I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 649 Don't Abandon, Don't Give Up

But obviously.

Zhao Dezhu has been in the e-sports industry for two years. After winning three championship trophies in this international e-sports competition in Nanli, it really became hot.

This is the first time that China has won a serious world championship after the official start of the global e-sports industry.

Although it is only a global competition hosted by Nanli people.

But it is also unprecedented.

From the second day after winning the championship, all newspapers and magazines in the country that have something to do with e-sports are promoting the arrival of the spring of domestic e-sports.

Because even if the Sports Commission issued a statement two years ago that e-sports is considered a sports event, in the eyes of the people and public opinion across the country at this time, e-sports is still an addictive poison.

The frenzy of public opinion that set off across the country in the first half of last year was the standard response.

In fact, there have been e-sports clubs since 2000, but they have always remained at the stage where players gather together because of their dreams.

The so-called clubs only provide Internet cafe training and some dormitories similar to universities.

In fact, including Zhao Dezhu himself, his attitude towards e-sports is disapproving.

In his last life, was his understanding of e-sports a handicap?


OK, I see.

In the eyes of Gambling Dog, all sports with handicap are man-made tricks.

And what kind of culture and literacy do children who play e-sports have?

The popularity of e-sports is purely driven by the commercial interests behind it.

Hundreds of millions of video game enthusiasts are supporting the weird fruits of this market.

Among them, Nanli, from the enterprise to the government, is fully promoting this smoke-free industry, which also accounts for a large part of the reason.

The e-sports professional league that Zhao Dezhu knew in his previous life can basically be compared to domestic football clubs.

The owner does not run the club for e-sports, the players only do it to make money, the entire league seems to be prosperous, but in fact all the clubs are operating at a loss.

To be precise, there are simply not enough profit points to satisfy this exaggerated money-burning model.

It's just a commodity that capital players are operating with a lot of attention.

Everyone takes what they need, and finally throws it to the unlucky guy who plays drums and passes flowers to take over.

With this kind of mentality, Zhao Dezhu started to major in e-sports because he wanted to wait for that famous bully to take over.

Sell ​​it for a sky-high price, just pat your ass and leave.

But now, not only does he not know where the son of the richest man with a small goal of 100 million is, Zhao Dezhu's mentality has also changed.

I have been together day and night for more than a year, watching these e-sports teenagers, practicing diligently with dreams in mind, even those who are a little bit worse have already started to do tests and experience with the game company.

At this time, let him abandon these young people like commodities, is he still human?

Even when I went home, I was too ashamed to look up to my wife.

What is the core sentence in Soldiers Assault?

Do not abandon, do not give up.

At this time, Zhao Dezhu gradually understood this sentence.

So he really gave up his fantasy, gave up throwing the pot to the son of the richest man, and gave up relying on others to do this market.

Why can the son of the richest man do it but not himself?

I have the money from TM, the public opinion of WB, and the industry foundation of a game company. Isn't it better than the son of the richest man?

Can you develop the industry in a healthy way in your own hands?

So, you have to be self-reliant.

In Zhao Dezhu's office, professional e-sports players began to come to chat one after another. People from the industry such as Brother Feng, the former owner of the Internet Café Alliance, were invited to chat.

When reporters from Computer News and domestic game media came to interview Zhao Dezhu, they also sat down and had a long talk.

Everyone discusses how to do a good job in the e-sports industry in China and truly develop the league.

Lin Xiu and the others can't come back now.

Of the nearly 200 people who went to Nanli, more than a dozen stayed in Nanli to participate in a series of e-sports industry activities.

The others were split into 20 or 30 groups, and together with their companions who had previously played tours across the country, they went in small groups to crush the Internet addiction of e-sports fans everywhere.

Let them know how many billions of people in the world are playing video games, but they can reach a professional level.

It may be higher than the elimination rate of football and basketball.

Therefore, the upsurge of e-sports has boiled throughout the country until November, and there is no sign of cooling down.

There is even a sense of intensification. Wherever the teams touring competitions in various places go, they are full of star-like welcomes.

Pan Jiangyuan and the others have already done it very skillfully.

There is a dedicated local push pilot group to pave the way ahead, and find the best Internet cafes in various counties and cities to negotiate appearance fees.

Not high, 200 to 1,000 yuan for each player, depending on the size of the city.

The event fee of 2,000 yuan also includes gifts such as posters and souvenirs. The banners and large-scale spray paintings are all brought by the local promotion team to help create impact.

Wait three to five days for the local Internet cafe to do a good job of publicity and attract enough viewers to come, and then the players in groups of five arrive, collect money, perform, play games with local netizens, and leave after three or four hours of activity.

Don't be too cool about one county and city every day!

Some Internet cafes and locations have been screened in the preliminary work of the local promotion group, and there are very few disputes.

Even the sparring players who didn't play in the competition earned tens of thousands of dollars each!

In the provincial capital city, you will even be held for three to five days by some colleges and universities, and you will already have female fans!

Under such circumstances, it has indeed attracted many people who feel that the e-sports industry is profitable.

There are endless incidents of secretly poaching people to sit in their restaurant as thugs.

Fortunately, Pan Jiangyuan has learned a lot from Super Girls.

