Zhao Dezhu was very contradictory. In his heart, he never thought of Master Qiao.

The other party was awesome, he admitted.

But emotionally, he is naturally disgusted with all the supernatural things that his ex-wife worships.

Then you are still resisting intellectually, you will be one of the big capitalists of Citigroup in the future, and all your decisions are based on how to treat Citigroup well.

Lao Gai seems to have a little bit of good values ​​for all mankind.

But if you are not of my race, your heart must be different.

After more than ten years of disputes over the past two years, Zhao Dezhu saw the faces of European and American countries in amazement along with the people of the whole country.

Let the more than one billion people eat, drink and live a good life. Such a simple national demand can be suppressed by the whole world. It is also called that so many people live a good life that resources are scarce.

So he was extra defensive, and he was unwilling to have feelings for these foreign bigwigs.

Sooner or later, the face will be torn apart.

Likes to talk and doesn't like to talk: "There's nothing to talk about. It's just a TV series. I've talked to Nana about it. It's a cultural export. I don't dare to tell the truth about Ning Zhiling, let alone him as a foreigner. Just talking about it can be confusing."

Long Zhiyu turned around with good words: "Charles is mainly for the children. There are so many children with higher vocational education. The most important attitude of our husband and wife is to promote higher vocational education and change the fate of many children in their teens and twenties."

Most proud of this.

Teacher Qiao was sitting in the co-pilot, holding a coffee cup and wondering: "His expression doesn't look like he said this, I really want to learn Chinese well..."

What people think about is: "Our film and television dramas emphasize heroism and human nature is free and unrestrained, but you instill people as small parts of a huge machine, and the individual obeys the whole. Isn't this obliterating nature?"

Long Zhiyu was ashamed that she made up nonsense to deceive the old man and was caught, and she didn't know how to answer, so she quickly turned the other way around.

Zhao Dezhu laughed: "Nature, let me give you an example. If one day the whole world is infected with infectious diseases and everyone is required to wear a mask to go to the street, what do you think will happen? The Chinese will immediately abide by the discipline and everyone will quickly Put on a mask, and emphasize to each other that if you don’t wear a mask, you’re going to get rich and die. I’m going to report you as a bitch... But what about your so-called free nature, I’m going to defend my right not to wear a mask to the death! Hahaha... "

This was a rare moment of fun for Zhao Dezhu before jumping off the building. It was quite strange to see foreign reactions on the news.

Long Zhiyu scolded: "How can there be such a scary infectious disease!"

But it was turned over proudly.

The proud husband's angle is strange but powerful.

Master Qiao thought deeply: "You have indeed seen the distant social differences... It is not uncommon for the Black Death to happen. Faced with this extreme situation, the Chinese are indeed very efficient, but social development It is to rely on various freely blooming inspirations to promote the advancement of technology and art.”

Zhao Dezhu still hahaha: "Don't you worship Ah San, come on, imagine what will happen to Ah San in this situation, can drinking horse urine and washing the water of the Ganges River cure the disease? Yo, yo, I'm not implying you .”

Master Qiao won't feel pain in the face, he seems to have noticed the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and the psychic witch doctor he believes in: "Chinese medicine is actually about science, using various natural medicinal ingredients to match, and then treating different diseases to different degrees. , Even if it is the same kind, there are different medicinal materials. This kind of intelligent and customized complete drug treatment system is indeed something I have never seen in any country. China is indeed a very amazing country."

Long Zhiyu was very happy.

Zhao Dezhu just smiled, he just listened to good things, especially good things from foreigners, he would not say a word when it was time to turn his face.

Job Bush convinced him with this attitude: "What do you think? When I was twenty years old, I was still obsessed with technology. I never considered such far-reaching issues, and my understanding of society was very superficial."

Long Zhiyu wants to explain, my man is also very superficial, he has never thought about deep things, right?

Zhao Dezhu understands what a fart, his second life perception of life, flirting with girls is okay, if he says a few more words, he will reveal his truth.

Really, even if you are an ordinary boss, you may doubt whether you are really at this level after a few words with Zhao Dezhu.

Just like Job Bush, a super boss who is surrounded by smart people.

At the lower limit, Zhao Dezhu thought of him as one in a million, and he felt that there was a deep meaning in saying anything casually.

Still on the pole to ask for discussion: "Isn't it right, do I still feel wrong?"

Zhao Dezhu couldn't help it: "Let's deduce it again. When Citigroup is full of poor people, and Latin Americans and blacks are lazy and noisy, what will you do? The parade shouted slogans, and demanded that there should be no discrimination, and everyone should love everyone equally. Everyone has the right to equality and freedom, in fact, what should the rich do, just print more money to fool the poor, right?"

Job Bush pondered: "Quantitative easing policy, the practice of flooding the economy does have..."

Long Zhiyu couldn't help sweating the financial terminology, unable to turn it over: "Oh, I don't know what it means."

