I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 310 You are only allowed to set the fire on da da da, but you are not allowed to light the l

at the end of the screen.

A family of three, together with the salesperson with folded hands, held the game packaging bag of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

It slowly faded into the background, and the logos of Penguin Games and Southwest College were displayed.

Add a slogan "It's a game, it's also an education."

Loud and eye-catching.

This is not so much a game advertisement as it is a public service advertisement.

But if you only say that this is a public service advertisement, it cannot conceal the strong implantation of the game.

Not only so many beauties who applied for the job today mentioned that they saw the advertisement last night.

Since last night, the number of people online in the entire game has soared!

Isn't spending money on advertising just to improve performance?

What the hell is this advertisement taking advantage of and gaining a reputation for being cute.

Shen Yuhong and the others were still in the Kingdom of China, so they asked for fine-tuning of the game.

When all players open the game and log in, there will be an additional dialog box asking: "Are you eighteen years old?"

You can only enter the game when the point is full, and you will exit the game directly if it is not full.

This is definitely the adult website routine that Zhao Dezhu is familiar with.

The producer has clearly informed the number of years of participation in this game. If the age is falsely reported, it is a problem of fraud by the players themselves.

But how many players will be honest when faced with this kind of dialog box?

The capitalist's exoneration method is very sneaky.

Isn't Zhao Dezhu the most familiar with these things?

To be precise, his approach is called crisis public relations.

Gently defuse the public opinion by playing Tai Chi, and make a lot of money. Thank you for your jealousy and jealousy for helping to promote it.

Auntie Chen from the media was full of praise after reading it, saying that Zhao Dezhu's team was well-run, and the level of commercial shooting was so high that there was no substitute for it in Jiangzhou. It must be the work of Penguin executives.

This is true.

Senior Zhao.

Erfu called last night, hahaha, they want to take the advertisement to eastern Guangdong and broadcast it, and they will pay for the placement fee.

Then by the way, make it into a pop-up advertisement and go around.

Because just relying on this public service advertisement, it can abruptly increase the brand value of Penguin Company.

Let shareholders associate the game "The Legend of Condor Heroes" with penguins.

Directly promote stock price estimates.

At the same time, the better the economic benefits of the game, the higher the exposure rate, and the better-looking the listing annual report can be.

Even though the money did not turn into profit, it was invested in education construction.

All appear to be more compelling and more corporate long-term.

How much is this in exchange for the listed stock price?

How many listed companies can't find this kind of hype theme, and now they have it out of thin air, so they are very unhappy.

It was also decided to open an overseas server in HK to promote a wave of sales in HK.

Earn capitalist turnover to fill Zhao Dezhu's education fund.

In the eyes of Pan Jiangyuan who came back overnight, isn't this advertisement a true portrayal of him.

His obsession with games, even his own reasons, are still related to the simple education model that was too strict and rigid in his childhood.

I have been learning under high pressure since I was a child, but I have not developed self-control ability.

It will lead to a complete collapse after entering university.

When he saw this advertisement for the first time, he was completely dumbfounded.

The kind that shocks the soul, it is completely unexpected that this method can be used to explain the relationship between games and education.

Even Lao Meng felt completely changed after seeing this advertisement.

He took off his thick bottle-bottomed glasses, wiped them, and put them back on without his previous attitude: "Then tell me, what should I do now?"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Dezhu spread his hands: "That's your business. I can only tell you a starting point. I don't want to maintain the teaching order, how to make money, or how to be famous. What I want is how to let this group of students find them in their lifetime. The best way."

This is the most pretentious thing to say.

Shen Jianing, who had already brewed three cups of tea, sat upright and bowed her head, tears dripping down the back of her hands.

She didn't move either.

But these tears must be different from the one just now.

Weeping with joy, moved, happy, happy.

Lao Meng looked at the kid who was dozens of years younger than himself, and the pedant who got into the pile of old papers with all his heart, after all, he was still decent in his heart.

With a long sigh: "Young and promising, extraordinary knowledge is used to describe you like this, you have been educated."

He picked up the teacup and respectfully respected it.

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "I don't have much knowledge, Lao Meng. We went to Zhejiang and Hangzhou together by fate, met the big boss of e-commerce, and later got the boss with a billion-dollar investment. Now I will show you the bottom line. This group of students are fighting him to the bottom of the sky, and maybe they won't be able to tell the difference in five or ten years. I may lose all my capital and property, but this year's students will definitely have countless tempering exercises Their own chance, they must not come to Southwest College to get a diploma, but will become the strongest team in the e-commerce industry in China or even in the world, do you believe it?"

Shen Jianing raised her head sharply, scaring away her tears, and Pan Jiangyuan's eyes were full of admiration.

Lao Meng's breathing became heavier: "Really?"

Zhao Dezhu is not so tall, but for people like Lao Meng, he must use his tall and stalwart brilliance to conquer: "In the eyes of many people, high vocational students are rubbish and ordinary people, and some people are good at making ordinary people Trying to be my own, cheating to the bottom, and coaxing around, but I respect everyone in the society who earns money to support themselves and is self-reliant. I will only accompany these people to work hard and struggle. Are you willing to follow me? together?"

In all fairness, Lao Meng is really ordinary, so ordinary that you can see this kind of scholar and teacher who likes to hang his head on the sidewalk in every university.

