I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 844 Who do you like if you don't like it?

Facts have proved that Zhao Dezhu is really a tree top man.

Just like Liu Bei was not as powerful as Guan Yu back then, and far less resourceful than Kong Ming, but he was able to firmly be the boss.

Even with the advantage of rebirth, Zhao Dezhu never felt that he was so powerful.

Professional technology and management details have always been handed over to dedicated personnel.

All business groups and entrepreneurial teams are deeply impressed by this point.

Charles has always only put forward precise directions and feelings in terms of results, and how to do it specifically, absolutely not a word of nonsense.

For example, this time he emphasized the details of the subprime mortgage crisis. He also revealed the general direction, but how to do it depends entirely on your own control and exploration.

Those who can stand side by side with people like Lao Lei, Pang Yong, and Chen Xiaolong are all smart people.

To understand and perceive the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis in the fields that you are good at and familiar with.

Then come back for a meeting to discuss...

Even with the support of the stock gods, Zhao Dezhu had to participate in many hearings and verification procedures of regulatory agencies when he came to Citigroup this time.

Fortunately, Zhao Dezhu basically only needs someone to be present, and a simple statement will do.

Other big-name teams formed by Buffett speak out, and even Pang Yong, who is in charge of the entire financial process, only needs to speak occasionally.

So Chen Yanling accompanied Zhao Dezhu as an interpreter the whole time.

This pair of Asian golden boys and girls who were only 22 years old filled the pages of the entire Wall Street financial media!

With the hot sales of Guge mobile phones and Microsoft mobile phones throughout 2007, TiTa fully expanded its mobile Internet applications, and waited until Apple joined the distribution in the second half of the year.

Although the smart phones launched by the three giants on the market use three operating systems, they are all pre-installed with TiTa.

This powerful encroachment of all social media caught Facebook and Twitter by surprise throughout 2007.

Although they launched the mobile phone version in the second half of the year in a hurry, there is a natural gap with TiTa's previous mobile-based architecture.

What's more, for the three major systems of Android, Windows Mobile, and iOS to be compatible apps, a lot of testing is required.

This is very different from the basic creation and development on the Windows system, and then spent more than a year on Android to do the main compatibility, and the results of the Apple mobile phone adaptability test in the last half a year.

TiTa is already a complete social ecology.

Interface optimized for 3.5-inch screen touch, nine pictures, short blog mode with 199 characters, communication and social contacts based on phone book, discover various types of news, comments, and stars pushed by hundreds of editors in the channel day and night Celebrity gossip news, and more and more excellent resource creators upload various long blog content.

This is a more comprehensive collection of social tools that overlap with Facebook and Twitter.

More importantly, based on TiTa's own small program entry, it comes with simple games such as marbles, Xiaoxiaole, and Texas Hold'em.

It fully interprets what Zhao Dezhu has been instilling is called fragmented mobile Internet.

The biggest feature of the mobile phone is that it is carried with you, and the ubiquitous gaps will be filled by playing with the mobile phone.

This brand-new communication tool with great characteristics was originally what Joe Bush wanted to express at the Apple conference. In fact, he didn't fully think it through in 2007.

He only thought of the app store and the step of music entertainment copyright fees.

Now they are all surnamed Zhao.

It was Mr. Zhao Dezhu's very forward-looking proposal that smart phones are the starting point of the next generation of Internet portals.

It was Mr. Charles who integrated mobile assistants, app stores, and social media to establish the mobile Internet.

And it was also Mr. Charles who personally formed the three-legged posture.

Three brand-new Internet giants that have never made mobile phones are actually related to him, and jointly launched three types of mobile phones that are not compatible with each other.

The only thing that can be said to be compatible across the period may be TiTa.

This feeling may be like people in the 1920s who suddenly heard that all major mobile phone manufacturers have started to build new energy vehicles with new forces.

Although very surprised, but there is an inexplicable trust.

Maybe it can bring a completely different new feeling.

Throughout 2007, these three companies sold 14 million smartphones in North America!

The sales volume of mobile phones in the entire North American region is 69 million units, which is far more than the global proportion of smartphones. On the one hand, it proves the affluent spending power of North American people, and on the other hand, it also emphasizes the value of TiTa.

Almost all users who buy these three types of mobile phones are rushing to experience the fun of TiTa.

Social networking, chatting, entertainment, news, games, and even creating articles to get click rewards...

This new form of mobile Internet is amazing.

The new era that many Internet giants are bragging about seems to come in a whiz.

The threshold is simply to buy a smart phone, already installed with free TiTa software.

Using TiTa is completely free.

But even Wall Street financial analysts and cost accountants have no doubts about TiTa's profitability.

The big reason for this is that behind TiTa is the blessing of Microsoft and the stock gods, as well as Zhao Dezhu's ability to make money in the past two years.

