I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 810 Is Actually Already a Poor Old Man

Long Zhiyu, at the instigation of her husband, tried to drive a large truck twice. She always strictly abides by the rules and regulations. For such a large truck, at least she needs to change her driver's license.

Zhao Dezhu fooled his wife to try it out, and she dared to drive a big Ben. This long-distance driving is a little more detailed, which is a problem of sense of space.

Not to mention that Long Zhiyu still has a dashing and heroic vibe when driving.

She herself also said that she likes the feeling of controlling the big steering wheel. Zhao Dezhu is like an elderly tourist group, sitting in the co-pilot to take pictures and videos.

Nana just wanted to interrupt.

It was such a big caravan, with a family of three crowded in the front, Feng Xiaoting didn't dare to come.

It's also fun.

Zhao Dezhu was originally calling Wang Baoqiang to comfort him that the ratings were not high and not to worry.

Ask him to tell the director and screenwriter that a TV series like Soldiers Assault needs to be fermented before the audience can come back to it.

This is a work that is sure to become a classic.

It's even different from a movie that was born out of time like Jiong.

Five years, ten years or even longer after the soldiers assault, this is a life book that can stand the test.

Wang Baoqiang said yes, and he was going to go back to Jiangzhou to teach the students after finishing shooting the assembly number.

Zhao Dezhu was about to laugh at him because he was afraid that he was not focusing on class, so Nana squeezed beside him and sat in the co-pilot, tugging at his father's sleeve: "Look over there! Over there!"

Even if the so-called spiritual cleansing of the fake literature and art here was done in 17 or 18 years in the last life, I actually wanted to pray to God and Buddha to turn over.

Zhao Dezhu was still shocked by the scene in front of him, it was different from what he saw ten years later!

July and August should be the sunniest month on the Snowy Plateau, and the daylight temperature is also the highest.

Spread like a green blanket among the rolling valleys, suddenly a large mass of dense red and golden dots appeared. Under the setting sun, it looked like thousands of golden Buddhas shining from a distance!

This is the feeling of a temple on earth.

Anyway, the off-road vehicles at the front and rear all slowed down, involuntarily staring blankly into the distance.

Zhao Dezhu frowned vigorously, and stretched out his hand to signal his wife to step aside slowly.

Long Zhiyu thought he felt something was wrong, but Zhao Dezhu got out of the car in a hurry to confirm, what the hell, those dense red dots are actually shacks!

It is very simple and simple, a square box with a height of one meter put together with a few wooden boards, it feels like a toilet in the wild.

Then, just outside such a simple shack, it was painted red, and there were some red cloths, prayer flags and other things.

From a distance, the thousands of square boxes of shacks are like a densely woven net, and the layers of details are a bit like the college mountain of Southwest College.

Zhao Dezhu suddenly realized that Ha Mei's mother, after chasing the car last time, didn't choose to drive here by herself, maybe she got the inspiration from here when designing the new campus of Southwest College.

Turning around, Long Zhiyu got out of the car and looked at him with inquiring eyes: "Why is it so familiar?"

However, his eyes were pointing to the back, and Zhao Dezhu looked again. Sure enough, Joe Bush and his wife looked stunned and didn't know much.

Is Ah San's spiritual practice famous?

It's just relying on the number of people to fool people. If you really want to talk about momentum, can you compare with the neighbor next door?

Zhao Dezhu belongs to the kind of ordinary people who have to be farther than others to be happy when they urinate.


But this scene is shocking enough for Europeans and Americans like Job Bush.

Anyone who has been to the snow-covered plateau will be moved by the solemnity and magnificence of the palace.

But when you come here, you will be shocked by your faith.

The simplest wooden shed is only about one or two square meters, and it is the size of a bathroom bathtub in a big city.

When you get closer, you will see that it is just a place for monks to sleep and meditate. It is a joke to talk about the quality of life, and it is difficult to stand up and sleep in it.

Everyone gathered here, living the life of an ascetic monk is to learn, and the purpose is to change fate.

Zhao Dezhu secretly reached out and touched the crumbling square boxes.

After more than ten years, these small boxes will become small wooden houses about the size of shipping containers.

The conditions will be better than this, but the original and simple appearance now has more impact.

Job Bush had folded his hands together, and walked down the trail along the roadside to the foot of the mountain with his fellow practitioners devoutly.

Obviously all the shacks are around a golden-roofed hall in the center.

Of course he wanted to explore such a devout heart of practice.

Zhao Dezhu knew that the roof was made of golden stainless steel that resembled tinplate.

In the setting sun, he looked extraordinarily arrogant, and he wondered if he should go home and build such a kennel for Hei Wa.

Job Bush's bodyguards hurriedly ran down the mountain to take care of him.

Zhao Dezhu was tired and lazy, so he took his wife and daughter to take a group photo. Of course, such a rare beauty should be recorded and posted on Moments!

Let Feng Xiaoting be a photographer, her composition is not bad.

