"Shuang'er, well done!"

Ye Changsheng's figure appeared from the other side, his face extremely haggard.

He was not without energy.

But Ye Changsheng also knew that there was still a gap in cultivation between himself and Chen Laomo.

As a last resort, he could only take risks.

In addition to maintaining the two supernatural powers of drawing the ground as a prison and reincarnation of the heavens, he passed most of his cultivation to Xu Qiushuang.

At the same time, Xu Qiushuang also gave Xu Qiushuang the Qingyun Sword of Subduing Demons brought by the sect.

Ye Changsheng has been an enemy of Chen Laomo for so many years, and Ye Changsheng is not ignorant of him.

The biggest weakness of this demon is its natural arrogance.

When he thinks he has the chance to win, it is often the time when his mind is relaxed.

In order to deal with Chen Laomo, Ye Changsheng had already put in all his efforts.

Fortunately, the demon was finally put to death, and the world was peaceful from now on!


Xu Qiushuang's eyes were clouded with tears, "Thank you, Master, for giving Shuang'er this opportunity."

Ye Changsheng sighed: "Good boy, you..."

at this time!


Chen Tianxing, who had been silent all this time, suddenly exploded.

However, what exploded was a cloud of dark devilish energy.

Fumo Qingyun sword stabbed lonely.

Ye Changsheng's complexion suddenly changed, "No, it's an external demon!"

Before he could think about it, the fly whisk swept away, and the golden profound power emerged again, enveloping the two of them tightly.

at the same time.

Chen Qingxuan, who was safe in the distance, was perfunctory to challenge, while observing Ye Changsheng's situation.

When Chen Tianxing violently smashed the ground into a prison, Chen Qingxuan's eyes were slightly excited.

And when Xu Qiushuang pierced his heart with a sword, there was an unconcealable disappointment on his face.

Chen Laomo, Chen Laomo, you...


Chen Qingxuan was shaking his head and sighing, when suddenly his whole body trembled, and he realized that he was enveloped by a terrifying devilish energy.

Turning his head with difficulty, he saw Chen Laomo, who was wearing a demon armor, sneering at him ferociously.

"Didn't expect that?"

"Old Devil Chen!"

Chen Qingxuan's complexion changed drastically, and he turned around and wanted to run away.

"Old man Ye, this leader is helping you!"

When the punch passed, even the space was crushed to the point of collapse, and the fierce Tianmo fist hit Chen Qingxuan's chest firmly. Biqu library


Chen Qingxuan bowed his head, his eyes were gray and white with despair, "I am at the fifth level of the transformation stage, but I can't stop the demon's punch?"


This time, what exploded was finally a dark red blood mist.


"Junior Brother Qingxuan!"

"Master... Master!"

The sudden change shocked everyone.

Everyone in Taidao Sect watched Chen Qingxuan explode, and lost their voices in grief for a while.


Ye Changsheng closed his eyes in pain, "It's the brother who hurt you."

"Who else!"

Bathed in Chen Qingxuan's blood mist, Chen Tianxing's demonic power soared, as if a god and demon had appeared in the world, and his aura was so strong that no one dared to look at him on the spot.


The breath of despair is spreading.

Some people couldn't bear Chen Tianxing's magic power anymore, their legs trembled and they knelt on the ground.

Chen Laomo is too strong!

Even if the head teacher is here, it can't stop the old devil from killing people.

Even Master Qingxuan...

Ye Changchang sighed, knowing that the situation was over.

Demonic Dao skills are not as upright and peaceful as the orthodox sect of Taoism, but they are the best at overwhelming people with power.

Once the advantage falls into the hands of the opponent, it will be infinitely magnified until the heart of the person is shattered bit by bit, and there is no power to fight back.

This is also the reason why Chen Laomo has always been arrogant.

The current situation is overwhelming, and if the battle continues, it will only increase casualties in vain.

"That's it?"

