I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 879 Everyone Believes What I Say

So Xiao Wang only hesitated for a few seconds, and chose the second option: "It is my honor to be a shareholder with you."

Zhao Dezhu was not surprised, he almost forced the other party to choose this one, and smiled and stopped recommending it.

But Xiao Wang's general level is the same: "Can I put the club in Shanghai? The market and attractiveness are better."

Zhao Dezhu didn't speak, just looked at him with a half-smile.

Do you think it is more enjoyable and comfortable in Shanghai?

This is the style of a dude. How can business be fun if it is prosperous?

Then Zhao Dezhu's eyes made Mr. Wang retreat, and went downstairs with a smirk.

Li Yuanyuan slanted her mouth and squinted with contempt to the extreme.

I must have heard the little sister report that this guy is greasy.

Zhao Dezhu sat in the office pondering for a few minutes and made two phone calls.

Get off work and pick up my daughter.

The daily work is very hard, the busy time is as long as three hours, and sometimes I have to work overtime until three or four in the afternoon to get off work.

Persisting in work like this is a kind of life attitude. No matter how much money the family has, you must persist in working. This kind of professionalism is worthy of income.

But it is precisely Zhao Dezhu's management style that does not know how to do everything by himself.

On the contrary, it allows the following capable people to let go of their hands and feet to realize it.

The efficiency is very high, not only the new mobile phones that will debut this year are close to mass production.

WB quickly launched a series of investigative news articles on the Internet.

Under the bombardment of the editorial department's promotion, the news with the headline "The second Disneyland in China will make its grand debut in the Central Plains?" spread wildly!

I really don’t know if I don’t check it, I’m shocked when I check it.

In fact, it doesn't take much effort to investigate at all. You only need to flip through the local provincial capital newspaper, and you can see such news that should have been made with great fanfare, but it was mentioned in a corner of a certain page.

This company named "Dile" seems to be the abbreviation of Disneyland, and directly took 600 acres of very good land in the provincial capital of Central Plains!

It claims to build a world-renowned theme park, and the news mentioned that the senior Chinese director of Disney participated in the talks and signed the agreement.

It's almost a matter of reading the ID card of Disneyland.

Still have to be so secretive!

According to the results of the reporter's phone call and inspection with colleagues, the meaning of keeping it secret is to prevent other brother provinces from robbing such a good project.

It should be built quietly, and then put a satellite!

Well, excellent, everyone believed it.

That's not enough, even the WB reporter in charge of news in this area couldn't believe it.

They just took the information of this Dile company and searched it. It turned out that this company not only registered seven or eight branches in various provinces in the mainland, but also encircled 7,000 acres of land in a provincial capital in East China. !

Seven thousand acres of land, what is the concept?

Approximately equal to 4.6 million square meters!

Zhao Dezhu visited six provinces and cities across the country last year, and won eight land plots, totaling only 450,000 square meters.

Let's put it this way, the Wujiang Building built by Pengzhen occupies an area of ​​just over 10,000 square meters.

Then a football field is only 5,000 square meters.

The size of nearly a thousand football fields!

Among them, 1,200 mu will be built in the Disney Consumer Goods Industrial Park, mainly for the R\u0026D and production of animation derivative industries supporting Disney, including scientific research and design, industrial tourism, urban industry and other industries.

Sounds awesome.

The other 6,000 mu is a little farther away, and it will be used as a themed consumer goods industrial park and logistics park in the second-tier cities below.

Also kept up with the logistics hot spots driven by Zhao Dezhu and the others!

Needless to say, the price of land is extremely cheap. There are 600,000 or even more than one million acres of land on the market, and you can get 60,000 here.

It is also recruiting real estate developers, merchants, and manufacturers from all over the world.

That is to say, in addition to providing a Disney brand authorization letter, the company will take the land from ZF empty-handedly, and then find real estate developers to take over the property, and find merchants to sell uncompleted properties.

You see, we are a professional channel for supplying Disney, and you will definitely not lose money if you invest here!

After the opening of the first Disneyland in China, various themed products will inevitably be sold out. Shareholders who participate in this big project can just pick up gold all over the place!

This is a project with an investment of billions. If you want to invest millions and tens of millions to participate, it is to value you and give you a chance.

come or not?

Faced with such a cheap land, real estate developers must be tempted by such a big name.

Among them, the project of several thousand acres in East China, which started construction first, has already fooled hundreds of merchants and real estate developers into investing more than 100 million yuan since last year!

But so far, there is no usable one in the first phase of the project.

The main body is only 60% completed, and many secondary structures have been shut down halfway through;

Party A did not allocate funds for a long time, and the project could not continue.

Material payment and worker wages have not been settled.

In less than two years, this hyped-up gold project has revealed its truth in the local area.

