
So satisfied!

Chen Tianxing was so proud that he couldn't help but want to praise himself.

At the same time, he also believed that after this battle, his image of an invincible demon god must have been planted in the hearts of disciples of Tai Dao Sect.

More importantly, he told Ye Changsheng an extremely important message.

He, Old Devil Chen, has recovered from his injuries!

I believe people in Zhongzhou Sanctuary know how terrifying Old Devil Chen is at his peak.

So he was very sure, when Ye Changsheng led a group of members of the Taiyi sect who had lost their fighting spirit back to the hiding place, what choice they would make in the end.

Chen Qingxuan was just an elder of Tai Dao Sect, his death would never be as irritating to the people in the sanctuary as Ye Changsheng's death.

On the contrary, even the powerful people of the fifth level of his spiritual transformation stage can't stand his own punch, which will make the elders and deacons of the five sects and seven sects feel insecure and beat their hearts.

Once the hearts of the people are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team.

In the case of low morale, Ye Changsheng could only speak in vain, no matter how eloquent he was.

What's more, he is still a real gentleman with a kind heart.

They will definitely not forcefully attack the Demon Sect at this time!

I am safe.

It's time for another plan.

Only when he puts the idea in his heart into action can he dare to say a word.


Without further ado.

The reason why he was sitting here was because he was waiting for Luo Beihai and the others who were one step behind him.

"Why so long?"

After waiting for a while, Chen Tianxing frowned slightly.

His Phantom Shadow Tracking was very fast, but from what he saw at the time, Luo Beihai led all the elite congregants, so he should be back by this time.

"Come on."

"Go and see where the deputy leader and the others are."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Chen Tianxing ordered people to go out to find Luo Beihai and others who were lost.

After waiting for more than half a moment, the guardian who took the order came back with a strange expression on his face.

"Where are people?"

Chen Tianxing looked up.

"Reporting to the leader, the deputy leader and the others have joined forces with the 107 Demon Sects to hunt down and kill the people from the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou."

The protector did not dare to hesitate, and reported the truth to Chen Tianxing.


Chen Tianxing was taken aback, "Did they kill someone?"

When did Luo Beihai become so kind?

In his memory, Luo Beihai was an old, treacherous and slippery person, and he usually wouldn't do things that were not beneficial.

He has always been Chen

The old devil charged forward, and rarely saw Luo Beihai desperately.

He dared to chase and kill Ye Changsheng?

However, just chase and kill, anyway, it's not my order, and Tai Chi Tu can't rely on me.

It's not in a hurry, so let the guardian explain in detail.

It turned out that after capturing Yan Qiufeng during the day, everyone had guessed about the possibility of the Zhongzhou Sanctuary attacking the Demon Realm.

At that time, Chen Tianxing left by himself, but Luo Beihai and the others discussed for a long time, thinking that this matter was still extremely risky and could not be borne by the Tianmo Cult alone.

So Luo Beihai informed the other 107 demon sects. When Chen Tianxing was thinking hard about countermeasures in the inner hall, the demon domains were not idle and were looking for possible hiding places for people in the sanctuary.

Then came the battle between Chen Tianxing and Tai Daozong.

There was too much commotion, and the leader of Luo Beihai came not too late, just in time to see Ye Changsheng and others leave.

Among the people Luo Beihai brought was Shen Shiguang.

Shen Shiguang, as the head of the Dark Demon Hall, is usually responsible for patrolling and tracking.

It was also because he saw the opportunity quickly that he left a unique tracking mark on one of the Tai Dao Sect's disciples. As the Tai Dao Sect retreated, they naturally knew where the other party was hiding.

Luo Beihai has a way to communicate with other demon sects, and it seems that he sent a signal directly, intending to gather the power of 108 demon sects and keep the people from the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou forever.

As for why he behaved so aggressively.

Chen Tianxing thought for a while, and understood the other party's thoughts.

This is meritorious service.

Before, he had a faint feeling that Luo Beihai seemed to have a different heart.

But later, his strong performance made the opponent dare not make mistakes.

At the same time, because of his previous temptations, he was also afraid that he would be settled later, so he was eager to earn a meritorious service.

In other words, Luo Beihai did this because he wanted to save his own life.

It's not impossible.

Chen Tianxing relaxed, and felt a little good for Luo Beihai.

What restricts him now is the Taiji Diagram, which prevents him from killing people with white light at will, so he will have a headache when he learns that the Zhongzhou Sanctuary is attacking aggressively.

Because no matter whether he wants to fight or not, as the Great Heavenly Demon of the Demon Realm, he has to give orders.

Then naturally it has something to do with him.

But this time it was Luo Beihai's spontaneous behavior.

Did not know.

This Tai Chi Diagram can't be blamed on him, can it?

So, hit it off.

It's best to die, so that I won't be threatened for a long time.

Internal and external troubles are solved together, and there is no need to do it yourself.

It's too wonderful, right?

Thinking of this, he stretched his waist, and said calmly: "Since this is the case, then the leader of the book will go back to sleep first, and you will call me after they get the results."

It's been a tiring night and I need to relax.

The injury has healed.

What about Xiaocui?

Seeing that he was really walking towards the inner hall, the Dharma Guardian opened his mouth wide and said in surprise, "Teacher...won't the leader go there?"

"What am I going to do?"

Chen Tianxing glanced at him, "It's rare for Deputy Hierarch Luo to do it himself, wouldn't I betray his good intentions by going?"


The guardian hesitated and said: "But the deputy leader said that he was following the order of the leader, and the summoning order he issued to other demon sects was also in the name of the leader. The subordinates are afraid..."

"I'm afraid that if the leader is not present, it will be difficult for the deputy leader to explain to his colleagues in the Demon Sect, and it will not be easy to convince the crowd!"

"What did you say?"

After the words fell, Chen Tianxing's body froze suddenly.

"Is it my name?"

He gritted his teeth, "Said it was my order?"

You are going to die, Luo Beihai!

Will this fucking Taiji map be counted on me?

Chen Tianxing roared in his heart. Biqu library

It's a pity that he couldn't communicate directly with Tai Chi Tu and couldn't get a definite answer.

Not safe.

Too unsafe!

If it really counted on him, wouldn't it be an unjust death?

Chen Tianxing was beating his heart, thinking of the look he had at Shen Shiguang during the day.

At that time, he didn't explicitly say that he wanted to kill Yan Qiufeng, but just gave him a wink. Shen Guangguang moved his hand, and the Taiji diagram was immediately counted on his head.

Then this time...

What if Luo Beihai misunderstood one of his eyes because he didn't handle it well?

Whether he really made a mistake or just wanted to use his own cover to make meritorious service, Chen Tianxing has no idea.

It was a matter of life and death, he was so angry that he wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood.

This old boy, why are you so uneasy?

"Master, look..."

The guardian wanted to say something more, but suddenly his neck tightened, and then the surrounding scenery flew back, and then Chen Tianxing's furious voice came: "Lead the way!"

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