I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1004 Jumping into the River

Her outstretched hand seemed to have practiced some kind of Nine Yin White Bone Claws. There was a strange black internal force swimming around her fingertips. Qin Yu knew it was scary, so she used the most powerful body method to leap in mid-air, and her thin fingers came from Qin Yu. The fish swept over his cheek and touched a few strands of hair. . .

The other party's fingertips hooked and grabbed the hair. Qin Yu's eyesight was so good that he saw black air swimming away from the bright red nails of the fingertips.

Poisonous, highly poisonous!

Can enter the body from the head.

Resolutely, resolutely, Qin Yu directly cut off these strands of hair, cut off the hair and turned around, a piece of black hair was scattered and separated, one by one scattered in the moonlight emptiness.

After the two hits landed on a fir branch more than ten meters high, she couldn't stop for too long, nor could she look at the other party for too long, and she didn't have a chance to say a word, because the other party didn't give it to her.

Qin Yu never thought that the other party would give it to him.


Qin Yu felt that this blood-skinned woman was more terrifying than Lin Heng—if Lin Heng hadn't fallen ill.

But she was normal, with a spirit in her eyes and a vicious look.

It looks like a venomous snake.

It is still the existence of the aura after Ten Thousand Snakes.


With a flick of her fingertips, her inner strength actually swam away and drew her breath to form a long whip, hitting Qin Yu from a distance of four or five meters. . . After getting out of the way on the trunk of the fir tree.

The waist-thick fir tree hugged by one person rubbed.


Another Datianzong! Still a drug addict!

Qin Yu, who jumped up, was so frightened that her heart felt cold. She knew that it would be difficult for her to get rid of this person in a short period of time, unless~~

brush! Qin Yu threw out the object he was holding in his sleeve.

The blood-skinned woman really burst out and grabbed it.

But as soon as the palm entered the object, it felt a little sticky and a bit earthy.


A muddy stone!

The blood-skinned woman frowned, and her robe rattled because she was chasing her.

"What a terrifying speed, this is Tianzong."

"Fortunately, I was witty and opened the distance in time."

Qin Yuzheng was overjoyed in his heart, and his back felt cold.


The blood-skinned woman pulled out a long whip from her waist. The whip whipped the air and drew its strength again. The full lethal range of ten meters away was like a terrifying long-distance attack.

Qin Yu's back was crisp, his clothes were torn, his back was splattered with flesh and blood, his spine buckled inward, and there was a faint sound of bone cracking.

Horror, goodbye horror!

When falling, Qin Yu grabbed the slender branches, shook the pendant and turned sideways. . . The blood-skinned woman chasing after her was three meters away from her.

The ants still have the power to fight, if they can't escape, Qin Yu will naturally choose to fight to the death.

But she guessed that the other party would stay alive, after all, she was worth living.

Qin Yu was ready to be captured and negotiate with the other party, but unexpectedly - she suddenly met the eyes of this blood-skinned woman.

This is not the first time I saw her eyes. At first I felt gloomy and ruthless at first, and then I felt that the poisonous snake was vicious. This is the third time. . .

She felt that the eyesight was strange.

The purple is faint, the pupil sockets rotate, the color of the world changes, and ghosts appear in panic.

Yes, Qin Yu felt as if he had seen a giant snake entangled in the sky and devouring the world. It swallowed snake letters, as if it wanted to swallow her, but she couldn't move at all, because there were countless poisonous snakes entwined around her body. All locked her lifeline and movements.

Even breathing is under the control of the other party.

The giant snake came up to her, and the black snake letter flickered and touched her forehead lightly.

It sounds like a monster.

"The secret key... Where is it?"

This is bewitchment, hypnosis, illusion, and unparalleled conquest.

She is conquered.

"In... I asked him to go to another place to get... crustal movement... kilometers away, on the mountainside..."

"Who took it?"

"Die... dead fat man."


Dead or not, fat or not?

