I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 197: 【People don’t suffer from lack and unevenness】

But the public opinion of the matter is far more serious than Daniel imagined.


   It is not only the country of Volsk, there are even people from many countries expressing their dissatisfaction on the Internet.


   The breaking point is not so much the anxiety caused by the battle between the two giants, but the awakening of a large number of ordinary people in Tianshui City of the Great Xia Kingdom to become the real fuse.


   Because of this, they, who are also ordinary people, suddenly picked up the lemon.


   People don’t suffer from lack and unevenness.


   The two behemoths have already been quite familiar to other countries in the world.


  What global matt, golems, and everyone who has seen these phenomena have long been accustomed to the supernatural.


   So the real reason is that after the disaster, the people of Tianshui City collected a list of average talents in Tianshui City during physical examinations.


   This time the spiritual energy surge in Tianshui City has caused countless people to have stress changes, the body is forced to adapt to the environment, and the level of talents related to spiritual energy has risen sharply.


   It can be said that after this incident, almost everyone in Tianshui City is like a dragon!


   That is not one or two people's talent promotion, but a large area of ​​reproducible talent promotion. The reason for the increase in talent is also very simple, as long as you are born in Tianshui City.


   The more important thing is that Tianshui City is not a geomantic gem in the first place, but was transformed through artificial technology.


   This technological backwardness caused people from other countries to explode instantly!


   "Let us see what the leaders of our free Fulsk state are doing! Oh! God! They are still in a meeting, can you believe it?"


   "Yes, after all, meetings are their job, and solving problems is not in their consideration."


   "Okay! Now other countries have exploded technology at a rapid rate! They can even create extraordinary things artificially! I want to know when we can arrive! Do you have to wait until I am eighty?"


   "Actually I have a simpler plan, which is to open up visas so that labor and management can go to Tianshui City at their own expense!"


   "Don't you worry? Daxia country can produce a large number of extraordinary reserves so quickly! This does not only represent the backwardness of technology! The birth of so many superhumans, and even ordinary humans may be despised as inferior in the future!"


"That's right, it's too extraordinary! Either let everyone become extraordinary! Or stop this behavior immediately! This is arousing contradictions among humans! I don't want my children born to be discriminated against because they are ordinary people. !"


   "Reject any racial discrimination!"


   The huge gap makes all ordinary people fall into the jealousy of Cha Lemon, and even the contradictions between the extraordinary and ordinary people that have not yet appeared, have to be brought up in advance.


   And the people of Tianshui City, who are at the center of public opinion, are also a little dazed. They didn't expect their talents to improve unknowingly.


   After all, no one seems to have become infinitely powerful, but they changed silently, and if they did an individual check, the per capita talent increased by more than 20 points.


   What's more, for example, a group of people represented by Lin Shanting became awakened on the same day, and some people speculate that this is related to the emotional explosion of humans.




   Tianshui City.


   Li Zhongkai, who had just sent Ren Qiuqiu away, was pulled over by Professor Mo again.


   "Look! Look! The talent survey data this time! It's horrible!" Professor Mo excitedly held up the report and danced, "You know? I actually suspected this a long time ago!"


Professor Mo excitedly clicked on the monitor, and it was Lin Shanting's speech when he was awakened.


   There are several similar awakening videos, and they all have one thing in common! That is emotional out of control!


   Compared with the improvement of talent, awakening is obviously more exciting!


   "I have long suspected that human intelligence has a high-intensity self-control mechanism! This has prevented humans from experiencing huge body changes like other animals, but in the same way, humans have gained unparalleled control!"


   The screen switched again, and Tang Jingle appeared in the video, as well as some fighting videos of other giant beasts. Even the figure of Emperor Ha before he transformed into a giant beast was included.


   "For the same aura, humans can use special methods such as exercises to make the utilization rate of aura reach 80! And these huge behemoths, their utilization rate is only less than 50! The mastery of aura is also extremely low!"


   Li reopened and watched the video seriously. Various parameters were also marked next to the video.


   "Look, the dog you raised! He is definitely a prodigy among dogs! He is the only one among all the beasts that reaches the level of human control!"


   And there is no such thing as a beast like this!


   On the surface, human beings were temporarily driven out by these giant beasts, but that was only to control casualties. In fact, human beings’ adaptation and evolution of aura is the most perfect.


   "You called me here just to show me this." Li Zhongkai pointed to the display and said curiously. "Let me know how good humans are?"


   "No, no, no! Of course not!" Professor Mo was particularly embarrassed for some reason, like a child who wanted to prove himself in a hurry.


   He hurriedly cut out another piece of data.


"Look at this! The time for the Spirit Gathering Array to be amplified will soon pass. I have asked the Dean to refill the formation outside Tianshui City. After trying to make the Spirit Gathering Array disappear, all auras will be locked in. Tianshui City."


   "Probably it can last a full fifteen years! This fifth spiritual channel will last a full fifteen years! This represents the spiritual channel that 20 million people in Tianshui City can do for 15 years!"


  Professor Mo became more and more excited~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and showed Li Zhongkai the Tianshui City renovation plan that was handed to Ren Qiuqiu just now.


   "According to my plan, every citizen of Tianshui City who has lost his place will get a new state-of-the-art aura defensive residence on this brand new land!"


   This is like a small county that was originally an ordinary 18th lane, but because of a major demolition, it became the first-tier capital.


   Although Tianshui City is not a small county, this city with 20 million people can be regarded as a big city.


  It is foreseeable that in the future, many people will come to settle in Tianshui City in order to improve their aura talent. The status of Tianshui City will become the most special city in the Great Xia Kingdom.


   "Haha, did you know? People abroad are still resenting why they weren't born in Tianshui City!"


   "I also applied for many benefits for the citizens this time, and I also created a public training platform because they are afraid of sea tides. I also specifically mentioned this in the plan. I hope that the city can pay attention to urban drainage..."


   "There are...and..."


   In this temporary post-disaster laboratory, Professor Mo, who is over 80 years old, is very excited to tell what he has done.


   Li Zhongkai finally understood what he was saying for.


   "It's not your fault this time, Professor." Li Zhongkai looked at Professor Mo gently.


   "But I ruined their home."

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