I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 850 This Man Is Unusual

Yao Min was completely convinced.

A man with hundreds of billions of dollars can move around this level with ease.

Isn't this the height she dreamed of?

Even at the level of the richest man in the world, disposable income is calculated.

That is, wealth other than fixed assets that can be mobilized at will.

Zhao Dezhu can now be ranked among the top in the world, at least he is the richest man in China.

Still so young!

The intersections are all wealthy and high-ranking officials, and every gesture is rich and respected.

This should be a wealthy family.

When the bell rang for the opening of the market, she still wanted to stand in that glorious scene with Zhao Dezhu.

The whole world is watching, and the new Internet IPO scene with the stock code TT is the center of focus by various flashing lights and lenses.

That was the height she craved most.

He was actually robbed of the opportunity by a foreign businessman's daughter, a courtesan from the right bank.

His face was very ugly.

The safety director who rarely spoke, covered the monitoring headset in his ear with one hand, and finally reminded his daughter: "Do you think Mr. Zhao just randomly arranged two women to stand there with him? Is he a character obsessed with beauty?" , Am I still not clear? His every move has a deep meaning. I dare not tell you some things, but you pay attention, a woman from Citigroup and a woman from the right bank are standing there with him. This is already very clear. gone."

Oh, crimes other than war.

On the contrary, Yao Min immediately felt relieved.

Yao Fangyuan was a little helpless: "Participating in such a situation, if Mrs. Zhao, Yi Fei, or even Ms. Ning have such personalities, they can walk on the same ground. On the contrary, your strong personality is the most dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you will be in the abyss. I regret it all the time, it was a blessing or a curse for you to meet Mr. Zhao."

The daughter frowned: "Then, is your security director a blessing or a curse?"

Yao Fangyuan smiled wryly: "From my point of view, I can re-reflect my own value. Well, this may be the most valuable existence in my life. Of course, it is my life's blessing. I can't help but contribute to such a team. I know how much I cherish it, but if it's for you, I'd rather resign and give up, what do you think?"

The 21-year-old girl finally looked seriously at her father's eyes: "Are you so evil?"

Yao Fangyuan sighed: "Look at Mr. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao, including Yi Fei, Miss Ning, and the people around them. The greedier they are, the farther they are from the center. He already treats you differently, and you still can't tell the difference." This is the key point, he will definitely give up on you, if you don’t realize that it’s your own problem with your character, and go to the other extreme, then it’s really better not to know him, at least the fall is not so hard.”

Yao Min was surprised: "Why didn't you remind me of this before?"

Yao Fangyuan was helpless: "I used to spend so much time at work that I didn't have time to talk to you. Your mother took you everywhere to find a way out, so I retired early to take care of you. Listen to Dad this time. Either put your mind right, or don't go... This should be considered boiling water."

Yao Min took a deep breath and said nothing, watching the daughter of the Citi businessman embrace Zhao Dezhu warmly.

Until Zhao Dezhu left, the eldest princess was the only one who was qualified to see her off at the airport.

She is so realistic.

Moreover, TiTa's listing is nothing less than a shot in the arm for her.

As the Naka input method of TiTa's "venture capital", it is bundled with TiTa and pre-installed on Guge and Microsoft mobile phones.

Microsoft has discovered this input method of introducing cloud thesaurus, and is very interested in incorporating it into the new WINDOWS desktop system.

This is a historic change in the English-speaking world that has never had an input method!

He even won the favor of Guge Company, and after the acquisition was rejected, he would take the road of cooperation.

After all, if a company of this level follows the same path, it is easy to touch the blockade of patent rights, and subsequent lawsuits can cause a lot of trouble.

In this case, Naka Input Method has become a promising unicorn company alone, and is preparing to go public step by step in two or three years.

At that time, the eldest princess was a beautiful president who was completely "self-reliant", and her net worth would also be a billionaire.

Such a clear road to success is completely in her hands, plus the fashion brand creation and other industries that the eldest princess is pursuing.

The existence that was once always regarded as the daughter of the big golden retriever has undergone a complete transformation.

Even if TiTa gave the Big Golden Retriever the big V qualification, focusing on promoting his exposure, fans, etc., can indeed attract a considerable group of old white people to pay attention to TiTa and buy smartphones.

But it's not as good as the eldest princess. This is completely regarded as her own family's operation.

What exactly is Zhao Dezhu planning?

If it is greedy for money, it has been cut to such an extent that it has nothing to do with him at all, and he can't get a dime.

Then there are only pictures and colors.

In the eyes of everyone, it is a bald man who catches fleas on his head, is it clear?

Because no one, including the big golden retriever and the eldest princess, can't imagine that what Zhao Dezhu plans is his status ten years later.

To be precise, Zhao Dezhu didn't even want that identity, he knew very well that when he got to that position, any relationship and friendship would be bullshit.

What he just wanted was that the big golden retriever would single-handedly bring TiTa to the top social media status in the world.

Once TiTa can beat facebook and twitter, a mother-born WB will be safe.

Because all the source codes are in their own hands, and they are handed over to relevant departments for coordination and prevention.

No matter how TiTa will be changed in the future, at least TiTa will not enter the Chinese market. This is a business behavior that has been determined from the very beginning.

This is what Zhao Dezhu plans.

Who would have thought of it?

When the eldest princess came to the airport to see her off, her eyes were a little blurred.

