I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 190: 【Wang Wang team made great contributions (middle)】

Chang'an Avenue.




   A white light flashed, and the road was cleared instantly.


   "Three people were trapped in the car, and twenty-seven in the store." Bai Shuikai said to Tang Jingle beside him. Those narrow places are not suitable for his abilities, and he can only meet Tang Jingle who can meet Yujian.




   Tang Jingle closed his eyes and carefully sensed everyone's position.


bring it on!


   You can, Tang Jingle!


   I will give you sword spirits!


  Everything is my sword!


   The car suddenly began to vibrate! The vendors' steel plaques also began to distort. Cracks suddenly appeared in the roots of the giant tree that had engulfed the car! It seems to be hurt by the sword qi! The plaque also slammed deep into the store!


   Wherever you go, the trees are broken!


   "Huh! I can finally see the light! I'm almost suffocated inside." The door was finally able to open, and a person slammed out of it.


   He was taking a nap in the car. He never thought that when he woke up, the car had been crushed underneath by the huge tree roots. It was airtight and almost suffocated to death.


   There are many more people like him!


   There are still some people on the street where the green plants in their homes grow too fast, and they have a considerable degree of hardness, and suddenly some people who have not reacted are blocked in buildings or cars.


   is a pedestrian on the contrary, as long as you are not blind, it is nothing, unless you have bad luck and you encounter some trees that have given birth to a little consciousness.


   "It's amazing!" The firefighter said enviously beside him. He is the captain responsible for leading the team.


   In this operation, one professional for every ten students is responsible for guiding teaching rescue.


   These children get started quickly, and they have soon mastered the essentials of rescue, and with their powerful strength, the rescue speed is unimaginable.


   "You are now heroes!" The captain exclaimed.


   Bai Shuikai hesitated for a moment, and said, "No, we are just born, we can't bear the title of hero."


   Captain smiled and shook his head, saying nothing.


"Jingle Bell!"


   Tang Jingle saw the name on the communicator and immediately connected.


   "Hello, Gu Chengyu?"


"Where are you now?"


   Tang Jingle glanced at the street sign: "I was assigned to Chang'an Avenue, how about you?"


   "Don't talk nonsense, and leave there with ordinary people!"


   This was what Gu Chengyu told him. Although Tang Jingle didn't know the reason, he still believed in Gu Chengyu unconditionally.


   "Captain, let's leave here with all ordinary people!"


   The captain is also experienced, "Is something going to happen here?"


   "Probably so!"




  The underground of Chang'an Avenue.


   A huge octopus twists its body!


   Several humans were hung in the air by him.


   "Brother, we have found what you want for you, let us go!" The vendor glanced at the octopus in horror. He didn't expect the other party to be so smart.


   Even all the beasts caught before are inferior to him.


   The beasts that have been strengthened by the aura are roughly divided into several categories. The first category is barely strengthened by the aura. There are changes, but the changes are limited. The second category is that the changes are very obvious, including body shape, shape, and the three beasts of the Jinshan Building are all at this stage.


   By the time the second category is reached, ordinary people are already difficult to control, and can only choose weapons and military suppression.


   The third stage has reached the kind of Emperor Ha. He has his own way of thinking and is strong.


   But this is the original Reiki recovery segment. The Reiki content has increased in the last month, and the number of the first and second types has increased significantly.

   And today’s aura is skyrocketing! Even more so almost all spirit beasts have improved a lot!


  , like a very talented dog like Emperor Ha, has reached the third stage as early as the initial aura recovery.


One month after   , the aura's rise has continued to accumulate, and today the aura's soaring, the strength of Emperor Ha can be said to have made the most progress.


   is also the increase in strength, which strengthened Emperor Ha's awakening of the king today, but unfortunately, the dog's wish was not fulfilled, and the title of the dog king has changed hands.


   The vendor is still watching the octopus nervously.


   The octopus does not need to turn his head. There is almost no blind spot in his perspective. The vendors know that the other party is paying attention to them at this time.


   Underground at this moment, all the cages have already been opened, and countless beasts are crawling on the ground.


   These are all slightly unusual beasts that the vendors had collected before.


   At this time, under the nourishment of spiritual energy, many beasts have become much smarter, like the giant snakes and tigers before, there are many here.


   There are even many spirit beasts that have entered the third stage under the nourishment of this spiritual energy.


   But they are still crawling on the ground, with traces of being tightened by tentacles.


   Obviously, this giant octopus is now the king of underground beasts.


   "My lord, we have found the mushroom you were looking for! Can you let us live?" The vendor was hung in the air, trying to save his life with words.


   He knew that this octopus understood.


   said that the mushroom was collected at a high price when the group of dragons without the leader of the Truth Association here was taken over.


   I heard that this thing is also related to huge cockroaches.


   Although cockroaches are not very popular with people, they are quite curious. Vendors are also experts in collecting creatures, so naturally they won’t let go of the opportunity to buy them.


   It's a pity that mushrooms are too expensive, and it took a few days to buy them at a high price.


   I haven't been ruthless to use it, and I still think that someone might want to study this thing, and then I can change hands.


   Now he gave this smelly octopus cheaply.


   As soon as he thought of this in his heart, the tentacles on his body tightened fiercely!


   "Ah! I didn't say anything!"




   Countless bright red splashes on another vendor beside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ah! "


   He paled with fright, his jaw was trembling, and he closed his mouth vigorously! He didn't dare to make a sound, and closed his eyes tightly not to look at the froth on the other tentacle.




   A mouse sneaked in along the sewer, carrying a green medicine jar on its back.


   Even when its aura is skyrocketing, it barely reached a stage, and before today, it was just an ordinary mouse.


   The octopus looked at the potion bottle on the mouse in surprise, and put it together with the collected mushrooms with its tentacles.


   This potion is just a huge potion developed by Professor Mo!


   At that time, under the push of the masses, not only the formation became huge, but as Lin Shanting regained bad luck, the remaining half bottle of potion was kicked into the sewer by the panicked people.


   Octopus doesn't care who researched this, it only knows that it is a good thing.


   The mouse is not smart enough to realize what he has brought to the king.


   Several other spirit beasts that had clearly awakened their minds suddenly looked at the mushrooms and potions greedily.




   The tentacles hit them immediately!


   Octopus no longer hesitated, and mixed the potion and mushrooms into his mouthparts!

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