I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1029 And Tianzong

She took the fire mine materials and made a little design modification to make a simple version of the land mine. It is impossible for her to make land mines. It is just a chemical technology, and it is rare to set up a game.

When the Blood Flowing River Sect Master flew his head up, he probably saw the ground below which was still illuminated by the remaining flames. . . In addition to the explosion of a mine, there are other mines.

When she was fighting against him, she had dodged it several times, and I am afraid that every time she dodged, she accurately avoided the mines she set, but he was the only one who was lured into it step by step.

Such calculations are terrifying!

But what's even more frightening is that she knew early on that he was an old eunuch, and even earlier that he would hide Yue Taichu in Baizhang Mountain to lure her with him, so she buried landmines in advance to counter the design.

The game is in the game, the suit is in the suit.

Exactly when it was buried, the Sect Master of Xueliuhe didn't know, because he was dead, absolutely dead.

"Collect the corpse, Bibi." Qin Yu spoke weakly in the golden room.


The golden wall began to harvest the loot left behind by the bloody river suzerain after his death, and the dark gold fragments were gathered into the golden house.

Yes, the other party is the Evil Chosen One.

It's just that Qin Yu didn't give the other party a chance to talk more, and he didn't even bother to play games with the other party's words.

It doesn't matter, it's just a loser.

—You are terrible.

——He unexpectedly forcibly killed the Evil Chosen One, Tianzong.

Huang Jinbi never thought that Qin Yu would be so courageous, setting up such a situation to forcibly kill the Sect Master of Xueliuhe, but she had never said before that she was sure that the other party was the evil chooser, and it was enough forbearance.

"It doesn't matter if you kill him by force, after all, you paid a huge price."

Qin Yu suppressed the heavy internal injury and took out the red spirit fruit. This thing can repair the injury and replenish some internal strength, but her internal injury is too serious, and it can only restore 10 to 20 percent.

After eating the fruit, Qin Yu got up, took the go-getters, and put away the rest of the buried mines that hadn't been triggered.

Killing a Xueliuhe suzerain is naturally a huge achievement, but there is no time to settle these now, and Jin Bi didn't say much.


The sound of water splashing.

Yue Taichu had just run to the mountain stream, he looked back after hearing the explosion, and turned back when he hesitated, but the forest was dark, and he was not Qin Yu, and he didn't have the ability to see things at night, even with the help of night light. When it is clear - like moss on a stone.

I slipped and almost fell into the stream. Although I didn't fall, it also triggered a bone injury on my leg. Under the severe pain, I couldn't even walk.

In such a situation, he leaned on the stone, his body was cold, and he suddenly felt a sense of despair and sadness, as well as extreme resentment.

He hated, hated himself for being such a majestic emperor.

"Lin Heng...Lin Heng..."

He murmured the name.

Suddenly, a cool female voice was heard.

"When people are in despair, people tend to care more about resentment and hatred than kindness. This is human nature."

"It's reflected in you."

Yue Taichu was startled, turned his head to look, and suddenly saw Qin Yu appearing beside the stream, covered in blood, but his brows were still bright and soft under the stars and moon.

"Miss Qin!"

Yue Taichu was shocked, he never thought that Qin Yu would still be alive.

"The Blood Flowing River Sect Master..."


Qin Yu supported the stone and sat down, exhaled bloody breath, and looked at Yue Taichu.

"you are happy?"

"Of course, you can live..." Yue Taichu was unwilling to fail like this. It would be great if Qin Yu helped her, not to mention that the other party rescued her several times. Knowing that the other party is mysterious and unfathomable, there are some taboos that cannot be fully expressed.

So he was silent, but it was Qin Yu who spoke.

"I'm alive, but you may not be able to escape tonight... because there is still Tianzong."

It was said that the quietness of Yue Taichu seemed to be Qin Yu's touch, and the mountains and forests on both sides of the stream became a little more ghostly.

After a moment of breathing, two figures flashed back and forth.

One is the queen mother.

One is segment stream.

These two people had obviously done something before, but they followed them one after the other. They found Yue Taichu first, and before they were ready to make a move, they heard the explosion on Qin Yu's side. In surprise, they saw Qin Yu coming again.

She said that the Blood Flowing River Sovereign is dead.

Duan Liu is okay, at least he is related to Qin Yu, but the Queen Mother. . .

She is still stable.

"You used Huolei? As expected of Lin Heng's wife, is this considered revenge for him?"

The first sentence of the old hag made Qin Yu uncomfortable. With her eyelids lifted, she said calmly, "They're all women, why should you think so little about the other party? Is it because you are old?"

The Empress Dowager Yuezhuo was silent for a while, her eyes were ruthlessly sharp, "Killing a Tianzong is something I should be taboo about, otherwise..."

No woman likes being told she is old, especially other women!

Qin Yu suddenly turned to look at Duan Liu. "She talks so much, obviously not because she is old, but because she is delaying time! If you pester her, I will take Yue Taichu away!"

After you break, I'll go first!

Duan Liu is also an old ginger, of course he also thought of it, and nodded, but it seemed too late.

somebody is coming.

On the top of the treetops, white clothes are better than snow.

The moonlight condensed on him like frost quenching the snow. His skin was whiter than ice and snow, and his eyebrows were brighter than glacier blood lotus.

A man with red lips and white teeth, his age is unknown, because of his white hair like snow.

Such a pale man has an aloofness similar to the Empress Dowager, but he is not so handsome, it's just because he is too pure, he doesn't look like a normal person.

Feeling old and yet very young.

Very weird feeling.

Duan Liu's expression changed suddenly, and finally he fell silent.

"Master of the Yunyan Pavilion, are you and the Zangyue Sect..."

Yue Zhuo curled his lips into a smile, "You only know that he is the master of Yunyan Pavilion, how do you know that his real name is Yue Cang?"

Qin Yu: "So you are siblings? Brother and sister? Father and daughter? Mother and son?"

Mother and child or something. . .

Duanliu: "..."

This person is really a test of Tianzong's concentration, and he feels like he will explode at any time.

Yue Zhuo's expression was very cold, and the eyes staring at Qin Yu seemed to be poisoned.

—Are you arranging numbers?

Huang Jinbi felt that he still had to complain.

It's so dangerous, it's like a Pippi shrimp.

But it didn't know that Qin Yu said such a sentence on purpose. After saying this, she noticed that Yue Cang didn't fluctuate at all.

Damn, another pervert with a rock-like heart.

Are all people who practice martial arts so strong?

In fact, it should be said that Tianzong should be so strong.

The evil Tianzong is even more ruthless.

only. . . Yunyan Pavilion is right.

This melon is a bit big to eat.

No wonder Lin Heng has never been able to get rid of someone like the Queen Mother, because behind him are two sects, or two old heaven sects.

In the past many years, the palace, the court, and the martial arts all formed a balance.

Only after she came, there were waves.

Do you have the feeling that you are suddenly the heroine?

In fact, no!

Have you ever seen any TV series, movies, or novels in which none of the male characters is sympathetic to the heroine?

In Journey to the West, Tang Seng will take pity on his daughter, the Queen of the Kingdom!

Hey, just thinking about it makes me cry!

In fact, if there is motivation, the code word will be much faster, and the energy consumption is almost the same as the time. Usually, I change twice a day, but it is actually exhausted. These days, the pace has been accelerated, but writing is smooth.

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