   Although there are various doubts, this does not prevent Li Zhongkai from being discussed in the college so much! This time the class was also considered an exceptional success, and Li reopened the scene for a while!


   And today, the teachers in the college were also indirectly tossed by Li Zhongkai!


   The teachers who had been tortured with pain masks by the students gathered together quietly and talked about today's experience.


   "I really don't know how to stretch without a trace, space is replaced! Who said that all teachers can! Actually said that there is a hand?" Formation teacher Wang Huihao slammed the table!


   In fact, this is not where Wang Huihao is most angry!


   The most annoying thing was that someone asked him whether the formation was divided into five realms, three realms, and so on.


   And some people will ask: "Teacher, have you reached the fifth realm of formation that has never been seen before?"


   After hearing Wang Huihao's denial, he immediately showed an expression of lack of interest.


   How did you ask this?


   This is like asking my economics teacher, why didn’t he earn more than 100 million yuan a year!


   Who the **** is rolling! There must be a traitor among our teachers!

   There is also Xia Jie, who has been asking him how to improve the touch and how to make the picture more real!


   Don’t think I don’t understand anything!


   Your purpose is already written on your face! You defiled the phantom array!


   "You're okay..." Zhao Tenghe also gave up his stiff mouth at this time.


   "I don't even have a student anymore, I am completely a polished commander!"


  His class schedule was this morning, and the students who came to the class can’t be said to be the same.


   This gave him a great blow to his teaching confidence!


   "Actually, I really want to say something terrible..." Zhong Yuanhong on the side opened his mouth. "Liu Jianbo is really miserable!"


  As soon as these words came out, the teachers kept silent about their experiences.


  Who can have teacher Liu Jianbo miserable?


   Not only does it have no students, but also puts his own kendo into it.


   Compared with him, what happened to other teachers is simply sprinkling water!


   And all this is because of that man!


   "So... they really fought for three hundred rounds?" Zhao Tenghe asked.


   Zhong Yuanhong chuckled lightly, "It's just the second you, my mouth is hard."


   "Eh eh, why did you poke me on!" Zhao Tenghe said helplessly, right?


   Talking and talking, the other teachers can't laugh.


   After all, there is such a king who is in the same room with them, it is really unbearable! Too much pressure!


   If you have been unlucky and hit the time with Li Zhongkai to start the class, then the teachers who hit the time with him will be too miserable!


   Everyone looked at each other and sighed together.




   That night.


   "The end of a pleasant day!"


   Li reopened and stretched happily, which formed an interesting contrast with the mood of other teachers today!


   The mobile phone on the bed shows today's news.


   "A large number of rioting animals have appeared in Lake Yongsen in the southeast. The specific cause is still under investigation."


   This is the Yongsen Lake Vein, one of the four spiritual veins, and the one closest to Tianshui City.


   Li reopened from time to time to check the anecdotes of the four spiritual veins as a pastime before going to bed.


   Today is pretty good. The only pity is that Gu Chengyu and Liu Jianbo didn't listen to his advice. They have to look at the fifth epee kendo.


   But maybe this is not a bad thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you can break your own mood later, they will definitely be stronger.


   Li Zhong smiled and shook his head, and then planned to relax and have a pleasant reopening.


  【The game is reopened! 】


  【Open ten consecutive draws! 】


   Li reopened as usual, removing all talents with obvious side effects.


   [Purple Talent] "Emperor Ha": The talent for beasts, free control of dogs and wolves.


   [White Talent] "Sleep until I wake up in the afternoon": Get enough sleep every day.


   [White Talent] "Pet Master": Your pet will not die accidentally.


   Royal beast?


   Li reopened, watching the news of Lake Nagasori on the phone, and gradually fell into contemplation.


   just worrying about what to teach tomorrow? Now it's settled.


After    made up his mind, Li Zhongkai immediately reopened, ready to win this talent.




   The next day.


   "Reopen senior, the dean is looking for you."


   Someone came over early in the morning and asked Li to reopen.


   Dean is looking for me? What can you do?


   Li Zhongkai rushed to the dean's room with doubts.

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