Zhao Dezhu didn't care at all: "But what we do in China is to teach them to get rid of poverty and become rich. Most of our higher vocational students come from poor families. If you go out from us, you can change your destiny. Being poor is a shame. What kind of freedom are you talking about?"

This time Long Zhiyu finally knew how to play, and tried his best to explain the truth that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

She is also tired enough, her cultural level is not high, and she has to be caught between the top boss and the time traveler and use a foreign language to justify it.

too tired.

Joe Bush thought it was Charles who said, wow, this is a philosophical thought.


The wise presbyopic eyes behind the glasses gave Charles an approving look.

Fortunately, he remembered his original intention: "Then can you invite a group of directors and screenwriters to participate in Pierce's recent works, hoping to add some thoughtfulness."

This is basically the biggest conflict between him and Disney, even after the acquisition, they still want to watch computer-animated jokes.

Internal friction factors such as factional struggles and interest groups are the same all over the world.

Zhao Dezhu was curious: "What movies are going to be released recently?"

Job Bush said: "We have been making "Sunday" for three years. It tells the story of a robot who cleans up garbage, works alone on a completely abandoned earth, and has a love story for another robot..."

Long Zhiyu was still wondering, what kind of movie name is Sunday?

In fact, the accurate translation of this word is Sunday, and in Western Christian tradition, Sunday means that God created the heaven and the earth.

The moral of the movie is obvious.

Zhao Dezhu is holding the steering wheel, huh? ? ?

This, this is not that what, what movie?

Is it the cartoon of that stupid, dirty robot, holding its pliers, and licking a dog like it is facing the Bai Fumei robot?

Immediately became interested, because I can please my wife and daughter.

Even if I can’t remember that this cartoon should be called Robot Story, I know it’s very romantic and beautiful, and I still remember the licking dog named Wally.

It will definitely make girls happy.

Resisting calling out the robot's name, he agreed casually.

Job Bush is also happy, this attitude is extremely rare in his career.

In the past 20 or 30 years, he has also been known in the technology industry of Citigroup for his face of both good and evil. The tyrant-like raging subordinates deal with sales, the devil-like deception creates various business bubbles, and finally the puppeteer-like manipulation engineers create perfect works. .

Maybe he is like Huang Yaoshi or Ouyang Feng, who has never found a person who can talk to him on an equal footing.

Even the tit-for-tat confrontation between him and Lao Gai that was hyped up by the media was scornful.

Only Zhao Dezhu's maverick style suits him very well.

Moreover, in such a small space, during the journey, it is a good opportunity to easily develop mutual feelings.

The only obstacle is the language barrier, which hinders communication.

Zhao Dezhu couldn't be allowed to learn English. For him, this kind of learning knowledge doesn't come into his head.

On the contrary, for Job Bush, it was a piece of cake.

Originally, he knew several foreign languages, and even studied Sanskrit.

I have been learning and pondering elementary Chinese before, and this time I will practice pronunciation following the TV series "Soldier Assault".

Mainly because of the long distance, it is a full 2,000 kilometers from the provincial capital of the snow-covered plateau.

This isn't the year the highways are unimpeded.

The plateau mountain tour led by the bodyguard took seven days to reach the destination.

It all depends on being accompanied by such a top-class car, because there is no high-end hotel that Zhao Dezhu can look at along the way.

He can wear slippers by himself, and his wife and daughter must live comfortably.

As for the bodyguards, assistants, and even foreign practitioners on both sides, they can only barely board and stay on both sides of this undeveloped national road like ordinary tourists, mostly in farmhouses full of butter.

Nana can also make hot pot to eat.

Sister Zhiling was not hot last time, but this time it made Master Qiao sweaty.

The old Chinese doctor was very happy after feeling the pulse, saying that the meridians were unblocked.

It sounds like the beginning of magic in martial arts novels.

However, the old Chinese doctor partnered with Zhao Dezhu to buy a lot of wild medicinal materials such as caterpillar fungus and snow lotus along the way.

Zhao Dezhu couldn't distinguish the medicinal materials, but it was okay to read Wenwan.

I found a few nine-eyed dzi beads and beeswax necklaces for my wife and daughter as playthings.

At the moment, the nine-eyed dzi bead and beeswax have not been sold at such ridiculously high prices.

But Zhao Dezhu definitely didn't want to make a profit, he just bought it to pray for his wife and daughter.

One bead worth nine lives, I would rather believe it than believe it.

Therefore, the journey of being a boss is regarded as a sightseeing tour, and the scenery is spectacular and magnificent.

It also passed near the famous Shangri-La area, needless to say the natural enclosed scenery.

None of the fellow travelers complained of suffering or tiredness.

Job Bush was even more amazed at the worshipers who appeared on both sides of the road from time to time and kowtowed.

From the looks of it, if it weren't for the burden of leading mankind forward, he would also like to come to such a long-distance pilgrimage for spiritual cleansing.

Zhao Dezhu didn't say a word, God knows which one belongs to the God who gave him a chance to be reborn, don't provoke him.

But all the natural scenery, after seeing the last Buddhist academy, completely became a foil.

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