Zhao Dezhu thought about many things over and over again.

In his eyes, 10 billion or 100 billion U.S. dollars are just numbers.

Even the same deadly knife.

How can I grasp these knives, not only to save my own life, but also to dig some good things from other houses.

Zhao Dezhu really struggled to think, his brain capacity is only so small.

Most of them are used to resist beauty.

It was precisely this Toshiba matter that everyone was discussing and reminded him that Chinese companies directly buy other people's big and national pride, which is a symbol of the Jiaobai manufacturing industry.

The first incandescent light bulb in Asia, the first transistor TV, the first hydroelectric generator, the first rice cooker, refrigerator, microwave oven, and the first word processor... were all produced by Toshiba.

Several attempts to acquire home appliances in China failed to find an entry point.

Who could be involved in an acquisition of this level?

Buying Toshiba must go through a middleman, and it is impossible to go straight to the door like I used to use the mask agent in the past.

Pang Yong, Chen Xiaolong, Hao Wenjian and others were not so easy to inquire through their channels.

Li Xiaojun is also similar.

Originally, Zhao Dezhu wanted to pass the mask company, but the progression was too far away.

Following this line of thought, among the Jiaopen people that Zhao Dezhu knew, the highest-ranking person should be Li Zhengdao, a Korean Jiaopen person.

Originally, the most correct investment in Li Zhengdao's life should be to obtain thousands of times the income in the venture capital of a certain treasure network!

As a result, he was abruptly labeled as a failure model by Zhao Dezhu.

Of course, Li Zhengdao definitely didn't know about this change in luck.

In addition, Li Zhengdao's many venture capital can only be said to be 50-50, with gains and losses.

There is absolutely no such thing as being blown to the level of an investment god after taking a heavy position in a certain treasure.

Because his style is stable and long-term, which is different from Buffett, Li Zhengdao has a big bet style that is based on Stud.

This style has become more and more encouraged after a certain treasure, but since the success of a certain treasure in the previous life, most of the big bets have lost.

Among them, several projects that invested tens of billions of dollars in vain, even exhausted the profits earned from a certain treasure net, and even reached the verge of bankruptcy.

But relying on the continuous blood transfusion of a certain treasure, Li Zhengdao can continue to gamble with chips.

With his gambling method, as long as he wins once, he will earn back the previous few times with interest.

So based on this mentality, he doesn't care about the relationship between Zhao Dezhu and Lao Ma at all.

Maybe it's just a regret. When Zhao Dezhu was just starting out, he went to invest in Southwest College as promised.

Even if Lao Ma still does not participate in the investment, the whole development of the situation may be completely different.

At that time, Zhao Dezhu didn't have such a strong mentality of revenge.

Most likely, it will not create the new rich man with hundreds of billions of dollars in front of him.

So after meeting with Zhao Dezhu, both of them kept silent about Lao Ma and Moubao.com, as if this stubble didn't exist at all.

And from the first meeting, Li Zhengdao's nodding and bowing, Zhao Sang's long and Zhao Sang's short oriental style made Zhao Dezhu completely figured out that before he handed over the stock business to Buffett's company, now he should take care of the industrial mergers and acquisitions. Please invite this person to be the spokesperson for such matters!

As long as he can make a profit from investment, Li Zhengdao must be a guy who will sell everything.

Now when he spoke to Zhao Dezhu, his eyes were glowing with interest: "What suggestion does Zhao Sang have?"

Sister Zhiling can also speak Japanese.

She took on the role of translator without saying a word, and poured some wine for Zhao Dezhu by the way.

This kind of business negotiation, simply don't stop!

Yao Min once again felt how disadvantaged it is to not know a foreign language!

Zhao Dezhu first used money to make a contribution: "China's domestic market is already supported by TM, so the funds I obtained from the US stock market this time will most likely be invested in overseas fields. If you have no good suggestions, I will concentrate on HK. gone."

Everyone knows that Charles has made tens of billions of dollars on Wall Street!

Li Zhengdao is not an idle person, and his kung fu is smooth and light: "I am considering expanding the composition of shareholders and directors of Software Bank. Is Zhao Sang interested in joining..."

This is to ask Zhao Dezhu if he is interested in becoming an elder in the Sun Moon Sect.

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "My funds can only be invested according to my wishes. I know very well what kind of industries to invest in to get huge profits, so I don't need anyone to give advice on my investment, but we can discuss possible developments. All cooperation projects."

These words were so confident that even Chen Yanling and Yao Min could hear the sonorous aura conveyed by sister Zhiling, which was very rare for her.

Li Zhengdao didn't mind the former caddy's blunt words. Instead, he raised his glass with a smile: "I already understand Zhao Sang's intentions. Which type of investment are you most interested in?"

Zhao Dezhu wanted to approach the corner: "The few cards I can give you are TiTa's Jiaobai sub-stations. After the IPO is successful, expanding to the world is the main goal of TiTa. This is the number one!"

