I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 309 Do You Know Education?

In fact, Lao Meng has always had a good impression of Zhao Dezhu.

Principal Li praised this kid for his general style and high vision.

But the school should not be empty and all run business outside.

Even if Zhao Dezhu took two 5,000 yuan, it would be an upright textbook refill fee.

The principles that should be adhered to must be adhered to.

When Shen Jianing helped him push open the door of the boss's office when he passed through this swampland full of singing and dancing.

Lao Meng's impression of Zhao Dezhu was even better.

Because there were so many youthful beauties outside, Zhao Dezhu actually talked to Pan Jiangyuan inside.

Lao Meng has dealt with the boy who is in charge of the e-sports game textbook, and even guided the student's compilation work like a graduate student.

Pan Jiangyuan considered again and again during the Spring Festival, but he still bit the bullet and went back.

But I definitely didn't dare to tell my family that I was expelled from school and had fallen into a higher vocational education majoring in e-sports.

During the entire Spring Festival, he also promoted local sales in his hometown city in southern Shonan, telling his family that it was a work-study program.

I didn't come back to report until the start of school this morning.

As soon as he arrived, he was scolded bloody by Zhao Dezhu: "Who are you! The actual manager of the e-sports major, what point cards are you going to sell now? Is it your point of sale that I am so bad? You are sorry What are my expectations for you? Have you made a plan for the e-sports competition? It's already March...fuck, Valentine's Day is over!"

Pan Jiangyuan was drenched in cold sweat from being scolded in front, but he was a little dazed behind.

Zhao Dezhu just didn't know how to do it himself and wanted to shirk it to others.

Seeing Lao Meng come in, he got up and patted Pan Jiangyuan on the shoulder: "When you come back, I want you to deal with the engineers here, discuss clearly how to conduct this e-sports competition, and show me the specific plan. Professor Meng is a good person, just happened to be together Discuss work, the e-commerce logistics major will assist the e-sports major this time..."

Lao Meng is not very familiar with the term playing assistant: "Mr. Zhao, I am talking to you about the student's return to school with a very serious attitude. Students take learning as their life, and now they are all outside for a game. Selling is putting the cart before the horse!"

Pan Jiangyuan was going to go out, but Zhao Dezhu stopped him: "Drink tea here, Jiajia makes tea."

Shen Jianing's delicate body vibrated, and she sat down behind the tea table in high spirits.

Old Meng's majestic aura was half weakened by the elegance of this piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. He was an old master in the first place.

Naturally fascinated by such elegant things.

Zhao Dezhu pulled him over and sat down again: "Professor Meng, let me tell you a story. It's true. When my father entered the hospital, he saw that the bed next door was suffering from chronic or late stage failure. Anyway, it was a miserable kind. There was no one at home. Relatives, there is only an eleven-year-old son, and his wife ran away two years ago."

After Pan Jiangyuan sat down, he opened his notepad and began to think about the e-sports competition.

Hearing the sound, he was absorbed in the fact that he was admitted to the Military Medical University because his parents worked in the hospital and asked him to inherit the profession, so he knew more about such things.

Except for Shen Jianing's smooth operation, they all quietly listened to Zhao Dezhu's description: "The cost of dialysis is very high, the hospital tries to reduce or exempt it as much as possible, social assistance and donations, I can make do with it, but it is very hard, very hard, and the father and son sometimes hug each other and cry... "

This was actually the only thing that left a deep impression on me in the last few years of my previous life.

Before his father passed away, he had no assets. He gambled wildly in an attempt to make money, and rarely went to the hospital.

I didn't pay attention to other people's sufferings at all, and I heard what my mother said later.

But at that time, he was indifferent.

Because the gambler's thinking has completely ignored the feelings of the people around him, and it was only after his mother passed away that he occasionally missed this story.

"There is a barbecue restaurant in front of the hospital. The owner is very nice. When I heard about it, I found the child and asked him to work in the store. After school, I would do my homework first. After dinner, I would have dinner with everyone, and then I would work as a running hall until the evening. Send it back at 10:30 and 11:00, and then give the child full salary, which is calculated as a full-time adult. In fact, everyone else has to do it at 2 or 3 o'clock. Everyone takes good care of this child, and the child is very happy every day , but the grades are getting better, it’s a good thing, right?”

Shen Jianing usually doesn't listen to what Zhuzi tells people, and concentrates on making tea.

They couldn't help but pause, Pan Jiangyuan became more focused, only Lao Meng frowned.

Zhao Dezhu continued: "But one night, a female customer saw him having a barbecue, and asked him casually if he was helping his parents. The child was very proud to say that he was working part-time, but the woman secretly recorded it with her mobile phone, and asked the child well. Clearly, how long did you work, how much money did you get, turned around and reported the boss for using child labor, a bunch of industry and commerce, police, and social security personnel all went, the evidence is convincing, the license is confiscated and the store is closed, and a large fine is required. What do you think? Is this a fucking thing?"

This is what Lao Meng frowned: "It's wrong to hire child labor. If you have difficulty, you can find the government..."

The three young people looked at the professor quietly together.

You can vaguely hear the twittering of the office area outside, and you can also vaguely hear the noise of the huge city outside the floor-to-ceiling windows on the other side.

