I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 715: Xiwu School. (The third one! Please subscribe!)

Pei Ling had already made several consecutive shots just now, and although he had not confronted Ji Changfu head-on, the Yuan Ying's cultivation base had already been exposed.

If you continue, the Young Master Born is not a fool, and he can easily test out his true identity!

Now that Kwai Jingyi knows how to avoid Ji Changfu, it is best for him.

Therefore, he didn't ask much at all, and he landed directly at the door of the private school, and immediately stretched out his hand...


With a sour groan, Pei Ling opened the door and quickly stepped in with the final Kui Jingyi.

However, as soon as Pei Ling entered the door, a dark figure appeared out of thin air in an empty room in the depths of the private school.

After this figure appeared, a chessboard suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.


Suddenly the sound of thunder and lightning rang out in the clear sky.

Immediately afterwards, with the sound of "crashing" rain, purple lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the originally gloomy empty house, but seeing the black and white pieces falling on the chessboard one by one, in a short while, the endgame was set...


At this moment, although Ji Changfu was a step slower than Pei Ling, he also came to the edge of the illusion.

He stepped into the air, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at the phantom array in front of him, instead of rushing in.

Probably calculated the details of this phantom array, there were no traps, Ji Changfu no longer hesitated, and immediately took a palm and patted the entire phantom array!

boom! ! !

The phantom array used to protect the mortal only supported a breath, and then it shattered.

Suddenly, the unobstructed mountains and forests, the long-abandoned private school...all were exposed in front of Ji Changfu.

It's just that Pei Ling and Zhong Kui Jingyi are nowhere to be seen.

With a flick of the white robe, Ji Chang floated down in front of the private school. He looked up and saw that above the private school, there was a mottled and apparently long-lasting plaque that wrote "Xiwu School".

He wandered around, and no matter how he looked at it, all the details revealed that this was just a very ordinary and long-abandoned private school.

But there is the phantom array set up by Jiuyi Mountain, and can block his attack unscathed, it is not unusual to think of it.

In the end, the two of Kui Jingyi and Yi were definitely hiding in it!

Thinking of this, Ji Changfu's heart moved, and a dark ghost suddenly appeared on his side.

These evil spirits are burly tall and tall, with muscular knots all over, blood-red light gleaming in their eyes, their fangs turned out, sharp and cold, and they look terrifying.

But in front of Ji Changfu, he was extremely gentle and obedient.

After appearing, he immediately walked into the private school according to his ideas.

However, the moment the evil spirit entered the private school, Ji Changfu's complexion suddenly changed, and his body gradually disappeared from the place...


"Xiwu School".

Mi Chen shone into the courtyard along with the sky light from the outside, and the color of desolation and desolation faded instantly, as if a pair of invisible hands lit a candle, and the whole private school suddenly came to life.

The courtyard just after entering the door occupies a small area, with green brick paved and moss growing.

At this moment, the pattering rain was falling unhurriedly, soaking all of this soggy and flooding the face with plenty of water vapor.

There are some peach and apricot genus planted in the flower beds on both sides.

Not far away, under the Chuihua Gate, the yellow dog who had been hiding from the rain got up and looked at Zou Kui Jingyi and Pei Ling vigilantly, and issued a threatening low growl.

In the hanging flower gate, behind the gate is a wide courtyard with velvety green grass, there seems to be a pond in the corner, and a half-person-high stone railing is built by the pool.

And behind the pond is a large tiled house with bright and clean windows.

At this moment, the doors and windows of the tiled house are half open, and you can see the shadows in the building. It seems that there are a lot of people sitting, and when they shake their heads, there is a sound of langlangshu.

The sound of reading may be far away, and it is not very clear to hear, but it is like the wood in the courtyard, which gives people a sense of vigor and vitality.

This scene...

Both of them looked at this scene in a daze.

Finally, Kui Jingyi didn't care to look around, and quickly reminded Peiling: "Don't tell your real name, don't use spells."

Hearing this, Pei Ling was slightly startled, and subconsciously asked: "Why?"

In the end, Kui Jingyi looked serious and was about to speak, but suddenly stopped. She felt that she seemed to have forgotten something very important, but she couldn't remember it anyway!

After hesitating for a while, she shook her head in confusion: "...I don't know."

Peiling frowned and looked at the strange woman who was still in her arms across the rain screen. She always felt that something was wrong, and she didn't know the other person. Why did she act so close?

At this moment, Kui Jingyi also came back to her senses immediately. She pulled away Pei Ling's arm, and then asked vigilantly: "Who are you?!"

"Wang Gao." Pei Ling replied briefly, and then asked, "How about you?"

"My name is Junkui..." Junkui Jingyi was about to report his real name, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he couldn't tell her real name!

Although I don't know why, I vaguely feel in my heart that I'd better not do this.

Thinking of this, she glanced over the apricot tree not far away, and immediately changed her words, "My name is Hua Xingyu."

Peiling nodded slightly, and was about to say something more, when footsteps came from behind, but another person walked in.

The two of them immediately looked at the visitor, and found that the visitor had a white robe like snow, his forehead gleaming, and his long black hair draped behind his head. He was tall and straight, and his handsome faces showed a touch of evil that was difficult to describe, and they secretly remained vigilant.

At this moment, Ji Changfu's expression was a little surprised, but he quickly recovered, and he looked at Pei Ling and Zhong Kui Jingyi with the same puzzlement.

He came here for something very important...

But why can't I remember anything?

Just as Ji Changfu tried to think back, Pei Ling said: "My name is Wang Gao and her name is Hua Xingyu, what is your name?"

Ji Changfu was startled slightly, and subconsciously replied: "My last name is Ji, my first name..."



Dou Dai's face sank like water, and he quickly took out a sound transmission talisman. After urging it, Jiuyishan Taoist Fu Xuanxu's voice immediately came from inside: "Mr. Dou, what's the matter?"

"Brother Fu." Dou Dai said quickly, "The four Lords of the Ryuran Dynasty finally encountered Kui Jingyi near the city of Miao. The person who shot was Ji Changfu, the young master of the natural sect."

Hearing this, the voice in the sound transmission note immediately said solemnly: "I'll go over immediately."

After speaking, the dim light of the rune went out immediately. Seeing that Daozi had interrupted the sound transmission, Dou Dai had just put away the sound transmission talisman, and Mo Yiqian walked in solemnly: "Brother Dou, there has been some chaos in the camp outside the city, please Brother decides."

Dou Dai frowned: "Go!"

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