Sure enough, Zhao Dezhu chose Joe Bush as the topic, and successfully gained everyone's attention.

After all, Job Bush was the most favored son of God on Wall Street before, the kind who created myths time and time again.

But the change in appearance of Job Bush is also watched by everyone.

Only three or five years ago, he was still a slightly fat middle-aged man, and everyone saw that he was shrunken like withered.

Therefore, the health issue of Job Bush has long been the focus of attention on Wall Street.

It's definitely relevant to how many people feel about Apple's stock price.

Since Job Bush left Citigroup in June this year and went to China, only Apple can contact him.

There are all kinds of rumors, especially under the usual view of that big eastern country. If it weren't for Apple's confirmation of the CEO's situation, and Disney's large-scale cooperation in HK and Shanghai, it is estimated that he must be identified. Is there any security problem.

Zhao Dezhu does not brag about the magic of Chinese medicine: "Everyone may know that Mr. Job Bush has a special interest in meditation and Zen practice. Now he is practicing in a huge Buddhist college in the Himalayas, and by the way, he has established a brand new Apple research and development in the belly of Asia. The center has some technical cooperation with my team, and I believe that when he returns to Citigroup, he will be a healthy and strong king!"

Chen Yanling accurately grasped that Zhao Dezhu avoided the existence of Chinese words, and translated at the same time, in exchange for a round of applause from the audience.

The eldest princess was full of pride, as if she had done such a remarkable thing.

After the reception was over, even Buffett caught the eldest princess's long-sleeved and danceable clothes to see many people off, and couldn't help asking Zhao Dezhu about the details of Joe Bush's diagnosis and treatment.

Zhao Dezhu was a little stunned. With the connections of the God of Stocks, it is indeed possible to obtain a lot of information that is difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

Can't help mentioning the subprime mortgage crisis again: "I don't think there may be a big problem, but if the subprime mortgage crisis cannot be resolved smoothly next year, Job Bush will not be able to stay in the mountains."

This time Buffett did not evade: "What do you think about the subprime mortgage crisis?"

Zhao Dezhu will also go around in circles: "In HK, we took advantage of the shortage of funds caused by the subprime mortgage crisis and market fluctuations to absorb a lot of funds into Fruit Media. I thought you were eager to list TiTa during this period, and it was for this purpose. "

Buffett, who is in his seventies, remains unchanged: "For you, the subprime mortgage crisis is just for this purpose?"

Zhao Dezhu tried his best to be smug: "Isn't it?"

During the meeting on the Pacific Islands in June last year, the stock god once commented that Zhao Dezhu was good at pretending to be a ghost, and his nonsense was trying to cover up.

The now mature Buffett smiled and shook his head: "You amazed me again. Not only do you have a keen sense of Internet technology, but you also seem to have an extraordinary sense of financial risk. To be honest, you smell What's up?"

It was Chen Yanling who did the translation last year, and now she knows how to remind her: "...he seems very determined and not flustered, unlike other people who are at a loss when they mention the subprime mortgage crisis, um, just like you."

Zhao Dezhu is based on the rebirth bonus, and the other party is the real master perception.

That's why he didn't dare to throw out his cards casually: "It's the first time I heard about the subprime mortgage crisis in Hong Kong. It's definitely not as accurate as yours. Can you tell me clearly what your plan is?"

Buffett squinted his eyes, as if he was judging whether the game with Zhao Dezhu should be to take the initiative first, or to plan and act later.

Obviously, the old stock gods like this kind of intellectual engagement very much.

As a result, at this juncture, the eldest princess came back, holding Zhao Dezhu's arm tenderly: "My dear, did you talk about any interesting topics again?"

The old and young foxes looked at each other, and stopped the car almost in unison: "Okay, I will check your schedule and arrange a meeting..."

"I will definitely try to meet with the CEO of Yama Xun to see what benefits I can get."

Buffett didn't pay much attention to Yama Xun at this time, smiled and signaled to contact again, then nodded and left.

The eldest princess saw off the old man with satisfaction, but she was not polite to Chen Yanling: "You go, I don't need your translator here."

Chen Yanling refused to evade: "Thank you, no matter what state Charles is in, he needs my company."

The eldest princess disdained: "Not everything needs to be translated, do you want a tip?"

The first interim CEO of TiTa, or Chen Yanling, the CEO of the parent company of TiTa, was stunned for a moment. What kind of input method company is yours? Did I transfer it to your name? Could it be that your IQ really regards me as a person? translated?

Fortunately, Zhao Dezhu withdrew his eyes from the old man, just from the tone of voice, he probably knew that His Royal Highness the Princess didn't take Chen Yanling seriously.

He put his arms around Chen Yanling's waist: "Thank you, thank you and your father for your hospitality, but I still have a series of meetings to attend, and my wife is still waiting for me."

