I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 932 You Are Really a Devil

Both Song Xuanjian and Song Fuzhen felt that Zhao Dezhu's focus was peculiar.

Because Zhao Dezhu actually said: "Why don't you invite this son-in-law to follow me to develop in China."

His completely out-of-the-ordinary way made even rich fathers and daughters confused about the way.

Zhao Dezhu himself felt that it was normal: "Don't look down on people. No matter how advanced the technology and advanced equipment are, they are ultimately driven by people. The bigger and stronger they are, the more they have to drive people from the middle and lower classes to come forward. Ms. Song Marriage was originally a great thing for your family, but to make it into such a mess, your own problems are the main ones."

Uh, I'm afraid Song Xuanjian hasn't heard anyone dare to point fingers in front of him so old-fashionedly for many years.

Even if he wants to kneel and lick, it is still a very high-level boss for European and American countries.

Zhao Dezhu is still so young.

I was so angry that I laughed, what the hell do you have the right to speak like this in front of an old Jianghu like me.

But I heard the daughter next to me behaving well: "I reflected on it, and indeed I have a lot of responsibility. I blindly believed in love, and didn't consider that this huge social status difference will bring greater pressure..."

Zhao Dezhu pulled away the British tie with one hand to ease the lower neckline: "Just say that I am wearing a suit. You think it is worthy of your family's ostentation, but in my opinion, it's okay to try something new. It's annoying to be like this every day. I believe it You have transformed him even more."

Song Fuzhen turned her head to look at her father, unexpectedly there was an unprecedented look in her eyes.

Song Xuanjian understood that it was questioning. In Nanli, where the patriarchal power is extremely strong, he never saw his daughter with such eyes before.

Because everyone in their family knew that what Zhao Dezhu said was wrong. After the son-in-law of the bodyguard came in, it was Song Xuanjian who demanded to reform with all his might!

Sending him to Citigroup to study at university, and sending him to be the vice president of a subsidiary group, is all to transform his son-in-law into what he considers to be a superior person.

Zhao Dezhu dared to say that he was wrong!

Anyway, it's not a matter of work, Song Xuanjian, who has always been a well-known man in the city, finally said angrily: "This is our family matter, you have no right to judge!"

The driver was happy: "If you say something good, you are willing to listen to it if it is beneficial to the development of the company. If the uncomfortable part involves your poor housework, you have no right to judge. You are called double standards, double standards! You know? "

Looking at his daughter's expression, Song Xuanjian obviously agreed with this sentence more, and was even more angry: "Fart!"

I was shaking with anger!

No matter how high and powerful he is, he is almost seventy years old.

Song Fuzhen calmed down quickly, and supported her father to scold Zhao Dezhu: "Shut up, okay?"

Little did they know that it was her protection that made her father even more angry.

In front of his daughter, Song Xuanjian is still a father after all.

Zhao Dezhu didn't accept it, instead he became even more enthusiastic: "Look, look, he's in a hurry, he's in a hurry, Lao Song, you may be a good hand in business, no matter what you say about family issues, Miss Song hasn't done well, has she? , What I proposed is a solution, you know, if you can only scold your mother but not solve the problem, that is called hooliganism."

Song Xuanjian gasped for breath: "You, how do you solve it?!"

Zhao Dezhu relaxed: "I don't have much culture, and this son-in-law probably doesn't have much culture. If you insist on forcing people to do this and that, you can't lose face to your Song family. Why don't you go to my place and set up a company to cooperate with?" If you let him be responsible for anything, there won’t be much pressure.”

Song Xuanjian snorted: "Stress, who doesn't have stress?"

Zhao Dezhu actually responded: "Pressure is like salt, a little bit can be seasoned beautifully, too much will ruin everything!"

Song Xuanjian, who was rarely contradicted face to face, was easily defeated in the verbal dispute: "It's easy for you to say!"

Zhao Dezhu has followed the convoy in front of him and turned into a large courtyard with lush greenery. He felt a little more guilty: "I'm not so easy to do business today. Microsoft, Guge, and Apple are jumping around. Ms. Song's marriage It’s already a mess, I’m proposing a solution, just find any project to cooperate with me, I’ll take him to Southwest China, let him live freely and not cause trouble, divorce or not is up to you Things, at least he won't be stared at as a joke, maybe he can become a talent and do something."

Song Fuzhen is still firm: "I am completely disappointed in this marriage and give up. I will definitely get a divorce!"

Zhao Dezhu lures the encirclement: "That's your business. As a friend, I still think that your current divorce method is simply killing three hundred enemies and hurting yourself two hundred and five."

Now even the Level 3 Applied Chinese Certificate couldn't understand Zhao Dezhu's jokes.

Song Xuanjian still thought it was a good word, and his face turned pale: "What is the cooperation?"

