I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 933 The Devil's Deal

Zhao Dezhu didn't know who sold him.

But in this world, there is indeed no impenetrable wall.

He is quite a bachelor at this point, and things that have been exposed will not be resisted in vain. This is his experience of returning home after fooling around countless times in his previous life.

Lying needs more cost to make up for: "So what, you are only allowed to make memory chips for Samsung, can't you let me do it?"

Song Xuanjian slowly picked up the teacup: "I've noticed you since you started to promote the Super Electronics Industrial Park in May, launching 50 mobile phone production lines at a time, and it is said that you will eventually expand to nearly 100 production lines."

Zhao Dezhu also stabilized, and leaned against the carved wooden pillar without sitting: "You better find me a chair, I'm not used to sitting like this, my butt hurts..."

Song Xuanjian clapped his hands, and ordered someone to bring Zhao Dezhu a brocade chair, the one with armrests and cushions and no legs.

Zhao Dezhu sat slumped: "Last year, 14 million smartphones were shipped, and this year must be a lot more. If you don't make money, it's your grandson. Of course, I want to expand the production line."

Song Xuanjian stared at him: "Twenty-three years old, I haven't finished college, neither major in electronic physics, Internet, nor business, trade and economics, just a golf caddy who has studied golf for less than a year. In ten years, you have surpassed my efforts in forty years."

Zhao Dezhu was playing with his mobile phone carelessly: "So what? The Internet economy, being a billionaire every minute, is not the same as selling things like you are struggling."

In fact, he was sending a message to the bodyguard team leader, asking them to be more vigilant, and they might turn their faces at any time.

But can't let the other party see it.

The team leader was nervous and asked the boss if it was safe.

Zhao Dezhu responded that it would be a big deal for me to hold the old man hostage, but I still can't believe it.

How did Song Xuanjian know Zhao Dezhu's simple and rude way of thinking: "If you talk about your unbelievable rapid growth, it may be because of the free ride of the Internet, but when you started to cooperate with HPC to build a factory to make mobile phones, you suddenly exploded in The electronics industry, chip factories, and storage semiconductor fields have begun to exert their strength. This has little to do with the Internet, so who is supporting you to do this?"

That's right, people who have no brains will only see Zhao Dezhu and say wow, a billionaire, wow, young and rich, can you take a photo with the light...

People with calculations will dig to the bottom, what is the trajectory of success.

Moreover, they have no culture, no background, and no technical reserves, but they can thrive in these high-tech and cutting-edge fields.

It is easy to doubt who is behind Zhao Dezhu.

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "So you don't understand the Internet. Smartphones have completely changed the era, from the ordinary Internet to the mobile Internet. This is the reason why I desperately promote the development and launch of smartphones and the user coverage. To be precise, you are now doing the same. Smartphones are all in my light, let me tell you, are you interested in joining?"

Song Xuanjian squinted his eyes: "If you say change, do you mean change?"

Zhao Dezhu is no longer the boy he was a few years ago. He smiled and gestured for his phone: "I didn't finish talking about this example of taking pictures with those Internet founding teams today, but I can mention it to you again..."

Song Xuanjian listened attentively.

Zhao Dezhu took a photo of Lao Song grandly, and then said: "On the surface, users think this is a simple beauty software, but in fact, there are a lot of AI intelligent algorithms behind it. It seems that some adjustments should be made to the eyes, ears, mouth and nose. In fact, it is to capture facial features from photos. The more and more users, the more accurate the identification will be, and finally a huge face recognition database will be formed. Do you understand what this means? For example, in China, every face will be recognized on the street after ten years. Being easily captured and identified, the criminals don’t even know how they exposed themselves.”

Song Xuanjian looked a little surprised.

Zhao Dezhu doesn't mind shaking the capital: "Look at the mobile phone input method again. I don't understand Korean, but in Chinese, every user's habit of intelligently inputting words will be recorded, and when they use the map navigation software, input restaurants, Hospitals, bars, we can immediately recommend the nearest options around him, I have also authorized this set of technology to the daughter of a famous real estate businessman in Citigroup, Naka input method, the English version is currently No. 1 in the installed market of Citigroup.”

There has never been any input method for English, and the Naka input method is factory-installed on smartphones, so of course it has no rivals.

Song Xuanjian concentrated his attention.

Zhao Dezhu stopped abruptly: "These are just two examples I gave. I now have more than 300 various mobile phone software development teams, and more than 7,000 people are launching new software every day from games to applications. A smartphone is a computer that you carry with you, do you see this change, do you think this is a change?"

Song Xuanjian sighed softly and admitted: "It's a change."

Then I wondered: "Where did you realize the direction of this change in the times?"

Samsung has been making phones for ten years!

After struggling to catch up with Nock Duck and Sony, I finally felt that I could enjoy the market dividend, but suddenly I heard that the whole gameplay was about to change.

