I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 192: 【The Dog King of the North Wind (Part 1)】

Tianshui City.


   Chang'an Avenue Square.


   Countless tentacles are still waving, and its main body has not completely penetrated from the ground, but just relying on the random swing of the huge huge tentacles, countless landmarks have been easily destroyed.


   Those spirit beasts sold by vendors, as well as spirit beasts that were originally staying underground, seem to follow the instructions of giant octopuses, venting their anger wantonly in this city.


   At this moment, Tianshui City seems to have really become a paradise for primitive giants.


   "Teacher Li Chongkai!"


   The crowd surrounded by the giant beasts group looked at Li Zhongkai in surprise, and even Tang Jingle and Bai Shuikai, two students who had only attended one class, felt relieved at this moment.


   Li reopened like a shot of a heart booster into the hearts of all the students. The impression of his savior is always deeply rooted in people's hearts.


   Even the highly respected principal and others, they bring students far less security than Li Zhongkai.


   He gave people a sense of security just by standing there.


   "Wang (I am the dog king!


   Great Emperor Ha was a little sad when he saw that none of the students paid attention to him.


   "How is the evacuation?" Li Zhongkai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the students were all safe and sound.


   Zichen hurriedly said: "The last batch of city residents have also been evacuated just now. I feel that the teachers have carried out a large-scale spiritual scan on this side, and there should be no mistakes."


   These few of them have contributed a lot to helping students and citizens still in the urban area attract the firepower of these behemoths.


   Zi Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Teacher Li Zhongkai came, and he didn't have to keep his nerves tense.


   With the help of Yu Guang, he took a look at the group of dogs that Teacher Li Zhongkai had brought, and he was shocked!


   There are too many!


   is not even less than the number of monsters here! And most of them have reached the level of first-order to second-order! As they joined the battlefield, the pressure on everyone suddenly dropped.




   Zichen's eyes narrowed slightly. At first he thought it was a group of dogs, but after a closer look, most of the outstanding ones were wolves.


   Where did Teacher Li Zhongkai find so many spirit beasts?


   Thinking of this, Zi Chen glanced again, and the giant octopus that was about to be drilled out of the ground was still waving in the distance!




   It has been a while, and no teacher has come to solve the problem. Until now, only teacher Li Zhongkai is really going to solve the giant octopus disaster.


   What did the other teachers do?




   Li reopened and touched Zi Chen's head, and said with a smile: "Don't think too much, everyone has their own tasks."


   Zi Chen covered his head, and after hearing Li reopened the teacher's protection, he didn't say much.


   Li reopened and sighed, staring at the octopus about to break through the ground in the distance.


   There are really a lot of troubles today.


   After surrendering Emperor Harbin, Li Zhongkai received an urgent notice from Professor Mo-"A large number of rioting animals in Yongsen Lake in the southeast are marching towards Tianshui City!"


   The spirit beast riots in the spirit veins of Lake Yongsen, Li had been paying attention to before reopening.


   Because Yongsen Lake is very close to Tianshui City, no! It should be said that the establishment of the three major schools is deliberately close to the spiritual vein.


  According to Professor Mo, because the spirit gathering formation in Tianshui City ransacked all the surrounding spirits, the accumulation of a lot of spirits attracted the spirit beasts of Yongsen Lake.


   Although Yongsen Lake is named Lake, in fact, more of this spiritual vein is forest, but there is a lake in the center of the forest. So there are not a few spirit beasts living in this forest!

   It is precisely because of this that the teachers are not responsible for the governance of spirit beasts in the city. Instead, they all go to the city boundary to prevent a large number of spirit beasts from outside.


   Li Zhongkai went directly to Yongsen Lake to prevent the spirit beasts from running to Tianshui City from the root.


   Many of the wolves that Li reopened at the moment were all turned from there when he fought against the spirit beasts of Lake Yongsen just now!


   Under the control of the talent of "Emperor Ha", Li reopened the beasts here strategically and coordinated, and the spirit beasts on the side of the octopus retreated steadily.


   right now!


   The spirit beasts fighting on the ground seemed to have sensed something, their fighting spirit disappeared, and they began to flee in all directions.


   Even Li reopened the well-trained herd of animals here, his stature was stagnant, and he was standing upside down all over his body.




   The surface of the city collapsed suddenly, the roots of countless giant trees were uprooted, and the huge body of the octopus finally got out of the ground!


   Like a chain reaction, a large area of ​​the foundation collapsed, causing the city's buildings to sink. Just as soon as it appeared on the scene, the city's building foundations were destroyed by 60%.


   The giant octopus that has stretched for nearly five hundred meters without counting the constantly waving tentacles made the hearts of all the students tremble.


  What kind of horrible body shape is that?


   It means that the whole city is like his bedroom to this monster. To span the whole city, it is as simple as getting down from the bed to the door of the bedroom.


   The so-called two-stage behemoths that I saw before are extremely small in front of the octopus.


   Li reopened his eyes and narrowed his expression, his expression extremely cautious.


   How many mushrooms did this octopus eat to become so huge?


   is like the previous cockroach grows bigger, in fact, no monk takes it to heart, because having aura is completely different from not having aura. Even if the cockroaches at that time could easily destroy the building, it was like that in the eyes of the monk.


   But now the octopus is completely different.


  Xianmeng has made different experiments on several products of Yongsen Lake Lingmai.


   Finally, I came to the conclusion ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If summarized by the data, the more powerful spirit beasts become huge, the greater the improvement they will get.


   But the stronger the strength, the easier it is to swell and die! This is caused by the lack of aura from the outside world!


   Therefore, the giant creatures that appear the most are the giant cockroaches. Because the base of the aura is small, the environment requirements are small when they become larger, and their own vitality is also strong and not easy to die.


  A creature like a human monk can’t eat huge mushrooms at all, because the base is too large, so the aura needed is naturally massive.


   But at the moment, the special environment of Tianshui City gave Octopus this condition, and the almost sticky aura from the outside made his physique a terrifying improvement.


   Tang Jingle looked at this giant creature tremblingly.


   Especially he can clearly perceive the complex emotions contained in this creature, which are ambition, desire to conquer, and violent contempt.


   That is an emotion that shouldn't appear on creatures other than humans.


   All the students are also quite worried. The pressure this monster puts on them is not normal at the moment. It is precisely because everyone is a monk, but they can perceive things that ordinary people can't perceive.


   Maybe this monster knows exactly what he is doing.


   "It's okay, Teacher Li Zhongkai is here, it should be...no problem, right?" Tang Jingle said tremblingly, and he had no confidence at this time.

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