I haven't made any outstanding achievements in my life, and I haven't had any earth-shattering results. When I go to the cafeteria, I still ask my aunt to decorate.

But Zhao Dezhu really respected it.

At the beginning, I respected giving money to make teaching materials, but now I respect it and talk about understanding, otherwise I just call Principal Li and kick this ignorant guy back.

But Zhao Dezhu just respected that he did nothing wrong, just like the person who reported that the child was a child laborer, he did nothing wrong in essence.

There is always a balance between emotion and reason, which is the correct way to deal with it, instead of simply scolding or kicking someone out.

What's more, a decent person like Lao Meng is also needed by Southwest College.

If they were all as slippery as Zhao Dezhu, and Sister Long couldn't hold back, wouldn't Zhao Dezhu make a mistake?

Even Zeng Nan knew how to beat Zhao Dezhu.

Well, that's the policewoman.

As soon as Zhao Dezhu got Lao Meng's sincere heart, Zeng Nan, dressed in a police uniform, came to the door with another colleague: "Who is the person in charge of this company... Zhao Dezhu?! What are you doing here!"

There are so many beauties standing at the front desk, which is as crowded as when the elementary school in the street was doing radio gymnastics.

Huanfeiyanshou, tall and petite, there are all kinds of girls.

Still can't resist the unique style of the heroic policewoman in police uniform.

Zhao Dezhu, who was about to send Lao Meng downstairs, immediately nodded and bowed to meet him: "Ah, I haven't reported work to you for a long time!"

Zeng Nan immediately restrained his attitude: "Be serious! We received complaints from the masses and called the police, saying that this place disrupted the normal work order. Are you responsible here?"

Anyway, with such a sweep of eyes, she felt that when she saw so many beauties, her first reaction was Zhao Dezhu, what are you doing again.

Zhao Dezhu just sighed: "Wow, your jurisdiction is so big, the area of ​​bars and nightclubs, the shopping and trade pedestrian street here, and the old town of Shijiuti are all under your control?"

Zeng Nan didn't exchange pleasantries with him, and went about business as usual: "Hurry up and solve the immediate problem first! Don't affect other people's work order."

Zhao Dezhu was speechless: "Who is to blame? There are too many beauties in Jiangzhou?"

Just such a casual sentence from him caused a lot of laughter around him: "Are you the manager?"

"You are so young and handsome..."

Zeng Nan is not tall, and although she is only dressed like a policeman without a police weapon, she is still dignified. She seems to be disgusted by this kind of chattering scene: "Don't be joking, quickly restore order..."

Her colleague hurriedly smoothed things over: "They are all commercial users in our jurisdiction. It should be that the scene caused by your event is too big. Is there any formal procedure? When we came up, we found that the public elevator was occupied and there were too many people staying in the lobby below. People, what kind of activity are you doing..."

Zhao Dezhu restrained himself from getting angry, and turned his head: "Chen Yanling!"

Li Yuanyuan quickly jumped out: "Yanling has gone to the media group, she is now talking about the advertising promotion of the e-sports competition, and sister Ting and I are in charge."

Even if it's just a small secretarial job, if there is a slight handover error in the middle, something will go wrong.

Feng Xiaoting, who poked her head out from the meeting room, was also surprised: "Who is so blind..."

But the pungentness of her little chili pepper made Zhao Dezhu pouted softly when he saw it: "I didn't expect so many people."

Zhao Dezhu was really thinking that if Chen Yanling came, he might be more considerate.

Be patient and teach... In fact, he is not familiar with these work routines, so his tone became more positive: "Ask Long Jie for more advice, shouldn't such a large recruitment event be arranged more appropriately?"

Indeed, from the perspective of the company structure of the special development team, there is no need for HR in the personnel department here, and Penguin helps recruit senior engineers.

Zhao Dezhu himself knows what a fart.

So this kind of activity of recruiting nearly a hundred people also attracted...

Li Yuanyuan was taken by the policewoman to the floor-to-ceiling window to look at it, and she was frightened. There were queues in the pedestrian street below!

No wonder she couldn't finish sending out the registration forms all the time!

Before and after, Feng Xiaoting interviewed by herself, and Li Yuanyuan brought three or four front desk girls to assist.

It's just child's play.

What's even more outrageous is that the film crew is back at this time.

Tao Zheng's bald head like a marinated egg is very eye-catching. Although the leading actor Guo Er is not a character in Zhao Dezhu's eyes, he is still familiar in many film and television dramas.

At least he was much more famous than Huang Bai at this time.

Coupled with the professional machines carried by photographers and others, just walking over caused chaos in the beautiful women's team...

The female policeman covered her head with difficulty, and pointed at Zhao Dezhu through gritted teeth: "Don't you know how to contact the police station to file for this kind of public incident? How can I tell you!"

Anyway, she can just da da da, Zhao Dezhu don't want to be casual.

After finishing speaking, he asked his colleagues to rush back to the elevator and go downstairs, and at the same time took out a walkie-talkie from his waist: "Please help, please help!"

He pointed at Zhao Dezhu with the antenna of the walkie-talkie, silently mouthing that you are waiting!

Feng Xiaoting only cared: "Do you like this?"

Zhao Dezhu was so angry that he grabbed her face with both hands.

All the beauties around were staring at him with piercing eyes.

This boss seems to be very annoying.

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