The eldest princess glanced at Zhao Dezhu's claws, and could feel Chen Yanling's unrestrained movement, and immediately put away her smile: "You don't want to be alone with me?"

Look, the two people who can't even communicate with language can only communicate with actions. How can we do without an interpreter like Chen Yanling.

Zhao Dezhu waved his hand with a smile: "Remember, the most important thing for us now is to make TiTa go public smoothly, and drive the Naka input method to go public. At that time, you will not be someone's daughter, but a successful CEO relying on yourself. Is it right?"

After speaking, she put her arms around Chen Yanling, turned around and left.

The translator was as light as a reed, almost leaning on Zhao Dezhu's body and floating away, and secretly glanced behind him: "Isn't it too cruel?"

Zhao Dezhu was distressed: "I also really want to taste wild game, but you, Long Jie, just look at it, so you can only think about it like a man."

Chen Yanling chuckled: "Then you still hug me."

She didn't break free either, just now Zhao Dezhu wanted to defend her, but he understood.

Zhao Dezhu opened his eyes and said nonsense: "It's different. We deliberately acted it out for her. We thought I was a playboy. You, Long Jie, understand."

Chen Yanling kept her head down and kept smiling: "I'm not acting, I'm very happy."

Seeing his wife approaching, Zhao Dezhu criticized righteously: "Happy fart, you haven't seen how fat Yuanyuan has become, and you haven't followed suit!"

Then he hurriedly explained to Long Zhiyu obsequiously: "I just hugged and measured my weight, and I didn't even have 80 catties! No matter how thin you are, you will have to take a vacation forcibly, and you will only be allowed to go back to work when you gain weight!"

As expected, Long Zhiyu was concerned about the distance: "I don't think the eldest lady has a good face, did she offend anyone?"

Chen Yanling lowered her head and whispered, "That woman didn't have good intentions and told me to go away. I don't need to translate."

Zhao Dezhu covered his chest in pain: "Ah? She said this? You didn't say it earlier!"

Long Zhiyu pulled him by the ear and left: "I know that Baobao makes girls happy, if Nana comes to watch, she will be so mad!"

Chen Yanling returned to her composure with a smile as usual, and followed behind.

The eldest princess was left standing in the middle of the empty hall, the hustle and bustle dissipated, the beauty was independent, and there was a trace of loneliness.

Especially looking at the back of Zhao Dezhu who was laughing and cursing.

The contrast is huge.

However, if she doesn't have a girl of this age on her face, she will be angry, irritable, or resigned.

Only the look of concentrating on thinking.

Until the tall Nash came back to her and was about to say something, but she turned and left with a smile.

Zhao Dezhu really wanted to have a meeting.

Back in the presidential suite, the bodyguards had tested the anti-eavesdropping electronic equipment, at least to ensure that ordinary civilian-grade eavesdropping and sneak-camera equipment could not be temporarily installed.

Zhao Dezhu used his feelings after arriving today to warn all the high-level officials: "Will the imperialists help us so kindly? No, not a hundred years ago, not fifty years ago, not ten years ago, now No, if Tita is sent to Citigroup, it will not be our child in the future, so what we have to do is to make as much profit as possible from the listing of Tita, and take every penny back to improve our strength..."

In the living room of the presidential suite, which occupies almost half of the floor, there are high-level and low-level people in the industrial park, at least the founders of various business departments.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room outside, Sister Xia was very satisfied with Long Zhiyu: "He has grown up really fast, and more importantly, he has indeed fulfilled the words he emphasized back then. When the status changed, I just got carried away and still firmly understood what I was doing."

Zhao Dezhu's voice could only be heard faintly, and he couldn't hear clearly. Yao Min and Ning Zhiling were both sitting here. Both of them obviously had a strong sense of professionalism, and they wanted to participate in the scene over there.

But I knew the meaning of this place better, so I had no choice but to sit here and listen to Long Zhiyu politely say to this big real estate developer: "You are a good teacher, you have always provided Zhao Dezhu with business. With such great help and setting an example, he has the ability to manage such a big situation."

Xia Fenglian looked at the big situation here with satisfaction. The 21-year-old popular female star, the number one beauty on the right bank in her thirties, and Yi's mother who is not inferior to her daughter, oh, the only one who is not intimidated by her is Ha Mei , She was a little impatient not seeing her father.

He was even more disapproving of this luxuriously dressed old lady, but he still reluctantly took a picture album in his hand and looked through it.

Zhao Dezhu didn't know the pattern of mutual restraint next door, and he still ordered: "So participating in TiTa this time does not mean that TM and WB will be listed in the future. On the contrary, it is more to make everyone familiar with these operations in European and American countries, and to see more clearly the financial situation. Changes before and after the storm, and please pay attention to all the details of the subprime mortgage crisis these days. We are not here to visit and travel. Open damage, do your homework in advance, understand?"

A room full of high and low masters actually said in unison: "Understood!"

All the women next door must be thinking, it would be great if our minds could be unified.

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