I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 182: 【Adjustment】

Dean indoor.


   When people were at a loss when they were young, they would usually sue their parents.


   I choose to sue the teacher after school.


   At present, the teachers who were forced to autism by Li Zhongkai chose to sue the dean.


   This is also the reason why Li Zhongkai was taken to the dean's room early in the morning.


   "Reopen, in order to prevent you from colliding time with other teachers, you have to take a day off." The dean looked at the mountains of complaints from teachers on the table, and pressed his eyebrows with a headache.


   It doesn't matter if Li reopened, "I don't really care... it's okay, but I didn't expect that I would cause so much trouble to other teachers."


   "Don't say that, being strong is not a fault." The dean comforted. "At least... the teachers don't actually hate you."


   Li reopened and pointed to the complaints piled up on the table, and even about to be squeezed from the table.


The meaning of    is obvious: Is this because you said that it is annoying?


   "Ahem!" The dean was also a little embarrassed, and quickly destroyed these things with aura, "In fact, this is not a conflict, the pressure of work and their personal preferences are still clearly separated."


   "Although there are a lot of complaints, many teachers are actually your fans."




   Li Zhong smiled and shook his head, then forget it. Then he got up and left.


   "Eh! Thank you!" the dean said sincerely.


   This is thanks to Li Zhongkai who stood up to protect the citizens of Tianshui City.


   Li reopened for a moment, "You are the first to say thank you."


   "It's okay." The dean waved his hand, "It's just time to take a break. You can go to the city to see it. It's normal to say thank you there."


   Li reopened and thought for a moment.


   Speaking of it... I seem to have been staying in school for half a month since I came to Tianshui City, and I haven't been out much.


   This time, I can just go shopping in the city.


   "Yes, just go out to relax. But thank you."


   "It's no need to avoid it, you are a hero in the first place."






   At the beginning of a new day, the students were still discussing yesterday's kendo class with enthusiasm. This enthusiasm has not waned, and it even intensified because of not being able to take Li Zhongkai's class today.


   "The teacher sent a schedule in the group, and I will take a short break today to adjust the class." Zichen's news is the best, and he immediately shared the news he saw in the group with everyone.


   Zhong Maomao was gloating, and the first time I saw Teacher Li Zhongkai, he would be forced to adjust the class. "You see, this time Teacher Li Zhongkai is too famous, so it's better to keep a low profile, just like me."


   "Yes, the energy-saving earth demon king. You are the lowest profile!" Xia Jie teased with the magic array on the paper.


  The nickname of energy conservation is because of the previous Inner Court Competition. In order to hide his strength, Zhong Maomao has always used a low-energy style of play, in order to use as little aura as possible to win.


   There is another person in this style, and that is Zichen.


   However, Zichen is the most efficient way to play by calculation, in order to solve the opponent faster. It is also nicknamed the high-efficiency two-week speed pass.


   "Teacher Li Zhongkai has no class today, why don't you go to your formation class, Xia Jie!" Zhong Maomao asked knowingly.


   "I was blacked out by teacher Wang Huihao, saying that I was too astringent and my mind was not right."


   Maybe because he was used to social death, Xia Jie's skin became thicker and thicker. He didn't care about things like this kind of pediatrics.


   Anyway, since Teacher Li Zhongkai and Class 7 went viral on the Internet.


Xia Jie has become an emoticon, and it is useless to maintain his image. The perverted character set has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


   He is also used to it, and he will probably die alone in his life.


   Others are actually similar. As the original seven-member team of the seventh class, it is still the champion team, and it must be studied!


  Especially after Teacher Li Zhongkai became popular, those online audiences and competitors in the academy are not fools.


   No matter how you hide your strength, everyone will see you.


   Except... Wen Chengjie.


  Because he has never shot.


   Wen Chengjie suddenly screamed: "Without Teacher Li Zhongkai's class, I'm going to die! I'm a real dish!"


  Wang Qisi suffocated a smile from the side, and began to tease Wen Chengjie: "Do you know what is the most painful? The most painful thing is not lack of talent."


   "It's just that you happen to have a little talent, and you can see the halls of true geniuses, but when you have to crawl through the door of the halls, there is a sentence inside: I am good food!"


  As soon as he said this, everyone burst into laughter.


  Only Wen Chengjie sat on the spot crying and sulking.


   Everyone cleverly used their own methods to alleviate the embarrassing situation that Gu Chengyu couldn't take the kendo class.


   Since Guanjian returned yesterday, Gu Chengyu has closed himself up and fell into a state similar to that of Teacher Liu Jianbo!


   Among the student generation, the strongest in kendo has actually become Tang Jingle.


   This wave of Tang Jingle may become the biggest winner.


   But I really want to talk about being at a loss because Li Zhongkai is not in class today, but it is actually Liu Jianbo and Meng Hui!


   Liu Jianbo's kendo was broken, and he was waiting for the class to ease his mind. He looked at Li reopened the mountain more often, and maybe after seeing the habit, the inner demon would be eliminated by himself.


   Meng Hui practiced hard for a night of non-mark stretching, read countless magical secrets, and found some tricks. He waited to ask Li Zhongkai for the tricks today! As a result, Li Zhongkai actually took a break.




   Tianshui City.


  People even discussed changing the name of the city.


  Because the word "tianshui" is too reminiscent of the terrifying tsunami incident.


   This is not to blame people for superstition, it is purely post-war ptsd, after seeing such a scene ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ no one does not suffer from the aftermath.


   all feel that they have lost their lives in vain


On the street, in order to commemorate the monks who fought against natural disasters, some simple statues-flames were also erected.


   Because no one can see Li Zhongkai's appearance, people only remember the monstrous flame and light.


   Although I later learned from the Internet that the owner of the flame is Li Zhongkai, there are still a few who have seen his appearance.


   Li reopened and strolled down the street, looking at the banners that were scraping around, a sense of shame suddenly surged.


  What a strange experience is that there are my own names all over the street.


   But... the dean didn't make a mistake. After I came to the city, I heard most of thanks.


   Not only thank Li Zhongkai, they even thank each other, because everyone has experienced the same disaster, so the per capita quality of the whole city has improved a lot, and they all cherish the current life.


   Having seen sentient beings, Li Zhongkai felt that this was also a kind of accumulation.


   "You are not Li Zhongkai at all! You are slanderous!"


   An angry rebuke came into Li Zhongkai's ears.


what's the situation? Someone fake my reputation?


   Li reopened and suddenly he felt better. Have fun, don’t you just find the door by yourself?

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