I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 939 Finally Became the Protagonist of YY

Of course, many of the photos were posted on WB immediately.

Originally in Pingjing in August, most people were wearing T-shirts, suspenders, and big pants.

Even the bodyguards and entourage of this group are all in black suits, leather shoes and sunglasses, not to mention that the three people in the center are not cheap at first glance.

In the domestic public opinion news, various voices that were deliberately promoted scolded Zhao Dezhu bloody.

In the end, he didn't accept the offer, and went to HK lightly, and invested a lot of money to set up a higher vocational college.

This has already attracted a lot of criticism. There are still many children in the country who have not received education. This kind of capitalist who has made money in the country has gone to a developed area like HK to add bricks and tiles.

It is said that in 2008, there would not have been such a strong external attitude in China.

But Zhao Dezhu was rich, and he was super rich.

It's easy to get emotional.

In the end, he and Yi Fei were recognized. As soon as there was a lot of criticism on the Internet, someone recognized the white and fat short old man with white hair next to him in the photo as the head of Sansun!

Immediately, people in the business and economic circles were connected with the major news that broke out in Nanli two days ago.

Namli's largest e-commerce platform venture capital investment led by Softbank was acquired by Song Fuzhen, the eldest princess of Sansun, as the chairman and CEO!

The initial investment has exceeded two billion US dollars!

At the beginning, TM’s investment was less than one billion U.S. dollars, which shows how much Sansun attaches importance to it this time.

Although Zhao Dezhu only briefly said a few words as an intermediary, as a friend of the CEO.

But as long as you know TM, the largest e-commerce platform in China at present, you will know that his appearance in Nanli is not groundless.

This is directly copying the domestic e-commerce model to Nanli.

What attracted the most attention was of course that the head of Sansun appeared on the scene and had quite a lot of communication with Zhao Dezhu.

You know, Sansun is currently the second largest manufacturer of mobile phones in the world after Nock Duck.

Zhao Dezhu is currently the world's largest smartphone manufacturer, and the current domestic public opinion is not all because he wants to expand production capacity, squeezing the space of so many domestic mobile phone manufacturers.

The impact of various public opinions in the past month or so, and even the propaganda of various relevant departments, all cost.

Who knew that Zhao Dezhu himself simply hid in HK, and the smartphones sold online did not go from the business halls or stores that everyone was familiar with before.

Unless administrative measures are used to completely kick out Dopta Mobile.

But the cost is too high, and it may not be feasible.

Just heard that the man who built backgammon, once known as the god of marketing, has decided to join Zhao Dezhu's team.

It has made domestic manufacturers tremble in various ways.

Now faintly started to join forces with Sansun again?

Zhao Dezhu's relaxed posture is to show that you are tossing about as you please, and I will not fight with you at all, but I bypassed the previous gameplay and completely crushed it from the outside.

If you join hands with Sansun, it means that both the production capacity and the accessories and materials will be greatly plentiful.

I want to use suppression to make Zhao Dezhu give up expansion.

It's obviously a fool's dream.

Just ask if you are afraid?

In a mobile phone factory with an investment of hundreds of millions, everyone was eating hot pot, singing songs, and cutting leeks to make a lot of money. Suddenly, such a stunned young man who subverted feature phones and bar phones appeared.

If you want to cut off everyone's money, you can't suppress it now.

what to do?

Manufacturers are already in extreme apprehension. If they can't do it, they can only be forced to improve their technology and embark on the difficult road of industrial upgrading.

Now I saw Zhao Dezhu walking in Pingjing Hospital talking and laughing happily with Song Xuanjian again.

Why don't we hurry up and increase our efforts to create sewage?

Anyway, no one will be held accountable for anything on the Internet at the moment.

With two skins on the mouth, speaking is effortless, and spreading rumors is even more profitable.

He directly put the traitor's hat on Zhao Dezhu's head.

Not only making money at home to invest abroad, but now directly hooking up with foreign manufacturers to come to China to engage in industrial aggression!

In the short time that Zhao Dezhu and Yi Fei accompanied Song Xuanjian into the expert clinic, there were already rumors about him betraying his country and seeking glory on the Internet.

Even the various descriptions that are convincing are as immersive as they are on the scene.

What holds the thigh of Sansun's eldest daughter, sells the domestic market, and further transfers the profits of domestic sales to foreign countries.

From Zhao Dezhu spending hundreds of millions of dollars in Hong Kong to redeem the body of a rising Hong Kong actress, to Nanli's ambiguity with Zhiling's sister, and now with Yi Fei, and Yao Min?

You might as well call out to be on camera.

Only this one is missing, the four beauties are complete.

Further promote the sentiment on the Internet, scolding overwhelmingly.

Moreover, these remarks were made on various forums and other social networking media in a secretive manner before.

I followed up on WB later, only to find out that the editorial department actually pretended not to see it as if they were blind, and suddenly it blew out like a flood!

Especially the gossip about female stars and Zhao Dezhu was full of obscenities everywhere, and there were as many sex scenes as there were restricted novels.

Finally it was Chen Yanling's turn to send a message and ask him, "Should we continue playing?"

Zhao Dezhu watched with relish in the expert clinic, and he crossed his legs: "Is there any more? I mean, this... er, it's so immersive!"