Repeatedly remind everyone that this is a long-term job. If you follow Southwest College, Lao Zhao, and the team, you will not treat anyone badly, and you will be able to earn years of craft money.

Once you leave, you will fight alone, you will betray the entire academy and the team, and you will almost be abandoned by everyone.

The future is basically nothing.

It was also because of Zhao Dezhu's generosity that he basically didn't make money from this kind of tour, which made the team atmosphere of e-sports players very united. Let's look at the local promoters of the Southwest Iron Army.

I feel that I am also a stronger existence no less than Tie Jun.

He gave himself the title of Southwest Iron Fist, which means that we have to use us to attack tough problems.

Each also has its own lifetime number.

This team has a sense of honor, and there is no one who is willing to leave the team.

So these local bosses finally had to find Southwest College to talk.

Zhao Dezhu still called Pan Jiangyuan back and asked him to negotiate with Lao Xu and Long Zhiyu.

How much money is there, is there a venue, how much strength can you pay players?

Are you interested in doing a national league together? What are your thoughts and suggestions on this league?

After all, Nanli is only a big country, and they are basically concentrated in the capital and two or three other big cities. The transportation costs for professional leagues are very low, and many teams compete in the same city.

China is so big, there is one team in each province, and flying back and forth across the country may overwhelm many teams due to transportation costs.

So the actual operation needs to be carefully considered.

Zhao Dezhu also imitated Sister Xia's approach. As a big boss, he had to ask questions first, and let others find the answers.

In the end, the boss will come to choose the best and make a decision, and he will become a wise boss!

And he obviously talked with the media and Brother Feng on his side.

Faced with the prototypes of these clubs, they deliberately distanced themselves from each other.

On the contrary, people feel that the mountains are looking up.

A self-made boss with billions or tens of billions of assets should behave like this.

Slowly, one family, two families, more than ten or twenty managers and owners who intend to set up e-sports clubs gathered in Southwest College.

Not boring, at this stage they are still interested in e-sports.

There are many things to watch in the e-sports major, such as watching the training of players in the left-behind school, watching the game major to learn how to make games, and even discussing how to run this league together.

Among them, a few from Shanghai are obviously the rich second generation, and they take advantage of the opportunity of living in a townhouse to play golf every day.

I am full of praise for Boss Zhao's ostentation.

Zhao Dezhu is really too busy, it's November.

11.11 TM Anniversary!

The current statistical data is the first year of opening, and the total sales have reached a little over 120 billion!

Among them, self-employment only accounted for 0.8%, which is about one billion.

Even if most of them are low-priced inventory and unsalable products, the gross profit can still subsidize a considerable part of the operating expenses.

For an online shopping mall that has just been online for a year, this sales performance is already enough to stand out from the crowd.

Hang on the performance of a certain treasure.

Of course, it also proved the correctness of the model that Lao Ma worked so hard to create.

It's just that before Lao Ma had a chance to grow, Zhao Dezhu took advantage of Penguin's user base and the mature operating methods he had piled up in advance.

Directly beat a certain treasure net into a mess.

The latest news is that I heard that Lao Ma is also seeking to list on NASDAQ or HK, because in this way he can get more financial support.

Wogualian is still stubborn, still looking for opportunities.

So as long as the old horse does not take the initiative to surrender and seek peace, Zhao Dezhu will exert extreme pressure and suppress it severely.

Starting from November 1st, TM has announced the arrival of the Double Eleven Shopping Festival, and all stores that launch activities will get the priority recommendation right.

TM.com will also set up a special activity shopping street. Each store will provide competitive discounted goods to participate in the event, which will definitely attract consumers to each store for consumption.

At this time, Jiangzhou TV Station, provincial TV stations across the country, computer newspapers, and WB advertising spots all simultaneously launched activities related to the TM Network Anniversary Shopping Festival.

Some products with ridiculously low prices are snapped up on the homepage every night at 9 o'clock.

99 for an electric fan, 149 for a brand-name gas stove, 19.9 for an electric kettle, and 999 for a color TV!

In 2005, even Sister Xia and the old leader said that the country was able to surpass the era of supply by ticket, such a cheap good product.

Who can stand this.

Let the people of the whole country know more about the first anniversary of TM.com, and there are good discounts every day, so don't miss it when you pass by.

It really transplanted the Double Eleven event, which was played very well by a certain treasure.com in the previous life, to TM.com.

Dongwang also took the initiative to launch a series of advertisements for 3C digital products, and even at this critical moment, selected some home appliances from Jingcheng Electric.

I specially came to Double Eleven to test the waters.

So in such a busy situation, how could Zhao Dezhu have time to face e-sports matters.

Fortunately, Nana also had evening self-study during this period, and it was okay to pick up her daughter when I got home after nine o'clock.

But occasionally he took Xi Huan to pick up Nana, which surprised the high school students: "Her mother went out again?"

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "Working overtime, we gave her a new project here, working overtime to catch up with the design, so I will take care of the child."

In fact, it was Xi Lianying who had tasted the sweetness of Jiaopan when she went back, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with leaving it to Zhao Dezhu to take care of the child.

Now that I'm busy, I don't have any worries.

Then hand in a gorgeous report card.

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