Sister Zhi Ling and Yi Fei in HK are like magnets, firmly attracting all kinds of media from Taiwan, Taiwan and Taiwan to them.

Even Zhao Dezhu sneaked away at night without being caught.

The two of them also successfully completed a series of public appearances in HK.

Ning Zhiling also opened her own account on WB. Naturally, with her gentle, generous and beautiful image full of traditional charm, she has gained the attention of a large number of fans.

When I was still in HK, I shot two mobile game advertisements one after another, the kind that worked day and night, and paid off the market price.

Sister Zhiling, who made up her mind early in the morning to marry into a wealthy family, now only has a short-term contract with a modeling agency. She is in her thirties, so how can she care about the little money a model earns? The boss didn't sign it.

Brother Lak is very familiar with the director of "Red Cliff", and after several contacts, Pierce's special effects studio became a bargaining chip for Ning Zhiling to participate in the film.

But the most outrageous thing is that the producer actually proposed that if Ning Zhiling is going to play Xiao Qiao, I hope Yi Fei can play Sun Shangxiang!

It is really that the topic of the two beauties is too popular recently, and the investors also hope to use this topic to attract the attention of the audience.

Yi Fei purposely checked that Sun Shangxiang's roles were not many, and it should not overlap with her own schedule, so she agreed to participate in the show together.

Just because of this gimmick, the movie "Red Cliff", which has not yet started filming, has made people look forward to it on the Internet!

In fact, the two beauties have already gone to Shanghai together. Ning Zhiling started to participate in her first movie starring in the group, and Yi Fei continued to attend a series of signing ceremonies with Shanghai as the chairman of Fruit Media.

Then when she returned to Pingjing non-stop, and continued to prepare for the preparations for the Bailuyuan crew.

Ning Zhiling, who had just been filming for a week, took advantage of the two days between filming and flew to Jiangzhou.

Her enthusiasm in this regard is definitely beyond the reach of Yi's mother.

As a film producer, Yi's mother also gave her girlfriends a breath of air.

Long Zhiyu couldn't help but laugh: "I finally met a bold one, let's see how I deal with her!"

Zhao Dezhu quickly reminded: "Don't slap your face, I'm shooting a movie recently, take her to eat hot pot, the spicy one!"

Long Zhiyu also exaggerated: "So ruthless? It's not good..."

Zhao Dezhu's dead Taoist friend is not dead poor monk: "He actually wants to destroy my family's happiness. If this kind of person is not useful for filming, he would have been soaked in a pig cage long ago! Ma'am, you have full power to deal with it, I am very busy."

Long Zhiyu fished: "Do you have a little idea that I hope I will tell you later, or take her in as a concubine?"

Zhao De Zhutou could stop and say righteous words: "Ask 10,000 times! I still say the same thing, no need!"

Nana sat by the side and watched her parents act. She was both happy and indescribably sad.

The kind with dog food stuffed up your throat.

As a result, Long Zhiyu only looked at Zhiling's sister from a distance, and immediately called her husband: "Oh, forget it, you should come and put this monster into the bowl yourself! It's too scary!"

Even Nana, who rolled up her sleeves to protect a happy and harmonious family, also retreated when she saw the media reporters and cameras all over the mountains and plains: "How can it be like her, everything is exposed in front of the media!"

I don't know if Sister Zhiling did it on purpose or not, but it's like an army anyway!

The person sent here to pick up the airport is only a commercial vehicle, and now there are at least 20 vehicles of various models around, with countless cameras poking out of the windows, it feels like everyone on the side of the road is about to be rattled.

The most ridiculous thing is that there are many motorcycles, and even the disabled tricycles commonly known as cars in Jiangzhou, that is, black-operated tricycles. There are all kinds of reporters with cameras sitting on them. I guess they think it is more convenient and more effective than vehicles.

Hurrah drove to the front of the school of Southwest College, as if it was about to attack the city.

Long Zhiyu had no choice but to call Lao Xu first, and ask him to receive him who was still leading the team preparing for the group performance of Bai Luyuan.

The old handsome guy accompanied Zhiling's sister to walk in this strange campus, and also saw Zhiling's happy face. She was like doing a travel reality show, and she carefully discussed and asked how this college came about and why it was completed. It's like an ancient castle, and she thinks it's very similar to a place called Jiufen on the right bank...

As a result, at least half of the media who came with her were from the right bank.

They all proved this.

The feeling of being built against the mountain, high and low, seems crowded, but actually patchwork, walking along the stone steps of the winding path.

So kind.

Sister Zhiling uttered a heartfelt exclamation that any man would feel numb!

There is also a very literary style on the small road, asking and answering with Lao Xu about the special majors of this higher vocational college.

Let the media from all walks of life know that the tens of billionaire in the eyes of others, in the eyes of sister Zhiling, is a warm and big boy who cares about education and the livelihood of more young people...

After one or two hours, Old Xu also quietly sent a message to Zhao Dezhu: "If you don't come, I guess this scene will drag on forever. We can't let Mrs. Zhao show up in public."

