I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 184: [1 All accidents are inevitable! 】

Professor Mo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.


   Although I don't know how the potion was mixed in, but fortunately, the worst result did not happen.


   Although Professor Mo’s purpose this time was to deploy a huge spirit gathering formation in Tianshui City, it was just a concept after all, and the chance of success was not high.


   And the success of the experiment is completely different from the result caused by the accident.


   If you let Professor Mo do it yourself, then the speed of the Spirit Gathering Array can be adjusted slowly.


   The immortal alliance can't find it even at a slow rate, and Professor Mo can also obtain a lot of data, and the chances of the people of Tianshui city being born extraordinary are even higher. Li Zhongkai's Spirit Gathering Array can also be more stable due to massive data experiments.


   It can be said that everyone won the hemp!


   But if all the more than a hundred portable spiritual arrays are enlarged in an instant!


   No one controls it, and Professor Mo doesn't know what it will become.


   But fortunately, this probability is inherently small!


  Professor Mo has only tried more than 1,300 times, but in these 1,300 times, only less than three times have successfully enlarged the Spirit Gathering Array.


   "Wen Chengjie, quickly pull this outsider away!" Professor Mo hurriedly beckoned to Wen Chengjie.


   "Oh oh!" Wen Chengjie nodded stupidly.


   Lin Shanting suddenly raised his head when he heard the name Wen Chengjie, "Are you Wen Chengjie?"


   He carefully looked at the appearance of Chengjie, really! It's exactly the same as the inner courtyard!


   "So, these things are genuine?" Lin Shanting looked at the portable formation in his hand in surprise, suddenly feeling incredulous.


  Professor Mo saw that his identity was exposed, and he didn't explain much. He just hurriedly asked Wen Chengjie to clean up with him.


   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I thought you were a liar." Lin Shanting immediately put down the main board-like formation in his hand carefully.


   As soon as these words came out, the surrounding crowd became excited, and they thought this was an old liar.


   Didn’t expect this to be true?


   "Is this the welfare of the Fairy League?"


   "Wait, the formation is real?"


   The crowd onlookers immediately stared at the formation in their hands.


   "Eh eh, wait! Don't send it today, and send it tomorrow! Send it tomorrow! There is a problem with this batch!" Professor Mo immediately explained that the situation was wrong.


   Li reopened and stood there without saying a word!


   cold sweat squeezed out of his forehead!


  He is frantically trying to control the riot of luck! Just now the formation did not become huge by coincidence, it was his credit.


   Although the rest is good luck! But Li Zhongkai’s monks instinctively told him that extreme luck is not necessarily a good thing!


   He just discovered that Lin Shanting's talent is actually very high, but the other party did not join the academy.


   This shows that maybe during the test, the opponent had the same small probability event as Wen Chengjie, and changed his original talent value.


   The one who has bad luck has the best talent!


   The one who has good luck, but the talent is mediocre.


   This gave Li Zhongkai some ideas.


   But now, the flow of fortune is no longer for him, and ordinary people have begun to have their own ideas, they want to fight for the formation over there!


   "Do you understand? He might not come tomorrow!"


   "You won't take it? Then I can take it?"


   "If you don't take it again, it will be too late!"


   Wen Chengjie didn't dare to attack ordinary people, he could only be pushed by the crowd, guarding the portable formation in his hand.


   The formation on his hand kept shining while pushing.


   It's over!


   Li reopened and closed his eyes.


   This series of accidents is hard for him to stop!


  A huge beam of light rises into the sky!


   A formation instantly enveloped everyone present!


"what is this?"


   "Magic circle?"

   hasn't waited for everyone to react!


   The second formation is instantly opened! Followed by the third! Fourth way! Fifth way!


   Like toppling dominoes, all huge formations are activated one after another!


   Looking from the outside of Tianshui City, Tianshui City at this moment is like being shrouded by hundreds of magic circles!


   The formation of Tianshui City Spirituality Academy also immediately aroused a reaction! Respond to those hundreds of great formations! The great formation of this college instantly became the biggest node!


   And the formations that were sent out by Professor Mo before have also shone brightly, becoming small nodes!


   The formation of the entire city is solidified and indestructible!


   "Broken! Broken! Now Tianshui City has really become a fairy city..."


   Seeing the grand occasion in front of him, Professor Mo murmured.




   This city is full of energy because Li Zhongkai stayed here for half a month!


   At this moment, there are hundreds of formations blessings, and the aura content is simply terrifying!


Dean chamber.


Dean    carefully checked the schedule, he must think of a reasonable schedule for Li Zhongkai.


   Suddenly, his face changed, and he flew out of the window!


  The same goes for other teachers!


   I was sighing for the happiness of staggering the time to teach with Li Zhongkai. Although the students couldn't help comparing them with Li Zhongkai, the situation is much better than before!


   The teachers all expressed their satisfaction!


   But all of a sudden, everyone felt a great change in aura!


The aura content around    is increasing at a terrifying rate!


   All the teachers flew out of school immediately!


   Several people suddenly met in the sky above the school!


   Everyone looked at the hundreds of large arrays in front of them, speechless!


   "Impossible!" Wang Huihao shouted in disbelief, "So many big formations! How much resources does this consume?"


   "How could this happen!"


   The other teachers knew the meaning of this, and they frowned.


   "Who did this on earth?"


   "Could it be that the Truth Association hasn't been wiped out yet?"


   "It's really evil, this hasn't stopped recently! How many days have passed since the tsunami disaster?"


   The teachers looked at the formation in front of them, but they didn't even know how to start.


   They don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing!


   Li reopened for a while and couldn't tell whether the sudden increase in Reiki concentration was good or bad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I decided to wait and see the situation first.


   If the result is bad, then reopen!


   If it is good, then endure it.




   is in a corner that no one can see.


   Most of the spiritual animals in this city began to breathe aura of self-help.


   Their instincts are far stronger than human beings. Although the efficiency is not as good as that of humans, they are better than their high instincts and talents!


   The most intelligent creatures in the city except humans.


   Probably only cats, dogs and mice have the most number!


  Especially cats and dogs, their wisdom is not low, plus they have wild instincts that humans don’t have.


   Numerous stray cats and dogs began to inexplicably start the road to immortality in this city.




   An Erha is standing on top of the trash can! Its eyes are full of wisdom!


   Countless cats and dogs gathered here.


  Because this Erha was the first to give birth to spiritual wisdom among all beasts, he even gave birth to spiritual wisdom in the first aura burst some time ago.


   The tsunami not long ago was also the wandering beasts of the city he protects.


   "Wow! (I will be crowned king, I am Emperor Ha!

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