I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 665 Are you taking pictures?

But obviously from the expressions of these people at the scene, it can be judged that Penguin finally has some ideas about the self-built factory.

Even if they don't have as strong a feeling as Zhao Dezhu about the word "stuck in the world in the future".

Didn't it mean the global village of the world, didn't it mean the global economic community?

The production mode of outsourcing and OEM is popular these years.

Sales, branding, production, and supply of raw materials and accessories each perform their duties, so that they can be refined and specialized to reduce costs.

But Zhao Dezhu wanted to emphasize this, not only with Penguin, but also with HPC.

Of course not right now.

The penguins went back with a full harvest and got ready.

The second rich man nodded and smiled at Zhao Dezhu just before he left, and Zhao Dezhu immediately put his palms together with a playful smile to see him off.

It goes without saying.

Zhao Dezhu turned around and made it very clear to Pang Yong: "You worry about it. I don't understand high-tech things. The reason why I desperately want to keep HPC in Jiangzhou is to let them open factories in the west, and then fool around with supporting Electronic components, chip production and so on can be transferred here, we make little or no money, invest money in it, and let these companies transfer valuable high-tech production lines.”

The vague ruthlessness in the words surprised Pang Yong: "Is there more calculation and consideration?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "You don't know the best, but you must always believe that when we do well enough, it must be the key point where others are stuck. Only by being self-reliant can we hold our destiny in our own hands."

These are really two partners whose values ​​are incomparably compatible.

Pang Yong said heavily: "Understood!"

He is in his thirties and has worked in an international accounting firm for eight years, and he has seen a lot of intrigues and frauds.

Naturally not so childish.

Now, besides admiring Zhao Dezhu's foresight, he even feels at ease with his ruthlessness.

This is what makes great things happen.

The presidential suite originally had three bedrooms, and Chen Yanling had already packed out her own room quickly: "Zhou Zhou and I squeezed in, and Mr. Pang also took the time to rest. The signing ceremony will be at ten o'clock tomorrow."

It was nearly four o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Dezhu is not that dedicated: "That's right, we don't advocate working overtime. The first time Penguin and I worked together was to engage in this kind of fatigue tactics! I fell asleep."

Then he ran away.

Leaving Pang Yong, who was so excited and ready to fight all night, in the living room, is that all?

Of course, the innocence of the boss and subordinates proved it.

It's just that Zhao Dezhu didn't think hard at all to fight for the cause of mankind, let alone fight for the great cause of the motherland.

Early the next morning, Zhou Mengxia distributed a small amount of money to Pang Yong under the service of Zhou Mengxia's specially ordered full breakfast: "There must be a lot of details in the negotiation between Penguin and HPC. These guys are very fussy. I still have to accompany both parties to make peace. Don’t make a fuss at this time, the main thing is to bring Xiao Zhou with you, Pang, and remember my purpose, to provide employment opportunities for higher vocational students as much as possible, and to explore the transfer of the electronics industry to Jiangzhou as much as possible.”

Pang Yong felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

So what's the boss doing? Are you unhappy shopping with celebrities?

Zhao Dezhu arrived at the signing site after ten o'clock. Under the care of officials from Jiangzhou City and Shanghai City, it turned out that HPC's domestic registered company was in Shanghai. The largest domestic e-commerce platform and the world's largest smartphone manufacturer cooperated in Jiangzhou. Build a foundry.

The investment in three phases is expected to be no less than 2 billion, and the production capacity is expected to reach 3 million units per year in the first phase.

This is already the total number of HPC global OEMs last year.

Then the first batch of OEM products were Android smartphones "developed" by Penguin. TM Network promised to sell no less than one million units in the first year, and a series of complicated agreements are yet to come.

This is just a big frame ceremony on the scene.

So Zhao Dezhu ran away after signing, and Chen Yanling rushed to meet Wang Fenglian and explained: "That Chen Guanxi's own lawyer agent is coming soon, and our design and operation team arrived in Shanghai early in the morning. He has to go and have a look. That is also a bet. .”

Women are different.

Wang Fenglian looked at Chen Yanling's half ponytail, and she didn't need to be sensitive to know: "You, this is fruitless!"

Chen Yanling actually laughed: "That's forever, how wonderful."

Wang Fenglian looked at this junior, she had nothing to say, and pulled her hard: "Talk with me, the new one you recruited is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Pang Yong still looked calm like a sweeping monk, seeing that the Penguin team had already started to roll up their sleeves to fight for various interests.

It is indeed necessary for individuals to balance the interests of both sides.

Turning his head to look at the girl with thick bangs and single eyelid beside him, she was too different from the elite OLs he was used to: "What did you learn..."

Zhou Mengxia is innocent: "Dance..."

Pang Yong's short hair almost stood up.

Zhao Dezhu was relaxed and happy.

In fact, Guanxi Columbia called early in the morning to make an appointment to go shopping.

Maybe he didn't go out all night to expend energy, and he was eager to show his skills to his collaborators.

A lot of the filming and shooting of the crew were in the urban area of ​​Shanghai, and the hotels where the stars lived were also near the Bund.

Zhao Dezhu deliberately didn't live with him here, and he readily went to the appointment when he found out that Chen Guanxi was the only one.

This is also an experience that I have never experienced in my previous life.