Chen Yanling couldn't laugh or cry: "I'll save it all for you, and I'll show you enough when I go back to the hotel tonight!"

Zhao Dezhu wanted to hide it: "Yeah, I want to review it, so you don't want to read it, it's not good for a little girl."

Chen Yanling couldn't hold back: "Bah!"

Zhao Dezhu immediately taught: "At this time, you should send a red-faced and shy expression. Fuck, there are only a few expressions. Don't you tell them to develop more expressions?"

Chen Yanling murmured and said to do it right away.

She has spent more time abroad in the past six months, and she can indeed take advantage of this to clean up the interior.

She has indeed experienced quite a lot.

Only then did Zhao Dezhu look up at the experts.

Doctor Peng didn't take the pulse, and was very pessimistic about Song Xuanjian's heart: "Part of it has lost its function, take good care of it, don't have emotional ups and downs, and don't do too much strenuous exercise, especially avoid sexual intercourse..."

Zhao Dezhu quickly feared that foreigners would not understand: "It's about the couple! I reminded you too."

This is the case for expert clinics, there is no class distinction, there is a queue outside, and many patients and their families are laughing.

Yi Fei stood next to Zhao Dezhu, hugging the folder with all her might and lowering her head, pretending how complicated it was, but the pierced elves' ears turned red, thinking that others couldn't see it.

Fortunately, she didn't look at Zhao Dezhu's phone.

In fact, Song Xuanjian did not shy away from medical treatment, and had been checking at Citigroup all the time. He was stunned: "Is there a chance for treatment and transplantation? The cost is not a problem."

There is very little practice of transplantation in ancient Chinese medicine.

Doctor Peng looked up, no matter what high-ranking officials he was: "At your age, you are already an elderly patient. Try not to have such a high-risk operation. Keep up with the health care methods for wind protection and heart protection. The main thing is to take care of yourself. I will give you Recommend a doctor…”

He is only responsible for looking at it, and how to treat it depends on another family.

The bodyguard assistant has to register as an expert again, and I will see it tomorrow.

Zhao Dezhu happily followed the whole process, neither caring about the bloodbath on the Internet, nor comforting the richest man in Nanli, but reminding Yi Fei: "I will become a thorn in the eyes of many people when I come back to China these two days. It's ugly to be scolded."

Yi Fei lowered her head and said softly: "I saw the news on the Internet, I believe you will deal with it well, besides, I was splashed with dirty water not once or twice, I stand with you, maybe I can do something s hard work."

Zhao Dezhu patted his daughter on the shoulder to express his gratitude.

Song Xuanjian listened, "It's a mediocrity not to be jealous of others. Of course, there will be countless criticisms along the way. It is our responsibility to go through all this firmly and carry forward with heavy burdens."

Zhao Dezhu applauded quickly, exaggerated and insincere at first glance.

Song Xuanjian was also a little familiar with him: "It's still early, and the diagnosis and treatment will be done tomorrow. Do you have any business in Pingjing, or should we fly to Zhongyuan Electronics Industrial Park to have a look?"

Mad, it's great to have a plane.

Zhao Dezhu is not so diligent: "Thank you, I don't have to bear such a heavy burden. Pingjing only has a higher vocational college, um, there is also a logistics base, let's go and have a look."

Song Xuanjian really followed.

It is said that in recent years he has seldom participated in very basic practical work.

Now I have a completely different feeling.

On the contrary, Yi Fei became enthusiastic and introduced the situation of this higher vocational college in detail on the way, and asked if she should inform Lao Bao, the dean.

Zhao Dezhu doesn't like to disturb artists: "It's mainly about film and television performances and logistics home appliances. Grandpa Sansun came to see it. He must be looking at home appliances. Let's inform the boss of Jingcheng Electric. His son still wants to chase after Jiajia, heh heh, These little bastards..."

His tone was not at all like a young man in his twenties.

Song Xuanjian's observations are almost the same as his own.

Yi Fei is smart, and directly calls Li Yuanyuan to convey the work arrangement, saying that she is temporarily acting as the secretary at the moment.

Yuanyuan got used to it: "Oh, it's your turn again, you guys are really not idle, Lao Zhao has been insulted because of you, and now it's like this on the Internet."

Living in a high position for a long time, Yuanyuan doesn't pay attention to celebrities.

Yi Fei pursed her mouth a little aggrieved, and quickly adjusted to only talking about work arrangements.

As a result, the group arrived at the Vocational College. Not only was the Song family father and son of Jingcheng Electric already on the way, but Lao Bao stood directly at the school gate to welcome them.

With a sincere face full of vicissitudes: "It's time to come and see it. You asked me to take care of the students. It really killed me. I've been here for the rest of my life. Come, come, come, we have helped students this year. It's very good... ..."

Bao Tian is like a farmer guarding the crops, eager, serious and proud.

Zhao Dezhu had no choice but to turn around and signal to Song Xuanjian that he was sorry, you can watch it casually, I have to explain this professional acting thing first.

In addition, greet the guests with Yi Fei's eyes. This girl really wants to be a professional performer, and she often comes here.

Puff up your mouth again and cheer up this way please.

Who knew that Song Xuanjian just took a casual look, and ordered the executive in the secretary's office to start arranging a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Zhao Dezhu.

Yi Fei was pleasantly surprised.

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