Li Zhengdao smiled as happily as a yellow handkerchief: "I'm looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to this!"

Pang Yong's habit is to find out all the information he can collect from his opponent, since Zhao Dezhu is coming to talk to Li Zhengdao.

He and Chen Xiaolong racked their brains to find out the history of this man's fortune. Not to mention, winning the agency right of YOHOO's sub-station in Jiaopen that year can be said to be the watershed for Li Zhengdao to be promoted to a first-class businessman.

Let him grab the computer Internet entrance with one hand.

Obviously, if you get a TiTa branch agent, you can seize the entrance of the mobile Internet.

Zhao Dezhuxin said that it is good if you are willing to bite the hook: "Second, smartphone software and hardware patent rights, if you can get a mobile phone license to enter the Jiaobai market, I have solutions for Android smartphones and Microsoft smartphones. , I can let you go."

This is called step by step. With the advent of mobile social media and smartphones, these two pieces of fat are delivered to your door. If you want to vigorously develop and produce mobile phones, you need more chips and more semiconductors, right?

This is Zhao Dezhu's thought of hand-to-hand combat from far to near.

Sister Zhiling knelt down between the two men and passed on the words.

Yao Min suddenly remembered, and whispered to Chen Yanling who rarely communicated with each other: "If she discounted the message in the middle, wouldn't everyone know about it?"

Chen Yanling finally took a look at Yao Min's bathrobe, probably thinking that you are not stupid.

Turning around, he spoke English directly: "TiTa's agency rights around the world have reached a very high demand. If you are interested, you should hurry up. As far as I know, the European market has finally been divided into Southern Europe, Western Europe and Northeast Europe are represented, and there are already people applying for the Jiaobain area.”

Li Zhengdao returned to Jiaobain after he got his Ph.D. from Citigroup or something, and his English is of course very good: "So it's like this..."

Then he gave Zhao Dezhu a slap in English: "I have actually participated in the research and development of Apple mobile phones, but the 3G standard Apple mobile phones cannot be compatible with the 2G focal basin market. I expect to try to introduce Apple mobile phones next year. In fact, SoftBank Group Originally the largest telecom operator in the domestic market, I have had great conflicts and boycotts with several domestic brands since I was able to introduce Apple mobile phones, and I hope that our investment and cooperation will not be in the Jiaopen market.”


If you can't sell mobile phones in Jiaobain, you can't logically request to expand the demand for chips and semiconductors.

As a result, sister Zhiling suddenly asked questions in Japanese at this time.

Li Zhengdao subconsciously switched back to Japanese to reply to her, and sister Zhiling responded proudly: "Li Sang thinks you can go to Nanli..."

Zhao Dezhu was a little confused, Nan Li Bangzi?

What can I do?

Chen Yanling immediately asked the question in English.

Poor Li Sang, who was an angel investor in front of the old horse, was repeatedly switched by the two girls in different languages.

I don't know if it has affected his thinking: "I went to Nanli last month, and some Nanli entrepreneurs proposed to me the Nanli version of TM. I probably sketched out 1.5 to 2 billion The US dollar investment plan is to strive for an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange in about five years, even if the brilliant performance of TiTa cannot be achieved, ten times should be completely possible.”

When did Zhao Dezhu include the stick?

Thinking hard, it seems that something has happened, and Nanli Bangzi's industry has all withdrawn from the Chinese market.

Is it necessary to help the people of Nanli seek happiness?

There is another devil in my heart beating gongs and drums: "Make money! Don't be ashamed!"

There is also a suona player: "It's a guaranteed profit! Definitely a profit!"

What's the matter, Zhao Dezhu himself has a thorough understanding of TM's money-making routines, so he can just transplant the whole thing to Nanli.

In fact, isn’t there someone already planning to enter the Southeast Asian market internally?

It’s just that there are so many poor people in Southeast Asia. Although the population is large, it is very scattered. There are still many cross-sea problems. It is very troublesome to improve the express logistics structure.

Sister Zhiling was in charge of playing the suona in reality, so she quickly asked alternately: "What are the advantages of the Nanli market? Why don't you go to the right bank to do it?"

Fortunately, the three people here don’t understand this sentence, and Li Zhengdao felt that she was not asking the standard: “Can the market on the right bank be compared with Nanli? The population is twice that of the right bank, and the GDP is three times that of the right bank. What’s more important is the population of Nanli. It is very concentrated, just in a few big cities, which is very convenient to establish a complete logistics system..."

In fact, sister Zhiling translated it right away.

Zhao Dezhu really wanted to touch the beauties left and right, just like those tyrants who are obsessed with harem beauties and beauties who have no intention of governing, to see if they can resist the temptation to make money!

It is too difficult to be a clean and calm rich man!

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