He is an expert, and he is very clear about the principle that outsiders should not be brought in by the entertainment media.

Old Xu knew Zhao Dezhu's protection of Long Zhiyu very well.

So Zhao Dezhu could only rush back immediately.

Immediately surrounded by two or three hundred media people!

On the way, he also called Yi Fei, who was obviously trying to hold back the laughter: "You didn't ask her to be the art director, but in fact, it was just us, and she attracted a lot of media from the right bank when she was still in Shanghai. I think It’s a good thing. In the past, the Right Bank media were rarely willing to pay attention to things other than the entertainment circle and business. They could see a more real inland, especially the southwestern inland. Jiangzhou is a very special place for the Right Bank, and it is worth promoting. .”

Now when I saw Ning Zhiling, I just casually wore a long floral dress, the clean and refreshing taste of literature and art was so beautiful, not to mention the loose long hair coiled up, and the girlishness of a little woman, not everyone liked it. manageable.

The eye contact with Zhao Dezhu is full of admiration that breaks the hearts of other men, and there is also a bit of deliberately controlled joy!

No wonder Tao Zheng said that Ms. Ning's acting skills have improved by leaps and bounds this week!

What a wealth of experience.

When I met and hugged Zhao Dezhu, I hung it around his neck and whispered: "I have no other intentions. I strive to see you every week. I want to visit Mrs. Zhao. I really want to be a good friend with her for a lifetime."

In front of the upstairs window in the distance, Nana stood on tiptoe and tried to comfort her mother: "It's nothing, it's nothing, just a polite hug."

Her mother was ruthless, crossing her arms calmly: "The drawer... there is a telescope over there, take it out and have a look."

Nana said it earlier, but she controlled the binoculars to prevent her mother from seeing the sad picture.

In fact, Zhao Dezhu let go of the hug, and he was familiar with a lot of media: "Welcome everyone to Jiangzhou, and especially welcome friends from the media from the right bank. As a friend of Ms. Ning, I highly recommend everyone to come to Jiangzhou 19 This is a very distinctive city. In addition, our Jiangzhou High-tech Industrial Park also has a large number of engineers and technical experts from the right bank, so there are many right bank tastes in our industrial park. cafeteria……"

Sister Zhiling stood behind the man with a happy face. Not to mention, the flat heels she was wearing today were used by the media to make a fuss, and they looked very good with Zhao Dezhu.

That's why the media doesn't care about your scenic spots and features. As for the high-tech industrial park, they stare at all kinds of gossip and ask how far you have progressed.

Is it a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship?

I heard that Mr. Zhao, you were married...

Ning Zhiling probably didn't expect that some media would always be biased and resentful about her commitment to a mainland businessman, and even pointed out: "Do you care about Miss Ning's past? She wanted to marry into a rich family several times because of It ended with the black history that was dug out..."

Sister Zhiling's complexion is very fair, so it is hard to tell whether she is pale or not.

But under the high temperature in Jiangzhou in the midsummer of July, he seemed a little dizzy, shaking slightly, with a wry smile on his lips.

Zhao Dezhu lived up to expectations and put his arms around her waist.

In other words, it was the most satisfying reaction from sister Zhiling. For a moment, Lao Xu later described it as feeling like a hundred flowers were in full bloom!

This old snake skin is really experienced and can be described.

But in fact, the shutter sounded instantly, and countless microphones almost hit Zhao Dezhu's face.

Then Zhao Dezhu tilted his head slightly to avoid one of them: "Are all the entertainment reporters here today? One counts as one. In my eyes, entertainment reporters are all rubbish!"

The sudden uproar at the scene made Lao Xu almost heartbroken, and he quickly signaled the bodyguards to come closer with his eyes.

To prevent entertainment reporters from the three places across the strait from rioting and beating people.

But under the hustle and bustle, it's more excitement. Entertainment reporters have long stopped considering themselves a thing. As long as the content is explosive enough, even smallpox will do.

Firmly recorded Zhao Dezhu's firing: "That's right, you are shit-stirring sticks! Everyone in the entire entertainment industry, from investors, big bosses, film and television companies, media, to agents, publicity teams, The stars themselves, down to the brainless fan group, are all rubbish!"

Sister Zhiling was surprised, but she didn't show it on her face. She straightened her back quietly, as if standing shoulder to shoulder with the man, as if she knew what Zhao Dezhu was going to say.

It seemed as if he was about to leave the entertainment circle completely from this moment.

Zhao Dezhu has long been bored with the entertainment circle, and he dislikes it to death: "Entertainment circle, entertainment! Do you know? Entertaining the masses, serving the audience, and enriching the spiritual life are the functions of the film, television and song entertainment circle. I went behind the mountain, including you rubbish, instead of providing spiritual food for the audience in exchange for labor rewards, I want to cut the leeks of the audience all day long. It is like a cult to brainwash weak-willed groupies and turn them into PUA. dog!"

Ouch, there are a series of new words!

Zhao Dezhu's map cannon finally started to shoot through Zhiling's sister!

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