I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 802 The Entertainment Industry Goes Shit

Zhao Dezhu wanted to scold him a long time ago.

Ordinary people want to scold the entertainment industry.

With an income that is hundreds or thousands of times higher than that of ordinary people, doing some shitty things, and all kinds of hypocrisy, all kinds of ostentation, thinking that I am some great person!

Among them, these entertainment media are the accomplices who help the evildoers!

In the past, the king of paparazzi pestered him in various ways to inquire about him, so he was so tired of crookedness.

But Zhao Dezhu was very sober, knowing at that time that he had no right to speak, so he didn't say anything.

The film and television industry is worth hundreds of millions every year, and there are so many predators in the industry.

A slight damage to each link will touch the interests of many people.

And it is a combination of various interests from inside to outside, from top to bottom!

A counterattack can kill him.

The distribution, theaters, and TV stations alone can work together to kill all signs of trying to counterattack and break the situation.

After all, every participant has spent his whole life, and only after a narrow escape, can he get to a position where he can obtain huge benefits.

No one wants to see a stunned young man jumping out to kill them.

But now it's different, needless to say the dark ones, but the bright ones have completely changed.

The three major female roles are still a small matter, the point is to catch up with the international line of Disney, Zhao Dezhu dared to turn his face like never before.

In China, the relationship between actors and directors has been able to complete itself.

Not to mention that even if this part of the director and director is against the water, Zhao Dezhu still has the animation film industry in his hands.

If distribution, theaters and other departments really want to join forces to suppress him, then they will completely export to overseas markets.

Then turn around and slap the country in the face.

This is the trump card that the traditional domestic film and television entertainment industry can't restrain Zhao Dezhu at all.

Not to mention that the 150 billion Hong Kong dollar Fruit Media is in Hong Kong. The e-commerce platform and social media are not affected by the film and television industry at all, and can even exert pressure on the contrary.

So taking this opportunity, Zhao Dezhu really opened up this map: "The old artists in the past, anyway, everyone had a craft called a group of heroes. In my opinion, the current entertainment industry is just a meeting of carrots, saying that carrots are praised, carrots anyway. It is also rich in vitamins to supplement nutrition, and now the entertainment industry is simply sorting garbage!"

This point Zhao Dezhu really learned from that Internet cannon, there must be some people who don't play their cards according to common sense.

The entertainment journalists held up the microphones, frantically pressed the shutter, and held the cameras steady, recording the artillery fire like a treasure.

Zhao Dezhu said: "There is a pile of garbage for tax evasion, another pile of garbage for yin and yang contracts, and another category for live lip-syncing garbage, and there is also garbage for acting, cutting out pictures and reciting numbers? All kinds of play-by-play They don't take the profession of actor seriously at all, they make their own fans the most rubbish like a cult, money laundering and whitewashing are nothing, the garbage of the old Lai's children of the society should be burned, and the mistress who cheated in marriage How dare you be a star?!"

The reporters were already checking their seats one by one in their hearts, and the writers were thinking about how to hint and express it. In the end... Hey, are you talking about sister Zhiling and you?

Anyway, Ning Zhiling couldn't help touching Zhao Dezhu with the corner of her shoulder.

Zhao Dezhu didn't care about it, and he scolded: "The entertainment circle wants to promote bright and beautiful things to the audience. Why do you show the audience all these rubbish? You entertainment journalists, you spend all your time digging shit out of the cesspit. Feel sick?"

While talking, he also raised his hand to make a five-finger grasp, and it felt like a click when the fingers were separated.

Having been described as having both form and spirit, the entertainment journalists who play shit all day finally feel a little sick to their stomachs.

My hands are shaking a little.

But if you have a little brains, you have to admit that Zhao Dezhu is right, and his words are not rough.

In a few simple words, Zhao Dezhu clearly explained the essence and meaning of entertainment.

The purpose of human beings to create art and create entertainment is to not be so depressed after work and work, to relax and adjust their mood.

Now it's been feeding shit all day long.

A group of poor people want to give confession to the rich when they see the rich showing off their wealth?

The entertainment journalists think that shit, rich people just dare to say whatever they want!

In fact, there are also a few cannons in the entertainment industry, the kind that open their mouths and bite everywhere.

But sooner or later, this kind of people will be isolated by the circle, and their resources will gradually be exhausted, and they will become marginalized lunatics.

But Zhao Dezhu is not, he is so rich, and he has such strong resources!

As long as he does not offend the relevant departments, there is really nothing he can do about it.

The reporters from the right bank are used to it. Have they seen less big shots who dare to spout casually?

They have fewer administrative constraints, and the scolding can be exciting.

But what's the point of just scolding?