Zhao Dezhu pretended to be a ghost: "A keen sense, when you were young, when you seized every opportunity, didn't you also feel that you had a keen sense of the market?"

Song Xuanjian closed his eyes and thought about it, as if he was quickly flipping through his magnificent life.

Zhao Dezhu suddenly had an idea: "You are not in good health. If this continues, you may have ten years to live."

The head of the Song family opened his eyes suddenly, trying his best not to lose his composure: "What did you say?"

Zhao Dezhu did not explain directly: "Let me tell you something. In April 2004, I took someone to Nevada to watch the unmanned driving competition. The technology content was very high. Near Qi, the CEOs of Apple and Guge, the two of them also went to see this, this is also a direction of intelligent development in the future, but this is not the point..."

It was impossible for Song Xuanjian not to listen carefully.

No matter how rough he is, he is still groveling in front of Citigroupers, not to mention that these two are the top Citigroup businessmen.

Zhao Dezhu is now too good at pulling big banners and pretending to be a tiger: "At that time, they talked about the prospect of smartphones. This was the starting point for me to decide to promote smartphones. His expression was a bit wrong, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. Until 2005, he began to hide the news and was hospitalized for surgery. Then in 2007, he came to China to find me. I found him a top doctor in China, a descendant of Gan Xipeng’s family. You can find someone to inquire about it..."

He really spoke vividly and vividly!

It would be a pity not to set up a stall under the flyover.

In fact, if life and death were used to attract Joe Bush, it might not have worked.

That guy cares more about practice.

Joe Bush, who seems to have reached the pinnacle of humanity, is so arrogant that he disdains the worldly routine.

But Song Xuanjian is in his sixties, and he is very different from Joe Bush, who is a hippie at heart.

In the twilight years of a glorious life, just like many rich people who start to invest in medical research in a hurry, hoping to live forever, they must be eager to live as long as possible.

Zhao Dezhu's description can be seen and heard in just a few turns. It is obvious that pancreatic cancer is not operated, but it is treated with traditional Chinese medicine. The boss of Pingjing Shijia specializes in this kind of disease.

Now that the cure is over, Joe Bush has entered another realm.

Listening mesmerizingly!

Zhao Dezhu secretly smiled, no matter how powerful you are, you are still afraid of death: "Now he has handed over part of the technology research and development work to me to integrate his team. Early next year, we will launch a brand new electronic product. This is an excellent cooperation." As an example, China has a huge market and strong production capacity, and if we increase our research and development capabilities a little bit, we can launch good products and make contributions to the world.”

The sixty-six-year-old Song Xuanjian looked at the twenty-three-year-old Zhao Dezhu. Maybe he dared not admit defeat in all aspects, but he had no confidence in age.

The more you have everything, the more you want to seize the moment in front of you.

Song Xuanjian's previous composure was gone: "You...what can you feel? I am now in control of all aspects of medical examinations every year."

Zhao Dezhu was also very direct: "I don't know, it's hard to say about complexion. Normally, with your financial conditions and medical care, it is possible to live another 20 or 30 years, but ten years is still a bit short, right? You shouldn't be at your age. , with a black face."

Song Xuanjian wanted to find a mirror.

Except for the doctor, whoever said that would probably be taken as nonsense by him.

However, Zhao Dezhu pulled the banner of Joe Bush out.

As the CEO of Apple who has not stepped down yet, Samsung must also pay attention to relevant information, and has been out of the world since he went to China last year.

It turns out that there are so many births, old ages, illnesses and deaths among them.

Song Xuanjian couldn't help but not believe it, he wanted to suppress it abruptly, but he still preferred to believe it: "Can you arrange for me to have a look?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "Yes, you don't need to pay anything, go to China when you have time, for the sake of Ms. Song, a friend, I will find an opportunity to help you contact Gan Xipeng's family. As for the specific problem, can you treat it? , That's a doctor's business, a regular doctor of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, go and find out, Citigroup is not the only one in this world that is advanced in everything."

At this time, he would pretend to be clear, speak calmly, and even get up and pat his butt to leave.

Song Xuanjian was still old-fashioned, and he didn't waver: "You mean Citigroup is not trustworthy?"

Zhao Dezhu chuckled: "Do you know why I stay in HK these days? I'm waiting for the subprime mortgage crisis to completely collapse, so I can seize the opportunity to buy the bottom."

Song Xuanjian's eyes brightened: "Do you think it will completely collapse?"

If Zhao Dezhu had said that when the two had just talked, he would not have cared so much.

Zhao Dezhu is betting on this heartbeat: "I won't tell you the truth, a node will definitely appear, what do you use to exchange this information with me?"

Song Xuanjian is good at business negotiations: "What do you think you want?"

Zhao Dezhu hesitated, what do you want?

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