I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 849 Speaking of this, we won't be sleepy anymore

Generally speaking, Zhao Dezhu is still ignorant.

It is true that Citigroup will stick to China's neck, but the premise is that it really feels the threat from China.

At the end of 2007, it was far from reaching this point.

Citigroup still looks at that big eastern country with arrogance and disdain.

And the main line of sight at this moment is still in Central Asia and the Middle East.

So if he really takes all 40 billion dollars and leaves, he probably can do it.

But Zhao Dezhu's half-comprehension operation will not be in vain.

At least Buffett has a much higher evaluation of him: "I have never seen a young man who can remain calm and not greedy in the face of such a large fortune, at least when I was twenty-two years old. , is still far from being able to do this.”

Zhao Dezhu never mentioned Wai Lie: "I have a senior, when I first started doing business, he taught me, everyone is good, it is really good, and I can only make money if everyone makes money, isn't it? ?"

The old fox found it difficult for him to get anything out of Zhao Dezhu's mouth.

"Can't you really tell me what you really think?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Then can you tell me your real thoughts on the subprime mortgage crisis?"

Buffett stared at this young man who was less than one-third of his age, puzzled: "Why do you care so much about my views on the subprime mortgage crisis?"

Zhao Dezhu complained, I know the general result, and only by asking your opinion can you judge how true your attitude is. He always feels like he is standing on the edge of a cliff.

Buffett tried his best to take the TiTa company, which was established only last year, to an IPO in a year and a half. This is definitely a deliberate choice.

But the old man chose not to talk about it in the end: "I have no opinion. This is a tragedy of illegal operations and weak supervision, but I believe that Wall Street can digest and correct the situation. What kind of situation has not happened in a hundred years?"

Zhao Dezhu sighed softly in his heart, but he was still not greedy, and he would never rush to find out the other party's true thoughts.

Curiosity killed the cat: "Yes, yes, as Citigroup, which has the most sound system in the world, and Wall Street, which has the best financial order, will definitely be able to solve this problem. You can make money investing in stocks.”

Facing a big client worth 20 billion US dollars, the stock god was speechless: "I... definitely won't smash my brand. I really don't know how you calculated it. It seems that you are losing money, but you have taken all the benefits!"

That's right, in Zhao Dezhu's eyes, next year is the end of the economic crisis!

The stock god of the last life seems to have survived the crisis safely, and is still competing with Lao Gai and Bells for the throne of the world's richest man.

The 20 billion U.S. dollars did not seem to covet TiTa's future stock price, but it was exchanged for more other stocks and handed over to the investment company of the stock god.

Don't you claim how much annual income is?

I'm not greedy, just a stable income is enough.

If the stock god himself does not lose money next year, but makes his customers lose money, it will be a signboard.

The 20 billion funds were placed in the Citi stock market, so they continued to suck blood and slowly split it up.

Zhao Dezhu can't look down on TiTa's funds anymore. I hold 12% of the Yama Xun stock that can make Bells the world's richest man.

Even Buffett could see the complacency in Zhao Dezhu's eyes, but he couldn't figure out how this young man judged and planned for the future.


"So can you tell me about the reason why you dispatched funds to Jiaopen? After all, if you make any big moves, I have to consider the impact on the Jiaopen stock market. I have a lot of investments in Jiaopen."

Zhao Dezhu has never lost his traditional artistic skills: "How much is the consulting fee? I must have a purpose for mobilizing a large amount of funds, but since you treat me as a business customer rather than a business partner, it is difficult to manage my financial products." There is a fee, and if you want to know the news now, you must pay some handling fees."

The old man laughed angrily: "How much do you say!"

Zhao Dezhu laughed loudly, and put his arms around the old fox's shoulders: "Just kidding, you're really weird, obviously you've also made 20 billion, and you seem to be unhappy that you haven't caught a big fish, you know what?" , I always have a feeling that I am the big fish, but don't you think that now, I can guarantee that everyone can make money?"

Chen Yanling was a little startled by the translation.

The two foxes, the old and the young, looked at each other for a long time before Buffett smiled helplessly and shook his head: "You are so cautious, I will send you to the coke basin, you can always tell me why?"

Zhao Dezhu exaggerated his surprise: "I just said I bought so many things and I don't know how to take them back."

The old fox almost rolled his eyes, what status do you have, and you still worry about this.

Living on Fifth Avenue, Zhao Dezhu himself doesn't easily go to the streets, sister Zhiling and Yao Min often rush to go shopping.

Ning Zhiling has a big picture, from Hamei to Nana, from wife to best friend, from the chairman of Fruit Media to shareholders, and from every high-level executive in the high-tech industrial park, as long as she can find the name and photo, Zhao Dezhu Buy gifts in the name of .

Ladies mainly buy bags, while men... also mainly buy bags, which can be given away, even Heiwa has them.

Yao Min mainly bought it for Zhao Dezhu, and even invited a designer to go upstairs to make it for him.

In the past ten days, the presidential suit has indeed been filled with various gifts.

But by this time, there are more than a dozen security personnel from China, are you afraid that no one will take it?