"Do you dare to go wild in my Extreme Heaven Demon Realm?"

Chen Tianxing was still arrogant, when he suddenly felt the wind blowing behind him, and with the wind came the familiar human voice.

It's them.

Chen Tianxing smiled, there was quite a commotion here, the Tianmo Cult could not have noticed it, presumably Luo Beihai brought people to support him.

The intimidation during the day worked, and the old boy didn't dare to turn against him, at least for now.

The arrival of Tianmo Sect also became the last straw that crushed Ye Changsheng.

He looked towards where the dark wind came from, took another deep look at Chen Tianxing, and finally gritted his teeth: "Let's go!"

With a swish of the whisk, a large amount of golden light profound energy rushed to all the members of the Taiyi Sect, and only then did they take a step forward.

In an instant, all the golden lights flickered, and when they reappeared, they were already several miles away.

"Shrink the ground into an inch?"

Chen Tianxing did not stop, but nodded, "Taoist supernatural powers also have their merits." Pen Fun Library


Behind them, the Heavenly Demon Cultists finally arrived, led by the deputy leader Luo Beihai.

When the words fell, Luo Beihai rushed forward, bowed his hands to Chen Tianxing and saluted, "The subordinate is late, is the leader alright?"


Chen Tianxing snorted coldly, "What can my leader do?"

"That's good

. "

Luo Beihai exhaled lightly, and when he looked up, his heart suddenly tightened.

Not only him, but the Heavenly Demon Cultists who hurried over, including the four elders, all showed a trace of fear on their faces.

They are afraid of Chen Tianxing!

With the power to kill Chen Qingxuan with his fists, Chen Tianxing's celestial demon possession has not been released at this moment. The domineering aura of gods and demons not only suppressed the people of Tai Dao Sect, but even the disciples of his own sect did not dare to look directly at him.

Luo Beihai was secretly startled, "The leader has returned to his peak!"

It wasn't until Chen Tianxing withdrew his magic skills that everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

It was only then that Luo Beihai dared to speak: "It's really dereliction of duty for the subordinates to let the leader take risks alone, and ask the leader to forgive me!"


Chen Tianxing smiled proudly: "Just because Ye Changsheng is old and immortal, how can the leader be in danger?"

I thought it would be dereliction of duty if you came early.

The reason why he chose to fight alone was that he didn't want anyone who didn't deserve to die.

If Luo Beihai arrived a little earlier and the scene was chaotic, then he would be in real danger.


"Go back."

Regardless of Luo Beihai and the others, they turned around and walked indifferently, and they were already far away in a moment.

In terms of divine movement skills, his Phantom Shadow Lost Trace is not weaker than Shrinking the Ground to an Inch.


Heavenly Demon Palace.

Chen Tianxing sat lazily on the Nine Demon Throne, feeling extremely satisfied.

Everything that happened today was within his calculations.

Pretending to be a disciple of Lingxu Pavilion to rescue Xu Qiushuang has two purposes.

One is to use the white light on Xu Qiushuang's body for his own use.

The Taiji Diagram turned around three times, which gave him a guarantee that he would not have to run away from the dazzling white light of the sanctuary.

At the same time, it can also heal the injuries on the body and restore the peak state.

The second is to use Xu Qiushuang to lure Ye Changsheng.

But this step is actually risky.

If Ye Changsheng was the only one who came, it would be difficult for him.

Of course, if he tried his best, he was 70% sure that he could kill Ye Changsheng on the spot.

But this person is highly respected, and killing him would have established a prestige, but there is no guarantee that it will not have the opposite effect and arouse the same hatred and hatred in the Zhongzhou Sanctuary. Biqu library

At that time, those so-called upright people will look for him desperately with red eyes, and this will be troublesome.

Fortunately, Ye Changsheng was cautious. Not only did he not come by himself, but he also brought Chen Qingxuan, a scapegoat.

This is God's assist.

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