There are many airports in Citigroup, especially the business jets of the rich are often not at international airports, but at general-purpose small airports very close to their homes, which are very private and not open to the public.

So there is no such thing as a tall waiting hall, just under the eaves of a holiday cottage, the tall princess Kunpeng spread her wings and hugged Zhao Dezhu in a low voice, hehehe, I can’t understand without translation, Zhao Dezhu can put it Put on a dazed look and pretend to be stupid.

Then there is no need to use your mouth to translate, the eldest princess fixed Zhao Dezhu's cheeks with both hands and squeaked directly.

This guy Zhao Dezhu only resisted for half a second, Ma De, if you don't want to piss it off, don't you? If you can't resist, then enjoy it.

Immediately squeaked back, reminding the eldest princess by shaking her waist, and the old horse hugged and fixed it knowingly.

Yao Min, Chen Yanling and the others frowned and looked at the old man's expression.

Sister Zhiling greeted and arranged various affairs with a smile, pretending not to see.

When Zhao Dezhu got on the plane with a sausage mouth on his face, Chen Yanling handed Zhao Dezhu water to rinse his mouth, Yao Min gave him a wet tissue and asked him to wipe the lip marks on his face.

Sister Zhiling still greeted the helpless stock god.

Only after the god of stock left did she dignifiedly discuss the whole itinerary. She should be the most familiar with Jiaopan.

But no one expected that the partner Zhao Dezhu was looking for was actually Li Zhengdao of Softbank.

Zhao Dezhu has completely turned against the old horse, at least in his petty eyes, but he does not regard Li Zhengdao as one with the old horse.

Didn’t Lao Ma mention that when he was under the most pressure and when a certain treasure.com was most questioned about its future profit model, Li Zhengdao was even the one who joined forces with other shareholders to take him down and seize power.

As long as he is not his core member, Zhao Dezhu likes this kind of guy who turns his face like a book and asks for money but not name.

This kind of person also doesn't mind the time-honored Toshiba brand and the century-old glory of the Dajiaoba Empire. As long as he can sell it for money and make a profit, he can also give his wife to customers.

I have to admit that Zhao Dezhu's cognition of people in the focus basin comes from small movies, and he substitutes them at every turn.

But the facts proved that he was really accurate. Li Zhengdao was extremely attentive to Zhao Sang's invitation!

In fact, at this time, Li Zhengdao has basically locked his position as the richest man in Jiaopen.

But in front of the myth of TiTa, he was almost there.

Do you want to make money? It’s not shameful. It’s not obvious that Zhao Dezhu was still a caddy back then. He was the billionaire. The status of the billionaire was reversed. The first thing was the super expensive wagyu banquet, which made Zhao Dezhu a little regretful that he didn’t bring Yuanyuan and Zhou Mengxia.

Next time I will arrange for these two to have a special meal, and tell Chen Yanling to remember this place.

Exactly four years later, at the end of 2003, Chen Yanling and Gao Yuxin accompanied Zhao Dezhu all the way to Pebble Beach to save the scene.

The cold and immature girl at that time has grown into a skilled business beauty, and she accompanied her all the way to exchange greetings.

Li Zhengdao knew the slender female president beside Zhao Dezhu very well, but he was very surprised that she was also a witness at Pebble Beach back then, and he even praised Zhao Dezhu for not shy away from talking about that caddy experience.

After all, except for a very small number of narrow-minded guys who avoid mentioning their downfalls, the vast majority of successful people like to talk about their self-made self, so as to highlight how rare it is for them to make a leap to the next level.

Li Zhengdao is definitely a master in this aspect: "Zhao Sang showed a distinctive light back then. I still remember that you designed golf training equipment very creatively, right?"

The place was arranged very well. First soak in the soup pool. Zhao Dezhu wanted to have a mixed bath for men and women, so he didn't dare to speak up.

But when I came out, I saw Sister Zhiling and Yao Min who had changed into Japanese-style bathrobes. The beauty is definitely worth paying for and coming back next time. No matter how expensive it is, it is worth eating.

Chen Yanling will control the rhythm of business, but she is still a bit cautious about men, so she actually changed into a formal shirt tube skirt.

In contrast, Zhao Dezhu was so happy that he thanked him for the generous size of his bathrobe, and he ate even more. All his compliments on Li Zhengdao would only be huh huh huh.

Who knows that people are just shaking the burden: "Many people like to find one or two external factors of successful people, and infinitely expand the proportion of their role in success. The purpose is to make themselves feel more comfortable, and then lament that successful people He got to the end relying on external factors, so he felt at ease and didn’t have to work so hard, but Zhao Sang’s every node along the way, which one was not achieved by his own efforts, this kind of continuous and correct struggle is precisely It is the embodiment of ability, not the ability to strive for."

After Chen Yanling finished translating, Zhao Dezhu understood it for a long time, it was very good, eat and eat.

I can still drink some wine, sister Zhiling knelt by the side and poured the wine.

Alas... the ancient emperors were nothing more than this.

Yao Min finally stopped comparing and fighting, and ate and watched quietly. She observed Ning Zhiling's actions all the way from the business jet across the ocean.

Chen Yanling can't learn from that, and her figure is too flat, so she can only use business ability, which is boring.

Zhao Dezhu was so satisfied, he went straight to work out of countering the inner desire to eat and drink: "Now we should talk about how we can cooperate, right?"

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