I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 196: [Public opinion is gradually ignited]

Fulsk State.


   The president is sitting in the conference hall, watching a video with the top scholars and politicians in their country.


   The angle of view of the video is constantly switching, like a piece of video stitched together from the angle of view taken by several people.


   The two giant beasts in the video are constantly fighting. They only see each other in their eyes, and they didn't even intentionally destroy the city, but the city has been destroyed seven or eighty-eight.


   If you are a layman, you might think that people like them might be watching a movie like Godzilla.


   But it's not. This is what happened in the real world, even not long ago!


   "Uh...talk about your opinions?" One of them broke the silence first.


   "This matter is not in any state of our country, maybe... is it a good thing?"


   "Don't tell cold jokes, I have already shown you their casualties just now."


   As soon as he said this, he fell silent again.


   In fact, silence is the norm here. Since the supernatural was discovered, the most common thing they did here was to remain silent. Because the world is changing so fast, it makes them, old guys, feel like they can't keep up with the times.


  The most important thing is that they never stop studying the transcendence.


  Because its own historical accumulation is relatively weak, so all the exercises practiced in their country at present must be grateful for the sacrifice of their countless agents.


   But still did not keep up with the first echelon.


   The good news is that they have not achieved nothing. They have a certain understanding of spiritual veins, formations, and the extraordinary professions of various countries.


   But it is precisely because of understanding that I am desperate.


   "Okay, tell me! What can we do to get back to where our country once was? I don't want this to affect my re-election!" The president knocked on the table and signaled everyone to stop pretending to be stupid.


   "Why don't we call Daniel Vasef over, after all, he is the person who knows the most extraordinary among us now." The people on the side tried to pull Daniel over to take responsibility. After all, the president's re-election has nothing to do with them.


   Now just find someone to deal with the president, and Chaofan Research will continue to fight steadily without paying attention to him. He is now very nervous under the pressure of public opinion.


   Everyone does not need to be cautious about a person who is definitely not re-elected.


   The president took a deep breath, then nodded helplessly.


   He wanted to say that no one knew better than him, but he thought of Jiang Chi who can cut through the mountains and seas with a single sword, Li Zhongkai who can burst into a monstrous flame, and the two outrageous monsters that look like special effects.


   Thinking of these things, even he who is accustomed to big talkers closed his mouth.


  Daniel Vasev is the head of the newly appointed Bureau of Transcendence.


   He is also an extraordinary member. Although the accumulation of extraordinary culture here is not enough, based on the huge number of people, there are still many awakened people.


   Now the original composition of the supernatural in their country is made up of the awakened.


   Daniel came here soon.


  The president pointed to the monitor impatiently, "Tell me, your solution!"


   Daniel looked at the two behemoths on the display, raised his brows, and then watched the entire video seriously.


   "This is a good thing!" Daniel said after thinking for a long time.


   Everyone burst into laughter.


   "Well, Daniel, this cold joke was just told. You can tell a joke we haven't heard before, I mean, the solution. That's right!"


   Daniel looked at the crowd in confusion, and then added: "This kind of monster can be formed, indicating that the spiritual energy there is very strong! That is to say, Daxia Kingdom now has another spiritual vein!"

   "Isn't this a good thing?"


   Everyone's laughter suddenly stopped.


   "Did you mistake your nationality, Daniel?"


   The president slapped the table viciously: "I know you admire Jiang Chi very much! But! You should find out who you are!"


   Everyone dare not speak.


   They just don't care about the current president, but they didn't expect Daniel to be more ruthless and don't care about the country.


   Daniel is still very serious.


   "It's because you haven't figured out your identity, we are humans!"


  Daniel slowly walked in front of everyone, "Don't you see it? Where is our enemy?"


   Everyone looked at each other.


   "The enemy? You mean aliens? Sorry that's too ethereal!" The president smiled and spread his hands.


   "No! It's not an alien! Uh...in fact, I don't know what it is!" Daniel tried to explain, "But I know that Jiang Chi is worried, and Xianmeng is worried!"


   "They have been preparing for an enemy! But that enemy is not us!"


  As soon as these words came out, everyone's serious expressions eased, and they even started to joke quietly.


   During this period of time, Jiang Chi, Li Zhongkai and even the magical immortals who have destroyed a country's transcendence! They were once the demons of everyone here.


   Open the quilt at night and you can see more than a dozen magic castles.


   Even if I have a dream, I can dream that the flames are burning the free country of Volsk. This free land was cut in half with a sword.


   You said that Jiang Chi is worried, scared?


   You said that the powerful immortal alliance that they can't breathe under pressure is worried?


   is too ridiculous!


   "Enough! Daniel! I hope you can make some constructive suggestions! Not... imagination! Can you understand?"


   The president tidied his collar, "If I say something so ridiculous in the White House next time, I will consider whether there is a more suitable person for your job!"


   Damn, no one cares who the president is!


   As the president said, he thought to himself. UU reading www.uukanshu.com


   Daniel looked helplessly at these corpse-positioned vegetarians, and he had already expressed his opinion.


   He admires Jiang Chi very much, because he can feel the meaning of the sword that Jiang Chi hacked.


   It is not only him, but also the extraordinary of other countries. All those who understand the meaning spontaneously organize the Pioneer Alliance.


   They decided that there must be some unknown enemies threatening human beings, even to the point where Jiang Chi and Xianmeng felt troublesome.


  The eyes of these people are too short-sighted!


  Daniel clenched his fist secretly. He couldn't do it. The conflicts between ordinary people and the transcendent in the current Volsk country are extremely great.


  Because of the different national conditions, ordinary people in Daxia Country can see the channels for promotion, so the contradiction between ordinary people and transcendents does not show up.


   But on the Fulsk country, there is a lack of cultivation methods, and the comprehensiveness of the methods is seriously insufficient.


   Some ordinary people with good talents can't practice, as long as they are not awakened, they will be given up. Loss of promotion channels is easy to ignite contradictions.


   This is the status quo!


  Especially today, the two giants instantly ignited international public opinion, and it is a sensitive moment.


   Daniel took a deep breath and warned himself.


   "As long as the enemy appears, these internal contradictions will be resolved."

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