"I asked you, what's your name?"

The giant snake became impatient and hesitated to kill.

"Jiao... little ancestor."


The giant snake was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed strangely.

"Missing my illusion, but pretending to be like this... Is waiting for help."

After finishing speaking, the blood-skinned woman directly reached out and grabbed Qin Yu's neck. At this time, Qin Yu's pupils, who seemed to be bewitched, were instantly clear.

No one knew that the hypnotic hallucination just now was very short, almost three or four breaths, but the victory and defeat had already been decided.

She can't be fooled by Qin Yu,

Qin Yu was not her enemy.

That's when reinforcements are needed.

For example, in the darkness of a mountain nest more than 30 meters away, someone shot a ball with a hardcover hidden weapon version of a slingshot.

The ball exploded on the ground.

A large piece of pink mist exploded.

In the mist, the blood-skinned woman swept away her sleeves, the wind blew up and scattered a large amount of poisonous gas, but Qin Yu disappeared.


The blood-skinned woman glanced at her, stepped forward, jumped onto a tall tree, and chased directly to the north.

From the height of the tall tree, she could see Qin Yu fleeing more than 20 meters in front of her, but outside of Qin Yu. . . There is one more person.

"A Jing, you're not good again."

"Helping an outsider won't make me sad?"

Qin Yu knew that it was Hua Baijing who came to save her, but she was not sure what the relationship between the two was.

two girls? Oh, now I know what it is.

Nine out of ten are concubines.

"Outsider? Then who is with your insider! Bah!"

Hua Baijing had almost joined Qin Yu, the two had the same route, and they didn't have a chance to exchange greetings, they just ran for their lives, but the road ahead became narrower and narrower until. . . cliff!

They've reached the coastal cliffs!

The height below is not low!

Qin Yu and Hua Baijing approached the edge of the cliff without hesitation or hesitation.

Without looking back, when the blood-skinned woman was only seven or eight meters away from them and raised a long whip in her hand, wow~~jump!

The two jumped off the tip of the cliff together and fell down.

Swipe, the blood-skinned woman reached the edge, but instead of looking down, her figure flashed.


What is she dodging?


Plop plop.

The two women fell into the turbulent river, and quickly swam under the dark water to emerge. After emerging, Qin Yu found the target faster than Huabaijing—there was a rope between the rapids below.


After grabbing the rope, Qin Yu, who was walking along the strong current in the water, turned over and stood up. On the other side, Hua Baijing also got up, stepped on the rope and shot towards the opposite bank of Longshan Mountain.

go ashore?


There is a raft on the shore, and there are people on the raft.

"It's finally here, but wait until I'm dead, how are you guys, how are you doing? Would you like me to check it for you?"

Who is this person if not Xiao Tiantian?

Qin Yu and Hua Baijing went to the raft one after another, and without giving the man a chance to say anything, Hua Baijing kicked his ass.

"You white rabbit with tight chrysanthemums, hurry up and untie the rope for the old lady!"

Xiao Tiantian felt pain in her butt, but she was used to it. She dared not speak out, she wrinkled her face and untied the rope, letting the raft go down the river quickly.

on the raft.

Xiao Tiantian boasted that the raft she built with her own hands was of high quality, and it was easy to ride the wind and waves.

Hua Baijing: "I drew all the sketches for you, you are a ghost!"

Qin Yu: A broken raft is always fighting for success. How should I deal with the industrial design of modern ships in my mind?

"So the old banshee didn't chase down that day?" Xiao Tiantian noticed that Qin Yu turned around and looked at the cliff behind him, feeling a little puzzled.

I had insomnia last night and got up early at 6 or 7 o’clock. Today I took my little cousin to see a doctor in another city. I went home after a long day and rushed to catch up with two manuscripts. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to make three shifts at this point. I’m too tired, so I plan to go to five shifts tomorrow. There is also a reward from the leader, and there is also a fifth watch, which will be made up in the next few days.

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