But in the online world, especially the era when the mobile Internet has not yet been popularized.

As long as the news of this kind of corner is concealed deliberately, it can be eliminated silently.

But what is WB, it is now an urban white-collar worker, a fashionable social media in a big city.

With the name of Disney, and the scale of thousands of acres of land expropriated, it has caused news effects in different cities, and then disappeared inexplicably.

Among them, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is abnormal, and the attention is suddenly unfolded.

Then a lot of citizens and businessmen who have something to do with these projects came back and broke the news.

There are more than just these places, it is shocking under the inventory, covering seven or eight provinces and cities across the country.

This director of Disney's special projects has always been there, and he has engaged in industrial park real estate under the banner of Disney everywhere.

To sum it up, there are actually more than 10,000 mu in total!

Zhao Dezhu was a little suspicious that Xiao Wang was always pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. His family knew about it completely, and he deliberately pretended to be very immature and transparent to himself, just to support himself to explode the thunder?

But by this time, I couldn't help but judge what Xiao Wang was always thinking.

Just because he doesn't want to let the society and the people suffer, Zhao Dezhu will not let go of his promotion.

This is definitely a game. The company was established when the news came out that Disney was going to enter the domestic market.

It seems that he has something to do with Disney, but what he does is unreasonable.

Authorized derivatives production, whether it is production equipment and production experience, should be the second-beating domestic coastal foundries all over the world.

But these consumer goods industrial parks have all signed cooperation agreements in the mainland where there is nothing.

Projects that seem to cost billions of dollars are invested at every turn, but after careful scrutiny, it can be found that all the money is all kinds of allocated loans from local banks.

Anyone who has had a little contact with China Merchants Investment Projects probably understands what kind of tricks this is.

The entire news effect exploded immediately.

All over the country, we can see Disney getting involved in farces related to dozens of unfinished projects and unclear projects.

Some places were shocked to hear that there are so many brothers who have experienced the same experience, and they immediately joined forces to investigate, just like the girlfriends who were deceived by the scumbag Neptune joined forces to testify.

Some places also announced that this is false news, and asked WB to withdraw the news, otherwise they will be held accountable.

After all, Disney was alarmed.

Call first to ask WB to take down the message, and investigate the identity of the person who sent the message.

After being rejected, a legal visit was arranged.

Even if he didn't know that his boss was actually a shareholder of Disney, the WB editorial department still let the legal department receive him in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

All articles are integrated based on publicly available information, without any false rumors.

It's just that the news that was kept in a small corner before is quickly magnified and transmitted in the Internet age, especially under the high-speed transmission connection of the mobile Internet!

Three days, only three days, Disney China officially announced that it has not participated in any construction plans or investment projects except for Shanghai Disneyland.

I also deliberately chose to register an account on WB and use the name of the official account to issue official letters.

As for the senior director of Disney who has been in the newspaper, he has become a former employee at the moment. That is his personal behavior and has nothing to do with the great Disney company.

This is a slap in the face.

In terms of throwing the pot away, European and American multinational companies are the ancestors and are very proficient.

Instantly ex-employee, private behavior.

Most of the places are silent, but there are also positive and tough ones, who directly posted pictures on WB, showing that the official contract document signed with Disney's famous Mickey Mouse headdress was signed, and there was an official seal behind it.

It's just that the contract uses Disney as the investor, but the official seal is Dile.

Disney is still the same sentence, we will pursue the legal responsibility of the former employee's private behavior after investigation.

Anyway, just don't admit that all this has something to do with them.

Attracting investment and capital is a muddy pool of secrets everywhere, and there are so many strange things involved in it.

But to ordinary people, it's a novelty as hell...

Well, just like online novels have been very popular in officialdom for a few years.

It reveals another ecology.

People who eat melons will enjoy watching it very much.

The most interesting thing is that the official media basically did not speak.

In this public opinion incident, WB has indeed played the supervision function that the news media should have.

Presenting the facts and reasoning, without inferring, just putting question marks there.

May I ask what is going on with these projects involving Disney in various places.

Some disappeared without saying a word in three to five years. Anyway, the managers at that time left their jobs and even were investigated and dealt with.

In a short period of time, it announced the suspension of the contract and the freezing of funds.

Even those who have just signed a contract simply deny it, saying that they are still studying the procedure and have not entered the actual process.

In this situation, President Xiao Wang finally couldn't hold back and came to Zhao Dezhu again.

Disney has denied it all, and all projects have been yellowed.

What else can you do?

Didn't we agree that we can still get land from this project?

Even Disney has declared that this situation is absolutely impossible now.

How else to operate?

Zhao Dezhu is very busy at the moment.

New phones are on the market.

After the first year of smartphones, which are the focus of attention from all parties, after the Q1 mobile phone was born, what tricks will it play in the second year?

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