And talking about this Zhao Dezhu is not sleepy, his ex-wife in the previous life was also the main force of various star supporters: "What's the matter? The 996, who is working hard all day long, contributes his body, and after work, he has to give to the second generation of stars." , The sons and daughters of capitalists make their debut and call..."

The entertainment journalists are finally scratching their heads a little bit, this is not the right thing to say, there are indeed a lot of second-generation stars, but is there any boss whose son or daughter wants to be a star recently?

Someone squatted hard in front of Zhao Dezhu and asked, "This...can you give me a general direction?"

Otherwise, we won't be able to connotate ourselves properly.

Zhao Dezhu chuckled: "I won't say who it is, but it will definitely be a trend in the future, because if you think about it, if a celebrity wants to make his debut, he has to spend money to attract fans online, and go to the media to publish it." According to the report, going on the show to get your face, and going on the cover to get your popularity, which one doesn’t cost money? What is the original intention of the talent show? It was originally to give ordinary people without resources the opportunity to show their talents and realize their dreams. His talents are buried!"

Here he also brought in a wave of allies by the way: "Look at the people who are currently drafted by Zhuaner TV and Shonan Satellite TV. They are serious and talented. At least they have to be good-looking without talent. But when the children of rich people start Entering the circle and smashing resources, it becomes a stage for the rich second generation to do whatever they want. They can't sing or dance, they can't act, they can't even look crooked, just rely on brainwashing, marketing, hype, and making fools of themselves. People play fools to lie to real fools, as long as they follow this path, the entertainment industry will become a cesspit sooner or later!"

The entertainment journalists felt relieved at any rate, it turned out that it wasn't that bad now.

That's what Zhao Dezhu meant. It's so awesome that he can only spray and only lift the cover of the cesspit. He wants to solve it.

The left hand is still holding sister Zhiling, and the right hand dares to speak out: "Dexi Films, the production of film and television dramas under Fruit Media will completely boycott all artists with bad records..."

The reporters are still complaining, what's the matter, you are not the only film and television company in the world.

But then came the ruthless: "WB will specially list a black list of entertainment, and publish and list all the dirty things in the film and television entertainment industry! The Internet has memory, and people who have done something will always be listed on it! Welcome everyone to contribute to WB..."

All Yu Ji immediately felt like gasping for air!

Now WB's power on domestic social media has begun to show.

If you really come up with such a... no, isn't this still feeding shit, isn't the paparazzi also exposing all kinds of secrets of the stars, why does it become Wei Guangzheng's business to come to you?

Those claws are still on sister Zhiling's waist!

Therefore, people with high emotional intelligence have a bright future. Zhao Dezhu is categorical: "Starting from the entertainment black list, all other sections of our WB should be positive, happy, and sunny. Isn't the black list like a bathroom cesspit? We don't avoid it." The reality is that everyone has to go to the toilet, but you still have to fish out the things in the cesspit to disgust people, that is your fault..."

Thinking about it this way, it seems reasonable.

Just like tidying up the house, the living room and bedroom should be tidied up so that everyone loves it, and it is comfortable to live in, but the bathroom and storage room are the places where the dirt and dirt are kept behind closed doors.

If someone wants to like to swim in the cesspit, that is his own business, but if he insists on polluting everyone's eyes, he should be attacked by a group.

This is indeed the result of Zhao Dezhu and Chen Yanling's discussion when they visited Disneyland. Of course, the girl listened to him and occasionally added suggestions.

WB already has this kind of influence now, and entertainment news and celebrity news are indeed an important part of social media, so it should be managed well, and dirty things should not be shown to others.

Moreover, artists who are on the black list don't even think about showing their faces elsewhere.

Perhaps WB's credibility can be established in this way.

There are still very limited things that can be done at present, but only by taking the first step and establishing the concept of beauty and ugliness can the second and third steps follow...

It's just that Zhiling's sister's expression is very interesting at this moment, her left hand is still clasped in the man's paw around her waist, a little bit of intimacy, but she slightly moves her right shoulder away from Zhao Dezhu's shoulder, her face is full of admiration and tenderness beautiful smile.

It seems that it takes a little distance to see this man more clearly and comprehensively.

It's more like holding it firmly in your hand.

It's just that she is tall and slender, and with such a slight twist, her posture is terribly beautiful!

The lens was attracted involuntarily.

Nana couldn't help muttering from the binoculars: "Vixen! It's really..."

Her mother didn't hear clearly: "What? Show me, let me see what they are doing?"

Nana quickly shut up and grabbed the binoculars tightly. She couldn't let go of her arms. She definitely couldn't make her mother feel bad.

She is also a style of reporting good news but not worrying.

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