I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1028 It's just a dead person

Thinking that many of my secrets over the years have been in the hands of the other party, and they are still in the hands of the other party. . If it wasn't for Qin Yu, yes, if it wasn't for Qin Yu, I'm afraid I wouldn't know this secret in the end.

"Arrested me, and used me to lure Miss Qin to seize the map? It's really killing two birds with one stone."

Probably because he encountered too much today, Yue Taichu was surprisingly calm about this matter, because of despair?

The opponent is Tianzong, Qin Yu is invincible, and he has no strength, what should he do?

"Miss Qin, let's go."

After Yue Taichu said this, he saw Qin Yu and the suzerain of Xueliuhe fighting at the same time, and they started fighting!

How could the strong obey orders so easily.

In fact, to be precise, Xueliu Hezong took the initiative to move faster than Qin Yu, because he was afraid that Qin Yu would run away.

This woman is quite cunning and sharp, it is best to act first.

Tianzong is too strong. For details, refer to the previous battle between Huangzong and Qin Yu. He crushed the whole process. If it wasn't for Ye Sheng's cooperation to make Qin Yu's plan succeed, otherwise he wouldn't be able to escape.

But this time is different, Yue Taichu beside him is real, he is just a person with little force value, and does not help Qin Yu at all, and the personality of Xueliuhe Sect Master is different from Huang Zong, he has too many thoughts , people are also ruthless - pretending to be an old eunuch for so many years, can you not be ruthless?

So Qin Yu was really fighting alone now.

Yue Taichu looked at a few tricks and found Qin Yu. . . It was really crushed and beaten.

But it was quite scary to carry it as a master until now, and he could see that the blood flowing river master was not so easy.

Afraid, he was terribly afraid of Qin Yu.

If the master is like this, what will happen to the Tianzong in the future?

"You still watch? Just run away!"

Qin Yu shouted in a low voice, Yue Taichu came to his senses, looked at them, turned and ran along the path.

It's meaningless to stay, he ran away, maybe he can also divert the blood from the river suzerain?

The Sect Master of Xueliuhe did not chase after him.

Because there won't be much time to lose, he's going to kill Qin Yu—unless she reveals the map.

"You are really not afraid of death." Sect Master Xueliuhe said with a chuckle, the strength of his strikes suddenly increased, and he almost took Qin Yu's life several times, but the latter's insight was terrible, like a loach.

However, Qin Yu still had a hard time carrying it, "With the map, my life is guaranteed after all, and you can't kill me."

Sect Master Xueliuhe: "Ah, that's not necessarily the case. For example, missing arms, broken legs, and skinning? Can you bear it?"

Qin Yu: "You think so hard about something that hasn't succeeded yet? Why don't you think about it, if you lose your luck, there is no way to save your life."

It's all because of dreaming too much, it is obvious that she is more arrogant, does she think she is a VIP?

The Sect Master of Xueliuhe was neither annoyed nor angry, but just smiled, with a sudden murderous intent, his hand was like a ghost's claw, his internal energy surged and roared, and there was really a ghostly sound.

Hard resistance is impossible, and almost no one can resist Tianzong's trick masters.

Qin Yu could only hide, did he succeed in hiding?

Body skills, at that moment the body skills reached the peak level, the ghost claws grabbed the air, the air shook, and the ground stones shattered in the air. Provoking the stones to fly out,

bang bang bang! The stones flew out, one by one bursting like bullets.

The Sect Master of Xueliuhe swept with his claws, these stones were easily smashed and bounced away by him, Qin Yu's face changed when he saw this, he turned over and shot down, the former naturally chased after him, two afterimages flew from the mountains and shot, in a blink of an eye , Qin Yu landed on a slope, the cold wind rushed from behind, he is coming!

Turn around, go-getters block gestures.


Qin Yu was slapped on the general, pressed down, suppressed, and knelt down!

The leg bones rubbed, and blood and flesh splattered.

Turning the wrist, the sword flies, and the sword shadow flies around the arm. This is Zhou Shanjian's top-notch sword wrapping technique, it should be terrifying, but. . . The Sect Master of Xueliuhe sneered, flipped his hands over, his fingertips drew a curved shadow like an illusion, and grabbed the blade with his backhand! Swing a sword.

Bang! The dry sword flew more than ten meters away, piercing through the trunk, and the leaves made a rustling sound and fell.

On the other side, Qin Yu jumped back when he saw this, and vomited blood when he landed.

Weak, enfeebled, dying.

It's really scary, Tianzong is Tianzong, the gap is too big.

"I really don't know how to live or die."

The Sect Master of Xueliuhe didn't intend to kill Qin Yu now, he needed to control her, and then asked the map.

To control, he had to get close. Fortunately, Qin Yu was seriously injured.

Sect Master Xueliuhe narrowed his eyes, and realized that Qin Yu's injury seemed to be a bit fake. Could it be that she was faked?

Is there an ambush?

"Why, don't you dare?" Qin Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, smiling contemptuously.

The Sect Master of Xueliuhe hesitated for a while, but he was subtly aware of Qin Yu's aura and expression.

Suddenly sneered.

"It's really cunning, you are really seriously injured, but you deliberately pretended to make me think you have an ambush, so as to give you time to escape."

Qin Yu's expression froze, but Xueliuhe suzerain stepped forward decisively and reached out to catch Qin Yu.

It was also at that moment that he saw a subtle smile on Qin Yu's frozen expression.


He also felt something at the foot of the boot. . .


It exploded!

How would Tangtang Tianzong die? In addition to natural death, there is a high probability that he will be killed by other Tianzong, or he will die. . .


The moment the explosion exploded under his feet, the blood flow river suzerain jumped up, but even if he jumped up, the damage from the explosion still covered his legs.

Legs and feet were injured, not to mention flesh and bones.

When it landed, the dignified Tianzong couldn't stand still, and when he almost fell, he saw that Qin Yu over there didn't say anything arrogant, and didn't show off proudly. She moved.

there is something.

Several things appeared in her left hand out of thin air, and she threw them out one after another.

Boom boom boom!

Fry, fry, fry!

The Sect Master of Xueliuhe, who was seriously injured in his legs and feet, didn't even have a chance to jump up, and wanted to dodge with his hands on the ground, but Qin Yu was too fast, as if he was just guarding against this move.

He got hit.

Serial explosion!

In the huge forest, the sound of the explosion was too loud.

The fire is white and dazzling.

Yue Taichu, who had already run wildly along the path, was startled and turned to look behind.

What happened over there?


The Sect Master of Xueliuhe was not dead yet, after the explosion, he was dying and only breathed a sigh of relief.

Tianzong's blood is thick, and none of them will die.

"Huo Lei... storage ring?" He spit out a sentence.

"It's a landmine if you improve it. It seems that you are not from the modern technology plane, so you don't know it. But you do recognize the storage ring."

Qin Yu turned the brilliant little meson on his finger.

"But it doesn't matter."

"It's just dead."

When the shock flashed in Xueliuhe's pupils, Qin Yu approached him like lightning, and the general was more than ten meters away, but her right hand drew a knife out of thin air.

Wow! The head flew up, spurted blood, and landed.

Qin Yu, who had killed the enemy with a single knife, stopped and held on to the big stone. He coughed, and a large amount of blood fell on the stone.

Her serious injury is naturally real.

One is that she is really lost, and the other is that she has to be really injured to convince the other party that she has no resistance, and then obediently step into the ambush she set.

What ambush?

There are both fire and thunder.

Own mines.

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