I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 198: [Self-blame]

Professor Mo collapsed on the chair with depression.


   He described the future life in Tianshui City as extremely beautiful, just to reduce the guilt in his heart.


   This is indeed the case. If you abandon your emotions, you only start from the interests.


   The 20 million people in Tianshui City have exchanged money for extraordinary tickets that are impossible to buy, and even the lost residences will be arranged for better.


  People on the Internet began to jokingly call this a 20 million demolished household, or the kind of demolishing and collecting money. Envy, jealousy and hate express why he was not born in Tianshui City.


   But... things are often not so calculated.


   Even if there is only one person in the 20 million with family feelings, then Professor Mo has done something wrong.


   The only thing worthy of his comfort is that the rescue was very timely, and no one gave his life because of his recklessness.


   "I could have stopped everything, but I didn't." Professor Mo looked at the formation in Tianshui City outside the tent. "I am a half-hearted person. When I study transcendence, I never delve into it. It is far inferior to my colleagues who study the principles."


   "For this reason, when I see a series of events with almost zero probability occurring before my eyes, I don't know how to save it. The research on the formation of giants is not mature at all."


  Professor Mo regretted it very much. He should have anticipated everything, and should first study the means of restraint.


   Li reopened in silence.


   This series of small-probability reactions, in fact, even he hadn't expected it.


   And if he really wanted to say it, he was the one who could stop everything. Li Zhongkai was right.


   He has countless opportunities and methods to solve the problem, but he chose the most moderate one.


   When he first came to the academy, Li Zhongkai would definitely choose the most rude way and just start again! Or kill those spirit beasts with one sword!


   But after experiencing the tsunami, Li Zhongkai felt that he seemed to have a little more insight.


   In this incident, he cares more about the rescue of ordinary people than to show off his strength. It is precisely because of his quick response and the image he has accumulated in the hearts of the students that this time the rescue is carried out extremely quickly.


   And the loss of buildings and money Li Zhongkai has never valued. He believes in: the loss of land and people, the loss of people and land; the loss of people and land, both people and land.


   "Don't say that, even the upper ranks of the Immortal League did not punish you. This time Ren Qiuqiu just left for a cutscene, didn't he?" Li Zhongkai botchedly comforted Professor Mo, "This shows that they also think that the fault is not with you."


   "I bluffed her." Professor Mo said sullenly.




   "I bluffed her." Professor Mo repeated again, "but it's not a lie, because since I'm still here, it means I made a mistake by mistake and guessed it."


   This time, the incident is not trivial. Even if there are no casualties, someone will be responsible for the economic loss.


  Professor Mo has opened a series of plans for the use of Reiki in Tianshui City. The development of these Reiki is enough to recover the lost economy, but it also takes time to operate.


  Professor Mo originally thought that maybe he would be locked up in a small dark room for the rest of his life to squeeze out the surplus value.


   But until now, no one has forcibly taken him away, indicating that the previous set of bluffing Ren Qiuqiu was right. Someone from above really saved him and didn't go into this matter any more. But this is estimated to be a personal behavior, and the other party is probably also under tremendous pressure.


  Professor Mo couldn't figure it out. If he wanted to save him, he had to be at the level of Jiang Chi at least, but he and Jiang Chi were just as familiar, and the other party didn't just take risks for him.

   Li reopened and sighed.


   He can see that it is not an easy task to use aura to create a plan to save the economy in a short period of time.


  Professor Mo is a well-informed elderly person. His first reaction after the disaster was better than everyone else. He tried his best to turn the negative aspects of the incident into positive effects, which is much better than the bad guys.


   "Anyway, you are not to blame for this time! I am the one who could stop everything!"


  Professor Mo was taken aback, and then smiled: "You are not the savior, Li reopened, there is no need to take over all the responsibilities."


   "Remember the jade pendant I gave you?"


   Li reopened a little at a loss. Why did he suddenly say this, "Of course I remember, the first time we met, you gave me a jade pendant."


   "The gift of jade pendant is a very significant thing for the Mo family."


  As soon as this remark came out, Li Zhongkai thought of the jade pendant Mo Wuming was presented by his wife. Associated with the meaning of jade pendant from this, he suddenly looked at Professor Mo with a bitter chill.


   "Don't look at an eighty-year-old man with that kind of look, it's very rude!"


   "Sorry, I can't help it."


  Professor Mo got up and packed up the instruments. He will take them away later. "I always think that you are very much like an old friend of mine. He also regards saving the world as his own duty."


   "Although you didn't have that kind of temperament when we first met, but at the time I had such a feeling that you would be like a savior!"


   "It's a pity that I gave the jade pendant from my family a long time ago to an old friend, so I could only give you a piece at that time, but I didn't expect that the jade pendant from my family came back into your hands after going round and round."


   "At that time, when I saw the rewards issued by the Fairy Alliance, I was a little unbelievable, and I had to sigh that this is really fate."


   Li Zhongkai took out the jade pendant, which was the one that Mo Wuming had originally been.


   "Yes, that's it. Cherish him, Mr. Savior." Professor Mo picked up the instrument~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was going to the laboratory to study the results, and he would use more results to atone for his crime.


   "The one who saved my ancestor's life, keep it, maybe it will save your life."




   When Li reopened the tent and came out, Tianshui City had fallen into a faint night.


   The guards of the human safety zone are the animal herd controlled by him from Yongsen Lake and Tianshui City.


   People's collective talents have risen, and it can be called a genius. After all, the score template is based on the old version of Li Hongkai as the upper limit. But talent does not mean strength. If someone has to rush up and give the tiger a slippery shovel, it will undoubtedly be an extra meal.


   "Who did this?" Li Zhongkai looked at the tree house in front of him, a little surprised.


   The safety zone here is almost full of wooden houses, and even the details of the wooden houses are handled very well.


   Xia Jie watched Li Zhongkai the door for a long time, waiting for him to come out! So he hurried forward to answer.


   "There is a buddy who has awakened the talent of the wood element, plus there are many giant trees here, he can be said to be like a fish here. So he helped everyone build a temporary residence."


   "It seems to be called...er...Lin Shanting! Yes!"


   Xia Jie was very impressed by him, because when he was building the wooden house just now, he found that the dogs actually listened to him.


   It's him! Li reopened it immediately.

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