I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 618 I am a lion whose head opens its mouth anytime

Because in this complex society.

It is naive to think that everyone will treat you kindly.

How could Zhao Dezhu, who was hunted before, allow himself to repeat the same mistakes?

This flag is obviously the best protection for the industrial park.

TM.com now has a very high reputation and appeal among domestic Internet companies.

Almost all Internet and IT companies are sending people to visit and investigate, and many grassroots startups hope to have cooperation, seek venture capital, and seek acquisitions.

This means that the high-tech industrial park itself will expand like a snowball.

Since this Internet company can grow up in Jiangzhou, it means that the political and business environment here is good.

This is the most concerned issue of various enterprises.

Only those who are bosses understand that there are policies at all levels and countermeasures at the bottom, just like the Northeast environment that everyone knows in later generations, it is really not suitable for business.

If Jiangzhou can breed a master like TM.com, then it will really attract other peers to come and try.

The biggest shortcoming here is that there is not enough technical support from top universities, there is no trend information like that of Shanghai and Shenzhen, and there is no opportunity to find various venture capital.

It is said that Jiangzhou participated in the national conference this year, and it has become a major issue to compete with neighboring provinces for the deployment of the main network line in the western region to Jiangzhou.

So far, TM Network has placed its main servers in Pengzhen because of this bandwidth problem.

But the cost here is much lower in all aspects.

Energy and labor are abundant.

For those large IT companies that need to build factories and scale, choose Jiangzhou as the rear, and there will be a settlement.

Among them, higher vocational education is precisely a very important weight.

Cheap labor is often low-skilled and highly mobile.

Vocational education has always been a headache for coastal enterprises. Training skilled workers by themselves is costly and risky, because it is easy to change jobs if the skills are good.

Especially for some technical jobs that involve cultural quality, training is even more troublesome.

However, the template made by Southwest College and High-tech Industrial Park is that Jiangzhou may not believe in cultivating top-level technical talents in universities, but higher vocational education can keep up.

The reason is still the same as that of the crew and group performances. This level is difficult to manage, but if the vocational college intervenes in the management, the cost of human resources alone can save a lot.

There are indeed several electronics companies discussing plans with Jiangzhou City.

So when Jiangzhou leaders spoke next, they also focused on this theme. This high-tech industrial park was established with the support and support of the city. Microsoft and HPC are welcome to invest and build factories in Jiangzhou.

After visiting the exhibition hall, I walked upstairs to the dining center.

Although it wasn't time for dinner, Zhao Dezhu didn't think there was anything to talk about taking him to his office, which was still vaguely smelly, at this time, and there were no VIP negotiation rooms here.

Just like he went to Knock Duck headquarters, sit down on the sofa circle that can be seen everywhere in the cafeteria.

Li Xiaojun was full of happiness and happiness, and he sat on the same sofa with Fu Jianqing, and Chen Yanling accompanied Zhao Dezhu, possibly as an interpreter.

Internet companies are not all popular to pretend to be trendy, in fact, they are similar to the Nordic style of IKEA restaurants.

Fortunately, the cafeteria is big enough and stylish, and the usual management is very strict, there is no peculiar smell, the windows are bright and clean, and it has the atmosphere of a coffee bar.

A bunch of shots from the publicity outlets in the city, the Beijing and Jiangzhou media brought by Microsoft, immediately grabbed the best shooting angles around.

The city leaders sat on the sofa and had a friendly communication with the Internet companies, and also tried to draw a red line between the world's largest software company and the domestic emerging Internet upstarts, and enthusiastically promoted cooperation between the two parties.

I don't know the specific reason for this, so I started to play the role of a man.

Zhao Dezhu smiled and said nothing, the foreign CEO was not used to it, and had no idea what he was talking about in this kind of gossip.

Obviously, shouldn't I sit down and talk with Zhao Dezhu?

It deserves it, multinational corporations these days like to follow the government route, very much like a foreigner.

I am used to suppressing domestic companies like this, and it is very smooth.

But Zhao Dezhu's place is really special. It has almost become a leading company in the new economy in Jiangzhou, and everyone in the city must participate in it and grow together.

Do not avoid.

In the end, Wang Fenglian came to break the situation: "Mr. Zhao, through your comments in the media, we at HPC and Microsoft have learned that you are very optimistic about the future of smartphones. Can you fully explain your thinking?"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Dezhu was not polite at all: "We started to participate in the Pebble Beach Golf Investment Competition the year before last, and participated in the DARPA Global Driverless Driving Competition last year. We invested a lot in high-tech exploration before we came to a conclusion. We will rely on smartphones to develop many Internet projects, you want me to tell the hard work, where is the possibility of success or failure of smartphones, should I pay for it?"

