I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 193: [The Dog King of the North Wind (Part 2)]

Faced with Tang Jingle's questions, Li Zhongkai didn't say anything.


   Tianshui City is now full of evolved giant trees. With the power of Li's reopening of flames, coupled with the aura of the current environment, I am afraid that the entire Tianshui City will be blown into the sky by him like a gas tank.


   Destroying the city is a trivial matter, but hurting the students reserved here is a major matter.


   The arm was bitten by a spirit beast, and it was okay to inject toxins. As long as they didn't die on the spot, they could be rescued with Reiki medical treatment. But if you accidentally get aura flames, it will be very troublesome.


   Thinking of this, Li Zhongkai looked at the students present again, his eyes staying on Gu Chengyu for a while.


   He has now reached an unprecedented realm of kendo. If he rashly uses it, it will only undermine the self-confidence of the students and create obstacles for them to "see themselves."


   And Shen Lingxin is maintaining the aura transmission channel and can't get rid of her hand, and can't abuse her authority.


   "It seems that if you want to deal with this monster, you can only rely on you." Li Zhongkai silently looked at Erha beside him, thinking in his heart.


   "Wang?" Emperor Ha tilted his dog's head, his expression a little confused.


"I believe you can."


   Li Zhongkai took out the huge mushroom that he stole in Yongsen Lake just now. After all, he just went there to abduct the wolves. According to the guidance of the wolves, Li Zhongkai took many different kinds of mushrooms along.


   Regardless of Emperor Ha's objection, Li Zhongkai directly stuffed the thick mushroom into his mouth.


   "Woo! Woo! Roar!"


   Great Emperor Ha's body suddenly tightened, his teeth clenched and let out a frightening growl, his muscles tightened suddenly!


   At this time, the students just noticed the snow-white husky next to Teacher Li Zhongkai.


   In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Emperor Ha's body gradually grew larger, and the low and threatening roar became more and more unpleasant. As his body continues to grow larger, his appearance has also undergone tremendous changes.


   It only took a moment for the body to change from a normal body shape to a 100-meter giant wolf. The visual impact brought by this instantaneous change surprised the students.


   The hair is like snow-white silk and the streamlined body is faintly visible with the lines of beast muscles. At this moment, Emperor Ha is like a giant wolf in myth, standing proudly on this land.


   His breath emanated involuntarily, and a huge wave was thrown from the ground.


He was like a human being on a stimulant, and he was like a hunter waiting for an opportunity. His eyes were shining silver cold, and his throat kept roaring. Under the sun, the teeth at the corners of his mouth were sharp and sharp, as if In the next second, he will pounce on the giant octopus.


   "Is this Fenrir, the giant wolf in mythology?"


   Xia Jie looked at the silver-white giant wolf in shock, with indescribable envy in his eyes, this dog was so handsome to him.


   Li reopened and shook his head helplessly, patted Xia Jie on the shoulder, and motioned him to quickly follow the evacuated Zichen and others, "Fenrir will not be a husky, hurry up, you are out of the army."


   "Uh-huh." Xia Jie looked at Emperor Ha intently, only then recovered. Then quickly evacuated, trying to catch up with Zichen and others.


   As soon as the student took a few steps, Emperor Ha ran violently, rushing towards the octopus with overwhelming power.




   Two giant beasts hit each other with their purest bodies!


   Suddenly bursts of waves from the center of the impact, rolling up the dust on the ground, setting off a cloud of sand and haze.


   The octopus was in pain, waving countless tentacles and whipping the earth trying to divert its pain!


   The spirit beasts that had been raging wildly on the street found a place to hide.


   Even some conscious giant trees are deliberately avoiding these two destructive beasts.




  The countless citizens of Tianshui City who had been hiding well at this moment chose to stand quietly on the top floor of the safe area, watching the two behemoths in the city center tear each other's bodies in the most primitive way.


  Except for free flight, people seem to have some different expectations for huge things.


   From a huge hero special photo when I was young, to a huge robot when I grew up, Godzilla Monster...


   Human beings have an instinctive worship and fear of huge creatures.


   At this moment, everyone, including the spiritual students, had no words, but stood as high as possible and watched the two beasts fighting like gods. Although they didn't speak, they had already set off a huge wave of worship deep in their hearts.


   The surging excitement and shock almost overwhelmed my heart.


   In this time when the spiritual energy erupted, the panic and envy that had never been in the hearts of countless people continued to emerge during this time.


   From the earliest exposure of transcendence, people began to fear. The fear of transcendence in their hearts comes from the strangeness and fear of the same kind. It stems from worries about the incomprehensible.


   is also the inscribed feeling of submission to the best leaders of its kind that has been handed down from ancient times.


   This feeling is very complicated, and many people feel that the greatest shock in this life is used up at the moment of discovering the extraordinary.


   But the tsunami not long ago aroused another human emotion, which was a panic about the world and nature.


   When the disaster came before his eyes, that kind of powerless and huge sense of despair was enough to make all the perseverance of a mature adult collapsed.


   In this tormented city-Tianshui City.


   People once felt that the greatest crisis in this life has passed, and there may be no more surprises in this life.


   But they were wrong, because what surprised and scared them was right now.




   There is a time-honored edifice that was randomly collapsed by two god-like beasts.


   Just looking at it, the people of Tianshui City are scared enough, and the familiar streets are vandalized by the other side's walking around ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ If they are not in a safe zone at the moment, but at the feet of monsters.


   That would be more terrifying than natural disasters.


  Because of natural disasters, everyone knows that they are bound to die, but under the feet of monsters, it is easy for people to hold hope.


   Swinging back and forth in hope and despair, every time he dodges the action of a huge creature, I feel fortunate that I live another second. This constant painful struggle is just because the feeling of being alive will torture everyone's nerves.


"I've had enough!"


   In the silence of everyone, Lin Shanting let out his own roar!


   The octopus just took a random blow and destroyed the house he rented. He didn't feel distressed about the money, but if he was lying in the rented house sleeping peacefully at the moment, would his life disappear unknowingly.


  Like ants, random actions by human children can affect the life of an ethnic group.


   This feeling of being unable to control one's own life is desperate!


   Lin Shanting's roar seems to have turned on a switch!


   The worries and panics that have accumulated in people's hearts since the natural disasters broke out in an instant!


  Countless auras rioted from people!


   Under the influence of this aura formation, it is not only beasts that can evolve.

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