I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 716: Finally I find you! (Fourth! Seeking subscription!)

A piece of scorched ground.

Qiao Ci wore an ultramarine tank with a half-arm collar and twelve dark blue ground-embroidered dresses with four seasons flowers, holding flower branches and standing with frowns.

Behind her, following several fellow juniors in the golden hairpins of Chinese clothes, they were casting spells and exploring the surroundings.

"Senior Sister Qiao, the demonic cultivator who slaughtered this village has already left, and all traces and smells have been erased by spells. I'm afraid I won't be able to track it." Said.

"Demon Dao demon people, everyone exterminates humanity!" Qiao Ciguang hadn't spoken yet, and a purple-clothed sister had already said impatiently, "This time the battle between the demon and the demon has only gone on for a few days, and the lives have already been devastated."

"Yeah! Moreover, the reincarnation tower even kept saying that for the sake of saving the world, it is simply a glimpse of the world!" Chu Yushang, who changed into a goose-yellow gold tunic, couldn't help but say, "Life is alive and well. , All this suffering is due to the Reincarnation Tower."

"Let me say, the demon of the Samsara Tower, if you meet one and kill one, you are absolutely innocent!"

The girl in the pink skirt snorted: "The four demon roads are the source of this world's calamity! The Samsara Tower is certainly abhorrent, but by themselves, where can this be able to withstand poisoning the world? He was angry. In the past two days, I saw the most slaughter of innocents, except for the Samsara Tower, which was Wushi Mountain Villa."

"This kind of behavior is worthy of being an immortal, it is basically the rebirth of a real monster!"

The purple-clothed sister immediately said: "Although the Tianshengjiao is not as killing as the Reincarnation Tower and the Wushi Mountain Villa, it has more methods. The roots of identity are all branded with slave marks, thinking that the furnace, the materials...this behavior has long been annihilated, and it is just a beast in human skin."

"There is also Chongmingzong!" Chu Yushang thought of his previous experience, biting his lip and said, "The last time Chongmingzong's demon's righteousness ceremony was... it was absolutely absurd!"

"Pei Ling, the contemporary demon son of the Demon Sect, has a deep demon nature and is already in the bone."

"He... he hasn't been the saint son, so he forced a madam of the sect master to make up for him instead of...no!"

"This Pei Ling, acting tyrannical and distorted and vicious, is almost unheard of."

"I also heard the Qingyuan King of the Ryuran Dynasty say that this person has some favorites that I can't even think of, his heart is cruel and unkind, and his humanity has long been wiped out..."

"I'm afraid that even the demon girl Li Lieyue, compared with that, is a bit beyond the reach."

Pei Ling? ? ?

When Qiao Ciguang heard this, he couldn't help being stunned. Originally, he wanted to let the juniors not chat, and continue to go to the next slaughtered village to track down the words, suddenly swallowed, and her eyebrows frowned.

After returning to Su Zhentian from Tianwai Island last time, she immediately began to retreat.

On the one hand, it is to stabilize the Nascent Soul Realm; on the other hand, after the cultivation level reaches the Nascent Soul, she will cultivate the next inheritance of Suzhen Tian.

If it hadn't been for the outbreak of the Zhengmo War and needed manpower, she might still be practicing with great concentration to this day.

She hadn't left the customs for a long time, so although it was the first time that Qiao Ciguang heard about the demon Pei Ling of the Chongming Sect during this period of time, although the eight factions other than the Chongming Sect had already been heated up.

Thinking of this, she immediately asked: "Zhongmingzong Demon Pei Ling...what the **** is going on?"

Chu Yushang heard this and said hurriedly: "Senior Sister Qiao, you have been in retreat before, so you don’t know. This Pei Ling was originally unknown, but in the recent Chongmingzong Demon’s Orthodon Ceremony, this person has become famous overnight. Among the big factions, it can be said that no one knows that no one knows."

"He was still at the peak of the pill formation. When he had not yet condensed the infant, he took all the true biography of the eight factions, including me and others, who were invited to participate in the Demon Child Ceremony, and brought them all to see the Sect Master's wife Si Hongqing of the Chongming Sect."

"At the time, we thought it was something."

"As a result, when he got to the place, he...in the presence of all of us, forcibly insulting Si Hongqing."

"This move is already unthinkable."

"After the incident, he managed to take the position of the demon smoothly, and immediately under the auspices of the Chongming Sect Master and his wife, he became a Taoist companion with the demon girl Li Lieyue..."

"From the beginning to the end, the Sect Master Chongming not only did not blame him at all, but has always praised him. If it were not for personal experience, it would be absolutely unbelievable..."

Listen and listen, Qiao Ci's brows lightly furrowed like distant mountains.

She had dealt with Pei Ling before, although it was just a simple cooperation due to the situation, but judging from the other party's temperament at the time, it is unlikely to do such a thing.

During this period of retreat, she carefully reviewed the experience of Tianwai Island.

With Pei Ling's strength at the time, Shi Wanli and her four junior sisters would definitely be invincible even if they joined forces!

In particular, Shi Wanli and his four junior sisters were controlled by "Sang", and when he was chasing Pei Ling, if Pei Ling made his best effort, the five of them would have no survivors.

It was too late to even blew up!

However, the other party kept his hand.

She was controlled by "Sang"’s [Heart Demon Dayan Curse] and was unable to attack Pei Ling. Even if Pei Ling killed Shi Wanli and her four junior sisters in front of her, she was a little bit helpless. Can't help each other.

Even, he had to help the other party to hold "Sang".

However, such a demon cultivator kept his promise at the critical moment, and even finally lifted the curse on Senior Sister Ruan Zhi.

Yes, this Pei Ling is indeed Chongmingzong’s magic repair, but in her opinion, the other party is pure in nature, and only a little guidance can change the evil and return to the right. How can it be as unbearable as Senior Sister Chu Yushang said. ...

Among them, there must be some misunderstanding.

Thinking of this, Qiao Ciguang's heart gradually developed a strange feeling: If all this is true, it seems even better...

This thought just came up, and was immediately suppressed by her.

[Mind Demon Dayan Curse]... After she returned to the sect, she had already consulted Master, and Master gave her instructions to transform her into God as soon as possible!

If Hua Shen can't solve this curse, then only ask a few Patriarchs to take action...

At this moment, Chu Yushang suddenly said, "Senior Sister Qiao, how do you feel...something is wrong with this place?"

Hearing this, Qiao Ciguang suddenly recovered, and quickly said: "Set up an array!"

Chu Yushang and other female cultivators did not hesitate at all, and they all took out a burst of discs, and at the same time they urged them by pinching. In an instant, a white light flashed, and a forest of flowers appeared out of thin air, protecting them in groups.

The next moment, in the void, a black gauze skirt suddenly appeared.

The person here is magnificent and beautiful, with a slim waist like a willow. When the skirt is flying, it looks like a cloud of ink rolling. On the plain face, the rune on the brows is like blood, like a few drops, standing in the air, looking down below. Hualin.

Qiao Ciguang looked solemn and coldly shouted: "Li Lieyue!"

Li Lieyue's icy gaze swept across her neck: "Qiao Ciguang, I finally found you."

As he spoke, in the void of his body, countless phantom maids appeared...

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