I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 184: [Bad luck and strong luck! 】

The user information of Gathering Array contains a lot of experience.


   And these experience are all accumulated after catching up with the good era of Reiki recovery.


   At that time, it was necessary to cultivate ordinary people to be extraordinary, and this kind of data was simply at your fingertips.


   But now it is difficult to apply.


  Xianmeng fears that the spirit will be cut off again, so it is impossible for a large-scale ordinary person to use the user experience data of the Spiritual Array.


  So...Professor Mo decided to do this.


   secretly came out to set up a stall and gave the newly improved portable spirit gathering array to thousands of households for free to obtain data to improve the new generation of spirit gathering array.


   is not considered a scam, after all, it is a chance for a family of ordinary people to get a spirit gathering formation.


   For nothing!


   That is, Professor Mo has a strong family background, and it's hard for others to do that.


   And it’s a violation anyway, it's better to implement it to the end!


  Professor Mo was thinking about putting on the huge gathering spirit formation before too!


   regards the portable gathering array as the aura nodes of the huge gathering array, and finally through these nodes, the entire Tianshui City is planned into a huge gathering array!


  Professor Mo was one of the reporters of the Truth Society.


   has never been a man of peace and security from the bottom of his heart.


   These things are against the rules, so naturally they have to be carried out quietly. Before coming to set up a stall here, Professor Mo was still thinking about it. I heard that Li Zhongkai is very popular here.


   I immediately made up my mind to borrow Li Zhongkai's image. He asked Li Zhongkai before he came, but he didn't seem to listen carefully, so he just agreed.


   By virtue of Li Zhongkai's reputation, he was fooled, not right! There are already many people willing to try it.


   The data of these numbers is enough to develop a new version of the Spirit Gathering Array, and it is not much different from the deployment in Tianshui City.


   Just as Professor Mo was happy, the silly boy in front of him came over...




   The quarrel between the two has also reached a certain point.


   "Hurry up, put all these things away, or I will call the police!" Lin Shanting shouted.


   "If you don't listen or listen, what you say is useless!"


   "Okay, that's what you said." Seeing that this liar was so rampant, Lin Shanting immediately started to help him clean up the stall!


  Professor Mo feels distressed all of a sudden!


   "Don't move, do you know how much this portable spiritual gathering array is? This is all made with my private money!"


   Of course the things were not damaged, and Lin Shanting didn't dare to damage it forcibly.


   just put these things out and reinstalled them in the trunk of Professor Mo's car.


   Lin Shan Ting moved by himself, and he didn't move at all. He believed that this was definitely a dead liar!


   He has seen a lot of liars like this!


   are all tricks and tricks in the name of Reiki! He has been here for a while!


   Half a month ago, there was a group of crooks from the Truth Society who wanted to trick him into the group. Can he be fooled? Reported backhand to them all!


   And Lin Shanting always feels that he doesn't know why, this old man talks to the Truth Association group.


  Professor Mo was distressed watching from the sidelines, and it was okay for Lin Shanting to clean up, but he placed it carefully on weekdays, and this product was too rough.


   It's just that after all he is doing something that the Immortal League does not allow, and he still feels a little guilty in his heart, feeling that he is morally untenable.


   did not dare to step forward to stop.


   had to send a message to Wen Chengjie, asking him to help him.




   Just when Lin Shanting started, Li Zhongkai, who was watching the show and eating melons, finally noticed something was wrong.


   He had been observing Lin Shanting's bad luck just now, but he hadn't noticed the flow of the other people's fortunes.

   Now all the luck around them is converging on the two of them!


   Just like the yin and yang of Tai Chi, the fortunes of the two people begin to condense!


   Good luck gradually concentrated on Li Zhongkai, and bad luck gradually concentrated on Lin Shanting.


   Fortune began to form an ingenious Tai Chi diagram here!


   Li reopened in shock and looked at the direction of fortune in front of him. This was the first time he had seen such a sight.


   The luck of the people eating melons around has disappeared, no! It should be said that they were taken away by the luck of the two of them!


   The luck of the two formed a delicate balance in an invisible place.


   "Is this the fetter of fortune and bad luck?"


   Li Zhongkai wanted to step forward to take Professor Mo back, but the unknown situation at the moment made him a little at a loss.


  Once he leaves, the good luck will be taken away by him. A lot of bad luck is piled up in this urban area. The ghost knows what will happen!


   And at the moment Li reopened feeling that even if he didn't leave, Lin Shanting had left. It may not be a good result.


   This balance cannot be easily broken!


   "Professor Mo! I skipped class to help you!" Wen Chengjie hadn't arrived, so the voice came first!


   Wen Chengjie, another "Fortune One"!


   Professor Mo sent him a message just now, and asked him to come here for help! These two people have been together for the past two days, and they got together very well, and they almost became a year-end friendship!


  Wen Chengjie is also an immortal cultivator anyway, and it won't take long for him to walk this distance, so he hurried over!


   Li reopened hearing his voice and turned his head sharply.




   Once Wen Chengjie comes over, this air luck balance will definitely be broken!


   "Don't come here!"


   Wen Chengjie was taken aback, why did he hear Teacher Li Zhongkai's voice the first time he skipped class?


   looked around but didn't find Li Zhongkai's figure.


   It's probably a guilty conscience, I'm hearing a hallucination! Wen Chengjie thought to himself, and then he squeezed into the crowd!




   Li reopened, feeling bad!


  As expected, luck started to flow wildly! The situation is changing!


   The white luck overwhelmed the black luck instantly!


   The Tai Chi diagram, which was originally maintained in a delicate balance, instantly became unbalanced due to the addition of another "strong fortune"!


   The ordinary people around are still eating melons with a smile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In their eyes, this is a quarrel between a young man and an old man at the stall, just look at the excitement.


   But in Li Zhongkai's eyes, this is a battle between fortunes!


   The black fortune was stalemate for a while, and it was defeated in front of the two fortunes!




   Wen Chengjie and Lin Shanting also seemed to sense something, and looked up slightly.


   Lin Shan Ting’s stunned one, accidentally touched the enlarged potion sprinkled with huge mushrooms, and poured all of it on the aura plate of the portable gathering spirit formation!


   Li reopened to see it really!


   White luck entangled Lin Shanting, causing him to knock down the potion.


   Li Zhongkai is also at a point where luck is intertwined, and he dare not act rashly.


   "Oh! No, no, no, oh, okay, okay!"


   Seeing the potion poured on the formation, Professor Mo was so scared that his heart was about to come out in an instant!


   He did a few layers of leakage treatment. It stands to reason that the phenomenon of liquid leakage is close to zero!


   But it’s okay, it’s okay! The Spirit Gathering Array did not become huge because of the potion, Professor Mo breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest.


   But he clearly remembered that he didn't put the potion in the trunk?

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