So under the escort of five bodyguards, two assistants, and six clothing practitioners from both sides, the two wandered around the two streets with the most clothing stores in Shanghai, not only the expensive high-end stores, but also the wholesale market.

Guan Xige was really eloquent throughout the whole process, speaking in English, Cantonese and Cantonese in turn, explaining his feelings about clothing.

Fashion designers, collocation designers, and pattern makers all followed attentively to listen and understand.

Try to grasp the essence of Guan Xige's hipster style.

What styles does he like, and which fabric styles do he avoid.

Regardless of whether his views are professional or not, everything the big star says is right, not to mention that the big boss is always by his side.

The owner of that garment factory was a young man in his thirties, and he was extremely respectful to Zhao Dezhu.

They are all from Guangdong, he knows too well what power the big boss of TM has now.

It doesn't matter whether Zhao Dezhu can understand or not, there are a sea of ​​people wherever he goes!

Because the two of them were basically wandering around the shop, attracting passers-by and tourists like a magnet. By noon, the fans who had heard the news were already crowded.

Zhao Dezhu took a brand new 828, registered Essen's WB name, and photographed Guan Xige next to him along the way, talking about the experience of clothing matching.

Every nine photos form a WB to send out.

Accompanied by the simple text "Love this suit, or this one? My designer dreams are coming true"

"I love this free and easy style"

"Come to WB and show my fashion talent!"

In fact, the photo transmission was extremely slow, but the editor in the background got the news and had mobilized a group of people to keep an eye on the boss's big business.

What's more, this is Chen Guanxi, the editorial team is mostly women.

The whole office screamed, quickly pushed to the front page of each category, and automatically sent to the page refreshed by the user.

So since WB went online, the miracle of quickly gathering fans appeared for the first time.

Afterwards analysis, Super Girls had a huge momentum, but a hundred contestants divided a lot of fan groups.

Moreover, the financial ability to own a smartphone and become a die-hard fan limits the participation of fans of Super Girls, most of whom are below college students.

More importantly, after experiencing Super Girls, tens of millions of registered users have been accumulated, even if there are only about 200,000 mobile phone users.

But it feels like this time paved the way for Essen's launch.

The background editor even carefully registered Zhao Dezhu's avatar and adjusted everything in the remarks.

Chen Guanxi's kind of sunny and handsome with a bit of evil spirit can kill the audience.

The photo is not the work of a professional photographer, and it is more realistic in life.

In fact, most of the collocations displayed by Guanxige are men's clothing, T-shirts, overalls, hip-hop and other elements, which are really trendy.

So women look at their looks, and men look at their clothes, and they all pay attention and like them.

And every half an hour to an hour, a WB frequency is launched, making people seem to watch a series, and they will involuntarily collect and pay attention.

As a result, the number of single-person attention has risen crazily!

Over 10,000 in one hour, over 100,000 in three hours!

By the time the two casually sat down to rest in a coffee shop in Shanghai Old Street in the afternoon, Essen had become a fashion blogger with 170,000 followers.

This... should be the earliest fashion blogger in the world.

And it is the kind that can be realized.

Zhao Dezhu pushed the phone over from the table: "This is your company window, your every move can be shown here to a large number of fans, next week, show your first product on it, let's see How much can you sell..."

so fast?

Chen Guanxi only felt that it was unbelievable. He himself was the most popular and stylish blade phone this year. He picked up the smartphone and looked at his photos and account numbers on it.

There are lots of likes and praises from fans below.

Perhaps for this kind of lucky guy who grew up as a handsome guy, being praised is already a habit, but he is interested in making money, and it is a lot of money.

I repeatedly asked Zhao Dezhu what was going on, and learned how to blog under Zhao Dezhu's hands-on guidance. To be honest, his level of taking pictures is really much higher than Zhao Dezhu's.

Randomly compose a few pictures, and then photograph yourself into the picture as a greeting.

The fan sensation it caused was much stronger than Zhao Dezhu's shooting.

Zhao Dezhu handed over the designer team and clothing merchants to Chen Guanxi. He did not participate in the signing of the specific contract at all, and the initiative was handed over to Chen Guanxi's agent and lawyer team.

After all, e-commerce is a new industry that is too disruptive.

Even a professional like Pang Yong has to slowly understand, not to mention that the other party is still wary of trying to deceive Essen's star aura.

Who knows that in Zhao Dezhu's eyes, you are a star.

The whole process was mainly to buy a lot of clothes for his wife and daughter, otherwise the four bodyguards would not be used to following them empty-handed, right?

Return to the hotel later and send the courier directly back to Jiangzhou.

Seeing that it was time for dinner, Zhao Dezhu was hesitating whether to call Pang Yong and Chen Yanling to ask about their progress, and whether they should have dinner together.

I was also afraid that I would find something to do and circle myself in to socialize.

I saw a sign for the sale of bungalows hanging on the side of the road, ten thousand and three one square meters, very cheap.

Buy a set for my daughter as a dowry in the future.

Oh, two daughters, then buy two sets.

At this time, what Zhao Dezhu cares about is not how much the price of this house will increase after more than ten years, but this kind of old foreign house that is clearly in the center of Shanghai, full of historical charm and cultural atmosphere.

It really has the meaning of inheritance value.

That's when the phone rang.

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