Penguin mobile phone is also a year.

This year's mobile phone named Q3 has a lot of heart.

The Penguin mobile phone business department, which sold more than three million Q1 units, launched a small improvement Q2 last year. optimization.

Therefore, the excellent sales momentum has continued, with more than 6 million Q2 sales, more than 20 billion in sales, and a net profit of more than 4 billion!

This is of course the biggest reason why various Internet companies are entering the smartphone market one after another.

There has never been an Internet company in China that can make such huge profits.

Even game companies can't do it.

This situation is the same as that of Internet companies investing in new energy vehicles more than ten years later.

Therefore, Penguin's HK stock price has been rising steadily, from the previous price of 350 billion to more than 80 billion Hong Kong dollars!

In this situation, ask whether the mobile phone division is expanding.

At the end of last year, I took more than 100 million yuan to distribute bonuses, and the incentive shares fulfilled my promise.

The vice president of Penguin who was in charge of the mobile phone business department became a boss on the same level as Penguin's chat business department.

They didn't shout it out publicly, but their goal this year must be to get rid of that man's shadow.

From OEM production, appearance design, software UI adjustment, we must innovate in all aspects!

Seeing the success of tens of billions, everyone who works hard will have an illusion, and I can do it too!

Didn't Q2 upgrade and improve the experience of the Android system? Doesn't it also prove our success?

Meeting every day, discussing every day, you will forget the existence of the experience officer before you know it.

In fact, people who have been in contact with Zhao Dezhu also know that he does not have any professional quality and theoretical foundation. Even if he takes a prototype or a new UI for trial, he feels that there is something wrong here and there and needs to be improved. It is impossible for him to set up a comprehensive structure by himself. Yes, you have to come up with something before you can propose something for improvement.

It really doesn't matter who can do it.

Therefore, the Penguin mobile phone business department spent a lot of money to hire famous design masters, two groups from Jiaopen and Europe, and finally PK the next plan.

Finally launched the finished product.

The reason is also related to the Disney project. I don’t want to expose it prematurely and cause plagiarism from my peers, so I secretly chose to produce it in the foundry on the east coast of Guangdong. It is also based on the integration of manufacturers on the right bank. Now the rich and powerful Penguin wants to expand production capacity and participate in it himself. Shares in hardware production lines always come.

In short, everyone tacitly avoided Zhao Dezhu completely.

In fact, they were doing this in Q2.

Didn't it succeed in the end?

Very confident.

As for HPC, it was difficult to expand the production capacity of Guge mobile phones and Microsoft mobile phones. This year, it will add Dopta mobile phones. Of course, there is no objection.

Sun Xingping went all out to drive the R\u0026D team, took over the hardware architecture of the original Q1 mobile phone, but began to deeply integrate with the Microsoft system.

This was Zhao Dezhu's risky move after careful consideration.

No longer follow the rebirth bonus, and be bound on the same boat with Android.

It may be even more difficult than the hardware to handle the mobile phone system on your own.

After all, as long as you have the equipment and assembly line to produce hardware, others can't get stuck if you master the production process.

You can obviously copy the software, or imitate it from a new stove, but you will fall into a lot of various patent traps, making it difficult to move forward.

So Zhao Dezhu's choice is the War of the Three Kingdoms, to support the weakest one, and to participate deeply with the weakest one.

Microsoft, as a company that has been defeated by Android and Apple, must have reasons for its failure.

If Zhao Dezhu's team can help in this process, participate in the cooperation and leave their own weight.

Even if it fails, maybe you can buy the bottom.

With this kind of thinking in mind, Chen Xiaolong's research institute integrated a large number of manpower and fully cooperated with Microsoft Research Center.

In fact, from Chen Xiaolong to Sun Xingping, even Lao Lei felt that this was a natural choice.

In their eyes, Microsoft is the software leader on this planet.

Even if there are many problems in the Microsoft mobile phone system, it is still the strongest in the world.

The embedded device version of the well-known WINDOWS operating system is called windows CE. Embedded means that it can be added to various devices. For example, the smart TVs we widely use now are embedded devices that use the Android system.

windowsCE covers almost all CNC equipment, connection terminals, hand-held instruments, PDAs and other things that need to use the operating system in the world.

The mobile phone is just one of the very small application scenarios.

Do you understand what this means? Microsoft Windows did not make a system specifically for mobile phones, but only added phone functions on the basis of handheld computers.

This is also the starting point for Wang Fenglian to believe that smart phones have a future. Combining a mobile phone and a handheld computer into one must be like Shaolin football, which is very interesting!

She also believes that Microsoft systems are the future.

So after Zhao Dezhu made up his mind to join the war, Wang Fenglian, who produced the OEM, Sun Xingping, who integrated the hardware research and development, and Chen Xiaolong, who was fully promoting the software conference, all had no objections.

Instead, I think this is the right way.