Li Xiaojun crossed his fingers on his belly, smiling like a Maitreya Buddha.

It is estimated that Zhao Dezhu has already discovered that he likes to use this routine.

Lao Lin was full of interest, full of concentration of a technocrat participating in negotiations, and nodded thoughtfully, as if he recognized the value of Zhao Dezhu's hard work.

The camera must have frequently captured the images of a few of them.

Wang Fenglian smiled: "Okay, how appropriate do you think it is?"

Zhao Dezhu opened his mouth loudly: "100 million."

Before everyone was amazed, he added: "It's dollars."

As long as you have watched his show against Charles Zhang, you should know his already very famous five million, fifty million asking price.

However, Li Xiaojun was like a babysitter, paying the five million check in front of many people.

It shows that Zhao Dezhu is not joking.

Since then, Zhao Dezhu, who has gradually been exposed more and more, has formed his own style of negotiation and conversation.

You will ask for a price every time you move, will you listen?

Don't talk about money.

But the asking price must be a price that makes the other party uncomfortable.

But he still has the qualifications.

While everyone was amazed, the foreign president leaned forward, with his elbows on his knees, in the standard conversational posture of tall, European and American white men: "Mr. Zhao, as the external APP with the highest number of users in our Windows mobile phone system so far, I think you must have your own unique insights on smartphones, we are here with the idea of ​​cooperation, and hope that everyone can negotiate friendly on the premise of mutual benefit, OK?"

The last two words were expressed with a smile towards Lao Lin.

Lao Lin nodded approvingly, and then pretended to listen to the interpreter's explanation, his face was sincere but he just didn't speak.

Zhao Dezhu wanted to laugh even more. When Chen Yanling translated it softly in his ear, the fragrance was really nice, unlike Li Yuanyuan, a fool who smells like toothpaste all day long.

But nephrite and Wenxiang couldn't suppress his toughness.

In fact, after he pissed off Charles Zhang last time, Zhao Dezhu thought about it himself when he looked back, why would someone who had no grievances be rude.

Just to get Yang Yichuan's team over?

This frankly overestimated Zhao Dezhu's negotiating IQ.

How could he think so much.

He also watched the footage of his TV show, and found that he should still hate the poor and love the rich.

Because he knows that Charles Zhang is a "poor household", and in his last life, a certain fox is nothing compared to a penguin and a certain treasure.

He's less polite.

Look at the first time I met the old horse and the second rich man, he was as polite as a grandson, and he might kneel down and hug his thigh at any time.

Zhao Dezhu was not a noble guy in the first place, but today he faced the boss of Dopod, who will probably disappear in the battle of mobile phones in the future, and the executives of Microsoft, who will definitely be defeated by Android and Apple.

Naturally, he became angry: "You are wrong, this matter is good for you, but not for me at all. Let's put it this way, the current WB users have exceeded ten million, and I didn't put my treasure on the two. body, because I doubt whether you will be the final victors in the future mobile phone war."

In the last talk show, I unceremoniously offended a certain Fox and Nock Duck.

This time, in front of the city leaders, offend Microsoft and HPC again?

Zhao Dezhu was so angry that the officials at the scene had extremely strange expressions.


The world's largest IT brand, the boss is the world's richest man, their software systems are used all over the world, who doesn't look at their faces?

Even the leaders of Jiangzhou City rushed to meet when they heard that there was a vice president from Greater China, hoping to find some project opportunities.

Isn't this also very important to the future development of Jiangzhou?

Who would have thought that you, a young man, would directly offend you.

Others were in an uproar. The foreigners listened to the content near the translator, and they didn't know if they had adjusted the tone of the text. There was no anger on their expressions, but disbelief.

Wang Fenglian reacted the fastest, could she understand directly: "Why? If you can tell us what our HPC is not doing well enough, no problem, I can pay the corresponding price to satisfy you price tag."

It's no wonder that she is a character who has been up and down in the business world for nearly twenty years, and her counterattacks, which have been eliminated and fought, still outline Zhao Dezhu's greed for money.

Zhao Dezhu didn't even know the relationship between HPC and Dopod, and of course he didn't know how the mobile phone brand HPC disappeared.

But he has a special feeling, which he only has when facing this Baodao brand mobile phone after coming back more than ten years later.

He took out the brand new 828 mobile phone from his trouser pocket and put it on the coffee table in front of him.

Wang Fenglian's face was full of pride.

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