He owns the largest e-commerce shopping platform in China, with an annual turnover of 500 billion.

The current base of 14 million installed users alone has made TiTa's page advertisements highly anticipated by advertisers.

Looking forward to this kind of highly targeted advertisements to help them develop the user market.

However, the advertising department of TiTa has temporarily closed the advertising page for reception, emphasizing that the most important thing at present is to allow users to have a smooth experience, but the company has several creative advertising cooperation methods, and looks forward to creative advertisers to discuss.

Under such circumstances, the world's largest mobile phone brand finally panicked...

Nock Duck finally remembered that a year or two ago, that young East Asian rich man visited his headquarters, but finally left quietly.

Bosses with a bloated structure didn't even know Zhao Dezhu's disdainful voice, they were all covered up by the bottom!

Because Nock Duck can be said to be the world's largest smartphone system base camp before 2007, and the Symbian system overwhelmed the Microsoft system.

There are only about 20 or 30 models of smartphones with decent global sales, most of which are Nock Duck and Sony, Samsung and other partners in the camp, and Microsoft is all supported by Dopta. million-level sales.

Motorola chose the Linux system without participating in the two, oh, and Samsung, the betting monster who made every kind of system.

Unexpectedly, it was like a bolt from the blue, the ancient song system and the ios system were born out of nowhere, and after adding the Microsoft system, they completely started from scratch and created another concept of mobile phones.

Nock Duck's basic market is in Europe, but Europe inevitably likes to look at the direction of Citigroup.

This year, a large number of smartphones have flowed into Europe, and many mobile phone sellers are contacting the three suppliers for supply.

At present, only Apple mobile phones can be supplied. Guge and Microsoft have already rushed to work and have a backlog of orders.

Now Motorola is negotiating with Microsoft, hoping that the two sides will cooperate in the field of new smart phones.

After all, both parties are established big companies, and the possibility of mutual cooperation is very strong.

Samsung quietly approached Guge to talk about system transplantation.

Only Apple will never open the system.

The saddest one is of course Nock Duck.

It seems that they still occupied the largest smartphone market in the world in 2006. Compared with the three smartphones in 2007, their so-called smartphones are scum.

The reputation of Nock Duck has completely collapsed.

Ordinary users don't care about the details of the system. Anyway, they feel that this is more than a generation behind. A mobile phone that keeps making appearances is not as fun as the content.

Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that TiTa will not be popular when it goes on the market!

It can be said that from the dinner party that Zhao Dezhu and the others came to Citigroup, one price per day!

The start is already a record.

When Apple Computer went public in 1980, they attracted more capital than any initial public offering (IPO) since Ford in 1956.

close to one billion dollars.

This kind of myth was shattered in the Internet bubble at the end of the century, and the super god companies that started with tens of billions of dollars appeared one after another, YOHOO, Gu Ge and so on.

But this time, almost all Wall Street financial traders are guessing that TiTa's market value should start at least from $100 billion!

You know, there are only a few dozens of companies with a market value of over 100 billion US dollars. The old oil and energy companies and financial banks are the main ones. The only Internet company that can touch the threshold is Guge. Microsoft has a market value of more than 200 billion. But it is more of a software service provider.

Apple's iPhone in the middle of the year has not exploded, and its market value is still hovering between 70 and 80 billion US dollars.

Even Samsung Electronics is almost close to Apple by this time.

Nock Duck is slightly taller than Gu Ge,

Several companies in China have entered this club, all of which are state-owned petrochemical and banking industries.

Is it possible that the first company to enter the record of 100 billion US dollars when it goes public is about to be born?

TiTa, which was originally valued at around US$10 billion, has been attacked by bandits this year. It can be said that all financial personnel who have the ability to participate in this valuation are all TiTa users.

They will all experience this kind of mobile Internet life with a surprise or shocking attitude.

TiTa is the hallmark of this life.

Including Zhao Dezhu's series of advertisements throughout North America in October, later Guge, Microsoft, and Apple followed up with the promotion.

All in disguise increased investors' interest in this stock.

So many Internet entrepreneurs have worked hard to take their project prospectus and product description PPT, running around between the east and west coasts, explaining and even begging investors to favor them.

Right now, I can only look up to TiTa and admire.

Just like some people are destined to stand in Rome from birth, TiTa has been endorsed by Gates and Buffett since the day it was established.

Now it has joined the ancient songs, Microsoft and Apple.

In addition to going through the formalities these days, Zhao Dezhu's main purpose is to explain to all parties, how to squeeze out the shares, and everyone should not grab...

The original IPO plan was that each of the three original shareholders would contribute 10% of the shares and put 30% into the market to attract investors.

It is this kind of investment price that can determine how much the value of the three bosses can soar.

The current situation is clearly in short supply.

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