Just one thing, which mobile phone system is most compatible with desktop computers all over the world?

In fact, feedback from Microsoft mobile phone sales in the past year or so shows that the smoothness of the Microsoft system is even better than that of Android and Apple systems.

After all, this is a system to be used on various industrial computers and even lathes, so there is no stability or fluency.

The problem is still that in order to take into account many usage scenarios, this system is too large and complex.

To give the simplest example, Microsoft's mobile phone system is Windows Mobile under Windows CE, and then it is divided into two versions: Pocket PC and Smartphone!

Pocket PC is the version of handheld computer, that is, the big-screen touch-screen machine that will shine brightly in later generations.

Smartphone is the candy bar version. After all, in the minds of most people, the mobile phone should still look like the one full of nine-square number keys.

Look at what a huge system this is.

I want to do everything, and I have to consider compatibility in everything. The final result is that the Microsoft system consumes resources. It is a bit slow and consumes a lot of power when used as a computer, and it is a bit unstable when used as a mobile phone. The main reason is that it has its own MSN and IE browsers. Waiting for a series of ecological advantages, it refuses to accept other ecology. It is a bit picky about external apps, and it is also a bit guilty of Nock Duck's fault of preventing external software.

It's just that every software in Nock Duck needs a digital certificate to be installed, which adds to the cumbersomeness.

Microsoft uses the disgusting trick of rewriting all external apps every time the system is upgraded.

The purpose is to let users give up external software and use Microsoft's own.

As everyone knows, this kind of behavior is courting death in the open mobile Internet era!

So under the instructions of Zhao Dezhu, who was far-sighted but didn't know what to say.

The team led by Chen Xiaolong started by slashing the system architecture, cutting off all the complicated branches and leaves other than the Pocket PC, and streamlining the entire system.

Originally, this kind of thing would be like stabbing a hornet's nest in Microsoft Corporation!

How could it be possible to allow an outside team to get access to the core code, and then crazily cut down the source code!

This is the most cutting-edge programming industry in the world!

Who is qualified to point fingers?

This is how the Microsoft system failed in the previous life, and there is no way to change it, and no one is qualified to change it.

And when the mobile phone system problem broke out, it should be around 2009~12, and Lao Gai had already retired.

How can the new presidents be qualified to promote this kind of reform that touches the soul?

Naturally lost.

But this time is different, Charles Zhao's reputation is still second, no matter how high the market value of TiTa is, that point of procedure is nothing more than that in the eyes of the great gods.

The key is that Lao Gai directly spun off to the authority, the mobile phone system optimization project worth 5 billion U.S. dollars, and the new software R\u0026D center construction project are still in the far east.

If you want to spray, you have to come to China to spray, so many masters have come, making Chen Xiaolong and the others very excited every day.

Legendary programming masters and veteran figures collided with them in various ways.

This is an even more advanced learning opportunity than a Ph.D. supervisor.

Secondly, didn't Lao Gai say that he would retire in two years, and his successor hadn't been selected yet.

This is administratively tricky.

Two or three years later, it will be a life-and-death situation for all kinds of office politics. At this time, no one dares to jump out and provoke Lao Gai, the founder.

As long as you dare to say no, the senior management of any position means being eliminated from the succession sequence.

Instead, he had to hold it desperately, bragging that his ancestors did a good job.

In the face of political struggle, all technical work is a foil.

Therefore, the system with the Microsoft Pocket PC version as the skeleton was cut down to less than 30%, and then openness was regarded as the absolute focus.

This is like a huge and complicated carved Eight Immortals table, which is directly pushed horizontally and vertically smooth and refreshing with an electric planer, which has become a standard Nordic minimalist style.

The table immediately returned to its proper function.

It is just a foundation for carrying all kinds of tableware, food, wine and dishes on the table.

Sturdy, stable, and convenient are enough.

The main show is the food, don't come to steal the limelight!

Then no one would have thought that the Dopta mobile phone, as a new generation of smart phones equipped with Microsoft's simplified version of the system, actually chose an extremely unorthodox function.

The R\u0026D team in the early stage was very embarrassed. The entire mobile phone chip was only slightly improved, and the storage space was slightly increased.

The appearance is simply enlarged. The previous Q1 mobile phone had a 3.5-inch screen, but this time it has a 4-inch screen.

Originally, according to Zhao Dezhu's style, I directly used a five or six-inch large-screen mobile phone.

The magnification is less than doubled!

All parties desperately grabbed the boss and explained to the uneducated boss that this is a diagonal line, which seems to be more than 3.5 inches to 6 inches, which is almost equivalent to four times the magnification!

This cost is simply out of control.

And this year is more than 6 inches, what should I do next year?

Or to squeeze toothpaste is the right way.

Damn capitalism!

Finally, this year's Dopta mobile phone conference was held in Shanghai.

Sister Zhiling personally participated in the battle, of course the beauty is highlighted!

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