I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1005 Identity (The first update is here, please subscribe genuinely.)

As powerful as Tianzong, not to mention jumping down to chase, even going down the mountain to chase them will give them great pressure.

"Why else, there is another Tianzong coming."

Qin Yu's tone was light, and Hua Baijing and the two subconsciously guessed who Tianzong came.

"There are not many Tianzongs in this world, and there are only a few of them. There are even fewer Tianzongs who can delay her. It must be the Huangzong beside Lin Heng."

When Xiao Tiantian heard what Hua Baijing said, she had a strange expression on her face.

"How do you know how strong she is? Do you know her?"

Hua Baijing glanced at him coldly, implying murderous intent, "If you talk too much, I'll castrate you!"

Xiao Tiantian's legs tightened, feeling extremely wronged, but when she turned her head, she saw Qin Yu looking at her tenderly.

He already knew her identity now.

Mr. Xiaoyu = Mrs. Xiangye = Third Miss Qin, Qin Yu.

"What do you think of me like that? Just because I'm afraid of her doesn't mean I'm afraid of you!" Xiao Tiantian didn't know that Qin Yu was already a master, so she had to work hard.

But Qin Yu glanced at him lightly, and said lightly, "You just said you wanted to check me up?"

Hua Baijing's eyebrows thumped fiercely, and he quickly went online, "Are you injured? Where? It doesn't matter where, I'll come!"

Qin Yu ignored her.

"I have blocked the tendons, and I am also forcing the poisonous blood."

Qin Yu is used to doing things alone, so he understates it.

Only now did the two smell the smell of blood, which came from behind Qin Yu.

And Qin Yu didn't waste any time, he turned around and pulled off his belt to reveal his back.

Snow white with a thick long bloodstain.

Hua Baijing also saw it, and his face changed slightly, "Is it a poison ivy whip? Damn it! It has seven-star snake venom on it! It's useless to seal the veins, you will die!"

She knew that woman's poison very well, not to mention that Qin Yu was just a master, even Tianzong would be in great trouble when encountering such poison.

"No, just cut the meat, I'll give you time."

Qin Yu's tone was condensed, and he stood on the turbulent raft with his back to them, bathing in the moonlight.

Hua Baijing and Xiao Tiantian were intimidated for no reason, and later. . .

Hua Baijing rolled up his sleeves, "I'll come, I'll come."

Qin Yu glanced at her, "Damn you! I'll do it for you, and you have to take off my pants."

"Where would it be, I'm not that crazy yet, you're not poisonous..." Hua Baijing resented embarrassingly.

The scene in front of her was extremely comfortable, Xiao Tiantian held back her laughter, but it was her duty to do so.

Anyway, he is gay and has no interest in women's bodies. No matter how beautiful this body is, it is a piece of pork in his eyes, so he started~~

A little trembling.


He has killed people, but he has never cut human flesh!

"Trash! Fuck you!" Hua Baijing kicked him away and started to attack him, this time Qin Yu didn't refuse.

I have to say that the serious Hua Baijing is still reliable.

The poisonous flesh was cut piece by piece.

After finishing the work, I tore off the outer robe and bandaged it, because there was no gauze, so it could only be handled roughly like this.

"Let's find a place and clean it carefully, otherwise it will easily leave scars." Huabai Jingyu was distressed, and Xiao Tiantian was about to say that she also had such a gentle and conscientious side, but she ended up saying something again.

"Such a beautiful body with scars looks so ugly, I won't be able to say anything in the future."

Xiao Tiantian: "Scum! Bah!"

Qin Yu didn't bother to scold people, so he just gave Hua Baijing a casual look, "If you can't hit me when my injury is not recovering, then you won't be able to beat me when I recover."

Hua Baijing was taken aback for a moment, then realized, his face darkened.

That's right, the other party is already a grandmaster, and compared to a non-combat master like me who is good at movement and concealment, the other party is almost omnipotent, with explosive combat power, and can completely kill her.

Not to mention taking advantage, it is difficult to save your life.

"I used to think that I worked hard and became a master at a young age, but recently, the masters have been cropping up one after another, which is really shocking!"

Xiao Tiantian looked at Hua Baijing's embarrassment, so she took up the topic, "Then how old are you?"

When the white mirror showed death eyes expressionlessly, Xiao Tiantian blissfully said to her heart, "No matter how old you are, you are still beautiful."

I am afraid that a man will never know that even though a woman is still beautiful and good-looking when she is old, she still doesn't like others to say that she is old.

No why, no rebuttal accepted.

So Qin Yu took a look at Xiao Tiantian, "If you insist on talking, then change the subject, why bother to test your own death line like crazy."

Hua Baijing sneered, Xiao Tiantian finally understood.

"Uh... well...then you know the female Tianzong just above? I have never heard of any Tianzong in Jianghu who is a woman. Could it be an expert hermit? She knows you? It's your elder ?"

Oh, there are so many problems at once.

But it's only natural, because it's an important question.

Hua Baijing was silent for a while, with a calm expression, "Yes, she is indeed a woman, not a hermit, not an elder."

After answering all of them at once, Xiao Tiantian blinked her mouth, thought for a while, and asked the last question.

"How old is she? Older than you?"

Qin Yu: "..."

This idiot is a compass, draw a circle to return to the death line.


Xiao Tiantian obediently controlled the raft with two dark circles under her eyes, as obedient as a little quail, while Hua Baijing looked at Qin Yu thoughtfully.

"Why don't you ask me? Are you not curious at all?"

Qin Yu was running his internal energy cross-legged, but it didn't hinder communication.

"What's there to be curious about, isn't she your sister?"

Crash! The raft swayed, and Xiao Tiantian urgently controlled the raft, but she still let out a sound like a groundhog because of shock.

"Sister? My dear sister? My God!"

Hua Baijing ignored Xiao Tiantian, and instead looked at Qin Yu in surprise, his eyes flickering, "How do you know?"

She knew that this person was extremely smart and could see secrets that others could not detect, but this matter was too secretive, and she always thought that only the two of them knew about it in the whole world.

this person. . . How could this person know!

Hua Baijing suddenly added, "She was wearing a human skin mask, you didn't see her face."

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows: "Skin and bone and other physical signs represent your blood genetic inheritance. Appearance is the most obvious genetic sign, but other aspects are also worth paying attention to, but they are not obvious. I am just trying to test it. So, you guys They really are sisters."

Hua Baijing: "..."

Qin Yu: "And from what you said, you look a little like her... Then can I guess again, it wasn't you who attacked Shang Wen Yazhi back then, but her. This piece of shit You are so accurate that you dare not refute, you can only blame yourself, your sister...is terrible."

Hua Baijing's expression was as if he had eaten shit, Xiao Tiantian was about to let out a groundhog scream again, but no, he was quiet.

Because the abdomen was pressed against by a sharp object.

Huabaijing will kill him.

"I think you are similar to her, and you are also terrifying." Hua Baijing said in a low tone, "A woman who is smarter can increase her charm, but if she is too smart, she is a banshee, very scary, and she is such a scary existence."

Hua Baijing looked at Qin Yu, "But you make yourself seem to know everything, which makes me unhappy, so, do you still know her identity?"

Yes, identity is important.

Xiao Tiantian who was so curious carefully pricked up her ears. . .

"Her identity?"

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