I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 191: 【Wang Wang team made great contributions (Part 2)】



  The ground of Chang'an Avenue suddenly started a riot!


   Tang Jingle watched the movement from a distance, and suddenly couldn't help swallowing.


   Fortunately, after listening to Gu Chengyu's words before, he has almost saved the people over there!


   Otherwise, I'm afraid it is...


   "Have everyone moved out?" Gu Chengyu's voice came from behind him.


  Think of Cao Cao, and Gu Chengyu is here.


   "Well, don't worry." Tang Jingle turned around and said hello. Glancing at the group of seven in Class 7, "Is all the areas on your side finished?"


   Gu Chengyu didn't speak, but just nodded.


   then set his eyes on the trembling ground.


   "What is that? Where did you get the information?"


   "Spirit Beast. Jinshan Building."


   Tang Jingle suddenly got a headache, this Gu Chengyu is too difficult to communicate. But he really wanted to say a few more words with Gu Chengyu.


   "Speaking of which, I haven't seen a spirit beast yet? What does it look like?"




   Gu Chengyu didn't speak, but looked at the underground over there guardedly. He had a hunch that this would not be an ordinary spirit beast.


   Tang Jing was happy to see that Gu Chengyu hadn't spoken for a long time, so he said to himself: "However, I guess based on the score information this time."


   "The score for killing spirit beasts hasn't saved the citizens is high, presumably it shouldn't be very strong."


   "Even if it is strong, how strong can it be? We are now people who have seen the world, and we have never seen anything!"


   Tang Jingle chuckled lightly, trying to get close to Gu Chengyu, but seeing Gu Chengyu's expression more solemn than ever.


   What is this expression?


   When you hit me, you weren’t so serious?


   Tang Jingle was a little angry, and followed Gu Chengyu's eyes and looked over.




   His eyes widened instantly!


   Countless huge tentacles pulled the landmark buildings of Tianshui City up from the ground!


   "Fuck! What is Gatanjae!"


   "Aren't we cultivating immortals? Is it too late for me to join the Kingdom of Light?"


   "This is the spirit beast?! Is such a big one worth one point?"


  Countless students who are saving citizens have seen the huge tentacles rising from the city center!


   Tang Jingle looked at Gu Chengyu in horror, "This is what we have to deal with??"


Zi Chen beside    is much calmer than Tang Jingle, "You are preconceived, body shape does not represent strength, there is no need to be so scared!"


  The students have only seen the pictures of the teachers "difficultly" defeating the giant cockroaches on their mobile phones.


   Naturally preconceived that big body is strong!


   Body size will indeed greatly increase their strength, but they are no longer mortals. Now, some ordinary giant beasts can be dealt with!


   "You're right, I'm blind!" Tang Jingle also slowed down, thinking clearly.


   "Just think clearly! Let's withdraw!" Zi Chen nodded, and said straight away.


   "Well, okay, I'm going to... huh?! Withdraw?"


   Tang Jingle looked at Zichen, why is your seventh class so weird?


   As soon as he said that he could go up, he was asked to withdraw.


   Zi Chen sighed helplessly, as if looking at a fool: "Yes, we are talking about hard power in the battle of immortality, and size does not represent strength, but you look at the realm of others!"


   Tang Jingle turned to look at the octopus.


   "But I can't see through?"


   "It's right if you can't see through! Why don't you run if you can't see through?"


   Zichen and others took Bai Shui Kai and Tang Jingle and ran towards the school.


   The octopus, like Emperor Ha, entered the third stage as early as the initial aura recovery, and now it is the first stage of foundation building!


   Plus mushrooms and potions have a magical boost to spirit beasts!


   At this time, the expressive power of "Gatanjae" can be said to be extremely exaggerated!

   And there are a lot of giant spirit beasts that drill out along the tentacles of "Gatanjee", countless giant snakes drilled out from the ground along the gap!


   huge lion! Twisted mouse! Countless animals collected by black-hearted vendors have burrowed out of the ground!


   Give back to the city the abuse by the vendors!


   "You run away! After we break!"


   Seven little ones only saw countless spirit beasts crawling out, and they couldn't hide. There were still many citizens who had not had time to evacuate. They had to attract the attention of these spirit beasts.


   Gu Chengyu cut a crocodile in half with a single sword, and then flew a giant snake for Tang Jingle!


   "No! The quantity is too much!" Tang Jingle gasped for breath, his sword consumed too much.


   Although these spirit beasts are not difficult to deal with, they are far more numerous than he thought!


   And the fighting instinct of the beasts is obviously better than them!


   Gu Chengyu has no words, but some self-blame.


   The boss may not lie to him, but the information he said is obviously wrong!


   There are more than one or two hundred here!




a lot of!


   Gu Chengyu even saw with sharp eyes that many spirit beasts came from other places!


   "Are they the same as the three before, were they sold?"


   These spirit beasts have different strengths!


   makes Qixiaozai especially uncomfortable!


  Some spirit beasts are very weak, and at first glance they have just been protected by spirit energy! Some spirit beasts are very strong, strong in vitality, and even carry deadly venom.


   One strong and one weak makes it hard to defend. You hit the weak with all your strength, and it's in vain. If you don't fight with all your strength, those strong ones won't be killed!


   "They are consuming us!"


   Tang Jingle barely held up his spirits. Today, he has been busy saving people for a whole day, and now there is really not much remaining aura.


   "I see it!"


   Zhong Maomao slammed the clod to the beast, but was directly avoided by the keenly aware them!


   "Damn, why didn't I find that my attack speed was so slow before!" Zhong Maomao was annoyed by a few giant pythons playing between his palms!


   I had previously fought with him as a rookie. I had never fought with this beast before, and my weaknesses were immediately exposed.


   More than power, not enough attack speed.


   "We won't explain here, will we?"


   Xia Jie's face was distressed, and his phantom array was completely useless.


   These spirit beasts seem to eat without relying on their eyes. His deception and other five senses can't be practiced at home, and these spirit beasts don't eat him at all. It can only be output on paper.


   "I'll explain it! Anyway, I have seen the real scenery of Kendo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gu Chengyu smiled freely.


   The backhand is another sword, no slashing!


   A giant mouse with an ordinary surface, but there is a cunning light in its eyes.


   I've been in ambush for a long time!




   Gu Chengyu sighed uncomfortably. Just now I thought it was just an ordinary spirit beast, and its effort was small!




   A figure swooped at the giant mouse!


   "Boom boom!"


  Countless beasts rushed over from afar!


   "It's over, we are really over!" Xia Jie's entire face collapsed.


   Everyone knows that these things are not the same as them.


   "No, we are saved!" Gu Chengyu saw clearly the spirit beast that had just saved him.






   "Wang! (Tianshui City! Your king is back!


   A loud bark echoed in the square!


   There was a loud bang! The King of Dogs is here!


   "I know that riding a dog is not so cool."


   Li reopened silently from Emperor Ha.

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