Zhao Dezhu was overjoyed, and such a big circle finally came around and landed: "It's all right, e-commerce, social networking, mobile phones, chips, semiconductors... these items are all common markets for us."

He also deliberately put chips and semiconductors behind.

Old people in their 60s and 70s who want to bully others can't keep up with their thinking.

Who knew that Zhao Dezhu had completely underestimated Nanli's status as the number one person in business by using his father's IQ level from being a rent collector to now less than fifty years old as a reference.

Song Xuanjian immediately noticed these unusual industry lifelines: "Do you want to cooperate with us on chips?"

And immediately entered the president mode: "Do you have plans for the semiconductor industry?!"

Zhao Dezhu's heart was full, what the fuck, I'm scared!

These old Jianghu, top players all did not come in vain.

What are you playing with this kind of mind?

Fortunately, he sat in front as the driver, and the panic on his face would not be seen.

Even better, when the convoy arrives, the driver of the vehicle in front has already come down and waited on the side of the road to signal to pull over.

Only then did Zhao Dezhu have a chance to calm down, and he wiped his face vigorously to calm down.

Song Xuanjian, who got out of the car, had no trace of his father left, and stared at Zhao Dezhu with his eyes: "Is this the reason why you are close to Fuzhen?"

Zhao Dezhu could only chuckle: "That's what you say."

Instead, Song Fuzhen plucked up the courage to help: "I decided to go to China on a temporary basis, and I didn't even notify the inside of the group. Dad, I think this is a good solution, otherwise it will be difficult to get custody of the child."

More importantly, those who stopped the car came to the entrance of the mansion, and a long line of people had already appeared, led by an old lady wearing a high-waisted national aunt skirt, to welcome the family boss back.

All eyes were also on Zhao Dezhu.

From the morning news, gossip, and magazines, there are pictures of the three-star princess holding hands with young men on various channels.

The whole family here was inexplicably astonished.

It's never been heard that the calm Song Fuzhen has anything to do with other men.

How to progress so fast.

And the other party is such a famous young Chinese rich man.

With a worth of hundreds of billions of dollars placed there, it is absolutely impossible to show a haughty look and salute with great respect.

Zhao Dezhu heard that Song Fuzhen introduced him one by one, from mother to three aunts and six wives, sister-in-law, younger sister, brother-in-law, oh, the elder brother of her official successor is not here.

The guy nodded with a smile, and then saw his bodyguard hurriedly following, holding several standard gifts in his hand.

Two bottles of foreign wine and a few boxes of cakes and wild ginseng.

When he passed his hands to the boss, he said in a low voice that it was Director Ning who asked him to buy it and send it over quickly.

Oh oh oh, how can you understand these when dismantling the second generation?

He didn't understand the style of the Nanli chaebol family, so Song Fuzhen accompanied him to introduce and visit the mansion.

The huge courtyard is similar to the gardens of Gusu. Large and small buildings are scattered among the green pines and cypresses, various rockeries, gardening, and ponds.

It occupies a large area.

Song Fuzhen pointed to a small building in the distance: "That's where I used to live at home. I haven't been back since I got married, and I've always imagined that my marriage can be maintained and changed. Now I've finally abandoned all illusions."

Zhao Dezhu covered his mouth and whispered: "Have you thought about turning this whole place into your home?"

Song Fuzhen took a deep look at him: "I found that you are not that simple, this is always my home, my parents and my relatives."

Zhao Dezhu hehe: "Then you can't have the slightest ability. As long as you perform a little better, people will suspect that you are trying to seize power, and then try their best to suppress your performance, especially if he did something wrong and really went to jail. I'm afraid you don't want to be the boss."

Song Fu really cursed: "You are such a devil!"

Zhao Dezhu said ruthlessly: "You don't have such thoughts yourself, no matter how others hook up, it's useless."

Song Fu took a deep breath, and decided to calm down: "Damn!"

After a few times of lying down, she calmed down and returned to the dignified and cold princess appearance, and motioned Zhao Dezhu to follow her back to a living room by the garden.

The wooden gallery with traditional classical style is facing a beautiful lotus pond.

Song Xuanjian had already changed into loose national clothes, and sat down cross-legged like pajamas.

When a servant served tea, Zhao Dezhu thought of his tea-making girl. If he had known about this kind of scene, he should have brought it here to show off.

Playing with these things, your universe country only has a few dishes, so you can drink like this.

But this time Song Xuanjian didn't even want to keep his daughter: "I want to talk to Mr. Zhao alone."

Yes, with Zhao Dezhu's status, he is indeed qualified to challenge Boss Song one-on-one.

But he was not very interested, and reached for his mobile phone: "What are you talking about, you always suspect that I have some intention to approach Miss Song, do you think I can use it?"

Song Xuanjian calmed down and said, "Talk about the memory chip production line you bought from Sanheyi Co., Ltd."

Zhao Dezhu's heart skipped a beat, Ma De!

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