As a result, they are now stuffed full into the stock god's business machine.

Lao Gai, who deliberately remained invisible throughout the IPO process, didn't call to congratulate Zhao Dezhu until he left, thanking him for everything he had done for TiTa's successful listing.

Of course, Lao Gai's worth has also risen a bit.

Chen Yanling originally wanted to stay and do aftermath work for the listing, but Zhao Dezhu firmly disagreed, and pulled her away with him.

Fu Jianqing and Huang Panpan stayed behind and were responsible for a series of agreements with Yama Xun.

She didn't board the plane until she confirmed that Sister Xia had joined her European investigation team via Europe.

In a business jet with more than 20 seats, the entire crew cabin is almost full of bodyguards and luggage.

There are only three girls who accompany Zhao Dezhu in the main cabin.

Sister Zhiling gracefully helped Zhao Dezhu prepare the tea, and the old fox pointed to the vacated height outside: "Is there anything in the coke basin that deserves your attention?"

Zhao Dezhu actually said: "You have seen my wife. She is 39 years old this year. How can she stay young forever? This is a question she cares about more than I earn tens of billions. I am going to buy a stem cell mask company .”

Buffett was so angry that he almost smashed the armrest of the solid wood and leather sofa!

The brat didn't tell the truth all day long!

Sister Zhiling, who acted as a temporary interpreter, explained in a soft voice: "For us oriental women, forty years old is a huge threshold, and after that is the passing years of youth. We must admit the existence of our aging appearance, so if we can use this time Keep some more days, no matter how much you pay, it is worth it..."

The old man who was about to be eighty years old, when he arrived in Jiaopen, he threw down the whole family of the Liar and Jing, and left angrily!

Sent so far for nothing.

But what did Zhao Dezhu say about this?

The clues were first discovered by Li Xiaojun.

Zhao Dezhu was so sure about the economic crisis that he kept it from Wang Fenglian, and he didn't even mention it to Ning Zhiling, but he passed it on to Li Xiaojun in private.

After all, he was once the richest man in the capital.

There are many friends in the business circle in the capital, who can spread this message intentionally or unintentionally, and can also make many domestic entrepreneurs prepare for prevention.

Although Pang Yong has repeatedly considered that from a macro perspective, the turmoil in Citigroup's stock market will mainly affect some export-oriented enterprises in China, but Zhao Dezhu is definitely reluctant to let any Chinese be affected.

As a result, during these days at Citigroup, didn’t Zhao Dezhu tell everyone to pay attention to collecting information on technology, technology, Internet and other aspects of this economic crisis, which may trigger bargain hunting.

Although Li Xiaojun is not a technical background, he often listens to him. In his words, he is just looking for mistakes.

So when Pang Yong and the others were discussing what information they heard today, he unexpectedly provided a piece of information by accident.

This year, there are several home appliance companies in China, all of which are focusing on Toshiba, the oldest brand in the focus basin, and they are hunting for it.

The smart retail he is in charge of mainly deals with these domestic home appliance companies and helps them open stores online.

So know a lot.

It used to be known as the best coke basin home appliance in the world, but it has been beaten by domestic home appliances in the past two years.

Domestic home appliance companies are also trying to acquire foreign advanced technologies after completing the initial capital accumulation.

Toshiba, the top home appliance industry that was familiar in the 1980s and 1990s, has been declining recently.

It has been splitting and selling its various home appliance sections.

Speaking of this family, Chen Xiaolong and the others are not troubled.

Toshiba's flash memory technology is a good thing, but in the 1990s, due to accidental events, Samsung took the lead, thus laying the foundation for Samsung's decades of glory.

But Toshiba also has a lot of technical patents on semiconductor chips.

The main reason is that there is no money to continue to promote research and development and production.

Zhao Dezhu, who made a lot of money, will definitely make a decision to buy, buy, buy...

Pang Yong was able to find out that Toshiba charged a high price for its own semiconductors.

This is like a chicken rib. Those who can afford it are unwilling to buy it, and those who want to buy it feel that it is not worthwhile.

More importantly, Toshiba is transforming, gradually transferring its previous accumulation in home appliances and electronic semiconductor technology to nuclear power and clean energy...

Every night at the meeting in the President's suite, everyone eats and drinks casually, chats and collides with information.

Chen Xiaolong and his fellow technology geeks also joked that in a place like Jiaopen with such a small land, it is indeed a way to give priority to the development of nuclear energy, but it is always a bit strange for Toshiba Electric to change its name to Toshiba Electric...

Zhao Dezhu, who was originally indifferent, trembled: "Tepco? Is it the Tepco that owns the Futian Nuclear Power Plant?"

The technical geeks immediately searched with their mobile phones and computers.

Responding to the boss, this TEPCO is not Tepco, but Tokyo Electric Power, but Tokyo Electric Power is indeed a subsidiary of Toshiba Corporation. Tokyo Electric Power really has a Fukuda nuclear power plant!

The boss is really knowledgeable and knowledgeable!

So amid all the flattery, Zhao Dezhu had even more reason to arrange for Pang Yong and others to withdraw in batches.

It's okay to use Toshiba to worship the sky.

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