But in this high-end and luxurious office, there is only silence, um, and a gurgling teapot boiling water.

As if to remind Shen Jianing, the girl reached out to pick up the kettle to add water, but said softly: "Our family has a total of 17 square meters of old houses. It has been demolished for seven years. Up to now, our family is still renting and living everywhere. My parents and neighbors have been following The developers are making trouble, and no one cares about our difficulties, because the real estate is unfinished, and the owner is clearly seeing the owner driving a luxury car and wearing a gold watch, but says he is bankrupt, and we ordinary people have nothing to do."

He spoke very calmly, as if talking about someone else.

The lips of the intellectuals who have been in the ivory tower all their lives twitched.

Zhao Dezhu was straightforward: "Your matter is exactly the same. You can find out the actual teaching quality of this school after talking with those teachers. Pay two to three thousand yuan a year, and you can learn ass! It's a pheasant university that cheats money. , The reason why I want to major in logistics, e-commerce, and e-sports is so that everyone can really learn a craft and be able to eat and earn money to support themselves. Don’t talk about advanced knowledge with me, you understand Well, higher vocational education! I’m here to learn crafts. The definitions, history, and operating principles in e-commerce textbooks are all lies! Because no one in the world fully understands these brand-new crafts. If you don't fool the relevant departments, you can't do anything at all, but you report it... Yes, you are upright and brave, but do you know that you are ruining the future of more than a thousand students who are learning crafts?"

Lao Meng looked at Zhao Dezhu firmly.

Zhao Dezhu looked back without giving an inch: "I don't care. I have family property and these companies can support me. The big deal is to leave the school to fend for itself. More than a thousand students returned to the classroom and were forced to study those who have long been out of touch with society. After graduation, who will work for them and pay them? Just like that kid, can you imagine how he felt when he returned to the barbecue restaurant after school, but because he was closed? Do you understand? You have studied education all your life , do you understand the lowest level of pain?"

The circles of Shen Jianing's eyes were red, and crystal clear tears slowly slid down her cheeks. She didn't wipe it off, but continued to pour the tea seriously, holding it in front of Zhao Dezhu with both hands. This is what she could repay.

Well, some tears fell into the teacup.

Pan Jiangyuan sat upright, standing motionless behind Zhao Dezhu.

It seemed that some pride began to spread on him.

Proud to be able to follow such a person, such a team.

Lao Meng's eyes seemed to wander a little, unable to resist Zhao Dezhu's aggressive momentum.

But he still lowered his head and muttered: "But the students are not doing their jobs properly when they play games, and they even help the evildoers to promote games."

Zhao Dezhu hehe, he got up from his desk and turned on the player on his computer, and immediately there was a projector showing a huge picture beside him.

He still had to close the curtains a bit.

Zhao Dezhu has already decided to ask Zhang Zegui to buy a huge LCD screen to pretend to be aggressive, no matter how expensive it is.

The projector is so useless.

But at this time, the picture that came out was very clear and beautiful.

At the beginning of the picture, there is a chubby son of a family of three, with his hands folded on the counter, staring at the LCD screen with rapt attention.

The tall, fat, bearded father who looked like Lu Zhishen happily manipulated the computer: "Look! How fun, Condor Heroes..."

The young mother, who is not at all pretty, poked her head in and looked at it, and also smiled happily.

He took the exquisite "Condor Heroes" game disc box and handed it over: "I bought it."

The slim and enchanting male salesperson with a funny face took it with respectful hands: "Who did you buy it for?"

Mom proud: "My son!"

The salesperson asked with the expression of calling the charterer to boil water: "Young master, how old is this year?"

The father who was showing off his nirvana to his son didn't care: "Five years old."

While collecting the money as if nothing had happened, the salesperson put the game packaging box in the glass cabinet next to him: "Please come back to pick up the goods in 13 years, please."

The family of three raised their heads dramatically, and the sturdy bearded father showed his fierceness.

It's time to test your acting skills. The charming salesperson is shy and shy, the mother is puzzled, and the father is furious: "What did you say?"

The salesperson changed from the enchanting look just now, with a serious expression: "This game is suitable for adults over 18 years old..."

The camera cuts to the ignorant child: "He is still very young, he should enjoy family time with you, and learn about tenderness and love, instead of bloody and violent slashing..."

At this time, the couple looked at the child in a daze, and were touched by the narration tone unique to the pop-up advertisement.

Surrounded by high-tech shops, the child's innocent eyes just revealed the topic that has been debated for many years.

Game boy, is it the game that is wrong?

Internet addicted children, is the Internet wrong?

Including the later mobile phone children, is it the mobile phone that is wrong?

It’s the parents who are wrong. If you lose a game, a network, or a mobile phone for your children to play, you can save yourself worry.

It is obvious that they have not been given enough nurturing, tolerance and guidance, and only know that they are simply and rudely prohibited and blocked.

The salesperson who looks like a sauce is actually a bit of a saint at this moment, and the smiling and tender look made the father turn to his son: "Wait until you grow up to play?"

The child nodded in response, good father.

Advertisements are idealistic, but children are a blank slate, and it is the guidance of their parents that makes them a different picture.

The reasoning is very clear.

This is a matter of joint education by parents and the society, so don't blame it all on the game.

Everyone has a heart for games.

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