After a burst of photo-taking, Zhao Dezhu took advantage of the situation to thwart his wife's and daughter's idea of ​​walking in the dark, as there were no street lights.

Go back to the car and turn slowly along the road.

Why does it take so much effort to have a car?

Long Zhiyu wondered about her husband's mentality: "You all know that this is the largest Buddhist academy in the world, so why don't you show any respect at all?"

Zhao Dezhu casually let go of the steering wheel and bowed to God, and was immediately scolded by his wife: "Just make up your mind, just like it is difficult for me to learn knowledge, and religion can't impress me. It's just used to fool Old Qiao. He worships Jiaopan That's all, I actually think that Ah San is very powerful, so I refuse to accept it and bring him to see."

Nana was also surprised: "How do you know this place?"

Zhao Dezhu clenched the steering wheel and opened his mouth to come: "The last time I was looking for a car, I picked up Heiwa and it was here. I heard that at the time, let's prepare dinner. We must not be used to the food here."

Long Zhiyu sighed, "Fortunately, I have this car."

Indeed, the RV is an independent home space, which is equivalent to traveling with your own bedroom.

Buy a la carte along the way, and the bodyguards will arrange all kinds of supporting water, electricity and oil, which is not to mention how comfortable it is.

Finally, the family sat in the back cabin and ate a small hot pot, watching the crowd of Dharma kings preaching in the distance in front of the Great Sutra Hall.

Mr. Qiao didn't come back all night.

On the second day, I participated in it personally, put on the cassock, followed the scriptures, and circled the mandala 108 times!

It's hard to imagine that the CEO of the world's number one technology company is so enthusiastic about doing these things!

Zhao Dezhu's family was exhausted after only staying in this valley for one morning.

In such a big place, there are 50,000 students and believers, and the devout ones will study here for two to thirteen years.

Those shacks are said to be being demolished and replaced with new ones with the assistance of the higher authorities, because there have been several fire hazards, and the dense construction of wood chips everywhere poses a great safety hazard.

So it's being remodeled...

The second generation of demolition said goodbye to Lao Qiao very much: "Look, this is the freedom of our country. As long as you don't violate the law or harm others, we take care of all needs. Of course, I'm just here as a tourist. Let's go first." One step."

Job Bush has entered a state of penance: "I feel that the whole person is much clearer and clearer. I will stay here for a while. Thank you for your guidance and care. I will send an assistant to go out with you. I want to build a With a high-standard data center, you can work and practice simultaneously here.”

Zhao Dezhu actually said: "It's small, the layout is small, don't you think about changing the environment here?"

Job Bush is also wonderful: "But... penance is the right way. There is no need for a comfortable life here."

Zhao Dezhu snorted: "You have money, of course it is tasteful to pursue penance. Almost everyone here has no choice and has not lived a good life. If you have the ability, you have to remodel all the shacks here, at least to ensure that they are fireproof. Yes, I've heard there's a big fire hazard."

Job Bush agreed without hesitation, and asked the assistant director who came out with Zhao Dezhu to handle the matter.

Feeling that it cost a lot of money to the foreigner, Zhao Dezhu was so happy that Taotao's family retreated that afternoon.

This place already belongs to Shuchuan, and it only arrived in Rongdu, the provincial capital, two days later. It seems that there is a huge difference in the world, and it is better to spend a few days in Rongdu, which is full of life and enjoyment.

It turns out that the assistant supervisor has a lot of things on his shoulders!

To establish an Apple branch in Rongdu, the purchase of real estate to maintain a certain scale is obviously for the convenience of the CEO to reside here in the future.

Then Job Bush authorized the executive to handle the adjustment of his Apple shares, donating 10% of them to the middle-aged man who asked for assistance in treating him.

But the message left to Zhao Dezhu is for Zhao Dezhu to handle this part of the stock, and he can decide to give it at any time, because Joe Bush commented that the middle-aged man has a strong utilitarianism, and this part of the stock is likely to change the opponent's position in Zhao Dezhu. cooperation here.

Zhao Dezhu was taken aback at first, thinking what the hell, Lao Lei is here!

Ten percent of Apple shares owned by Joe Bush...

What the hell!

But after the simple translation by Long Zhiyu, who was so pale, Zhao Dezhu knew that when Job Bush was driven away by Apple, he sold all the shares of Apple in a fit of anger, and only kept a symbolic effort to commemorate himself.

It was Pierce who took the money and went out to buy it.

After returning to Apple, I bought some stocks one after another. It belongs to the largest individual shareholder at present, and its market value is only one billion US dollars!

And all of Job Bush's net worth was originally Disney's share of six to seven billion dollars plus this.

Last time, the Disney shares were exchanged and donated directly to Fruit Media.

It means that now Joe Bush only has about one billion dollars left.

Zhao Dezhu thought that this guy should be regarded as the richest man in the world, but who knew he played it so thoroughly, he didn't collect many priceless works of art, and he didn't have many other investment shares.

He suddenly felt that this old man with a personality seemed a little cute.

Is a worthy friend.

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