I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1107 Falling

Well, it seems that it is really offline, and there is no response to being stabbed.

But how could this be?

Are the two swords connected?

Qin Yu played with them separately, and after a while, one sword danced in his hand, while the other flew back and forth within a three-meter range. .

Yes, it is the kind of flight that escapes Newton's gravity.

"Damn! Awesome!"

Qin Yu almost wanted to laugh with his hands on his hips, is this Yu Jian?

But after a while, Qin Yu stopped playing because his internal energy was exhausted.

"This consumes a lot, but it's really powerful. Is this the level of a top-level treasure?" Qin Yu was curious, and put the two swords in the mall for appraisal.

The result of the appraisal came out in seconds—the top-grade treasure, which was classified as mother-child twin swords, possessed semi-spirituality, and could barely hold a sword, but only within a certain range.

The small best of the best, which means that this thing is quite rare. After all, the mother-child double sword is a relatively difficult category in the refining equipment, and it may just happen to be a treasure, so Qin Yu got lucky, but also It may have something to do with Mo Xie's natural affection.

In short, Qin Yu was lucky.

"Although it consumes a lot of energy, it is indeed amazingly powerful. From now on, I will tell you to generalize the two swords." Qin Yu played with the two swords, thinking of the next B-level small copy, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

According to the normal speed, even if she got the twin swords of Jiangxiezimu, it would be impossible to collect half of the B-level points. She had to take a special route.

for example. . .

Qin Yu got busy, but this time she didn't need to "go on a business trip" to enter the dungeon, she could complete several in one night.

Don't ask her how she did it, it's a secret.

Anyway, her points are growing rapidly at a visible rate.

During this period, the influence of the kidnapping incident began to diminish. Half a month later, Quan Heshu held a charity dinner at the BJ Yunchuan Mansion, and invitations were also sent to Hong Kong.

If it was someone else, Qin Yu would refuse, but Quan He Shu is different. On Qin Yu's business map, the two of them were originally profitable, so let's consider it a business meeting.

Qin Yu accepted the invitation and took Yu Sheng back to the mainland, but he took Yu Sheng to Chengdu for a meal on the way, and then returned to BJ.

At 7:30 in the evening, the Yunchuan mansion has already gathered celebrities, and the fragrance is endless.

Gentleman suits, beauty dresses, handsome men and women can be seen everywhere.

Quan Heshu started his fortune from the grassroots back then, but now he is considered a bigwig with a wide network of contacts and attaches great importance to respectability. This time he invited many people. In addition to wealthy entrepreneurs like Qin Yu, there are also some old-fashioned families, such as The few in Hong Kong also include domestic business and political elites, as well as some people with special abilities who were invited to help save people.

But Qin Yu's six people, Quan Heshu invited all of them, and the other five people were out of emotion and suffering, as for Qin Yu, he was simply grateful.

For example, at this time, when the people outside were toasting and exchanging diplomacy, Quan Heshu invited Qin Yu to the small glass flower hall next to him, so that people outside could see where the master was, so that they would not be rude, and at the same time It can be soundproofed.

"Today, I would like to thank Ms. Qin in particular." Quan Heshu thanked him sincerely, and also toasted. Xiashuang quickly reached a cooperation intention worth tens of billions, and because it went smoothly, it didn't waste much time.

After Qin Yu left the flower hall, he saw Su Wanmo not far away.

After a distance, the two just toasted each other without enthusiasm, until the beginning of the charity session, their positions were bumped together again!

"Five people took turns to thank me, why are you so indifferent, so heartless?" Qin Yu asked with a smile.

Su Wanmo glanced at her, "It's not suitable for you and me to have too much contact, isn't it your default?"

Qin Yu: "I can be a scumbag, but that doesn't mean you can also be a scumbag."

Su Wanmo laughed angrily, "Then what are you going to do?"

Qin Yu: "Tell me what you found that day."

Su Wanmo's face was slightly condensed, and then he said in a long way: "It has something to do with him. Although he is the main reason why you and I should not contact by default, if the opponent is that leader, I don't think I am capable enough, so I can only explain to you. Down."

Qin Yu: "So?"

Su Wanmo: "Well, I'm here for you tonight."

Otherwise, she doesn't need to attend Quan Heshu's dinner party.

That person was staring at Mei Jin Lin? Qin Yu was thoughtful, and also felt a little irritable in his heart for no reason, so he looked at Su Wanmo, "No wonder you are so beautiful in clothes, are you afraid of being compared to me?"

Su Wanmo, who was wearing a black one-piece evening dress, looked delicately, and took a deep look at Qin Yu, "Every day is changing, and so are people. You have changed too much. Maybe I can't compare with you in the future, but if you always use special If you cover it up, not many people will know how beautiful you are."

Qin Yu was slightly surprised, but immediately thought that his cheap cover-up method might not be able to deceive Su Wanmo, and Su Wanmo obviously noticed that others didn't see it, so he decided that she used a special method.

"Then do you think I'm prettier than you?"

Qin Yu intentionally teased her, Su Wanmo looked at her coldly, then approached her suddenly, and smiled, "What do you think?"

Well, Qin Yu twitched the corners of his mouth, "I've always thought that I'm beautiful only when others treat me well, otherwise I'm ugly.

Su Wanmo: "..."

When they were arguing, the two didn't miss the charity link, and donated tens of millions one after another.

But when they raised the cards, they also used the frequency of tapping on the handrails to determine the time and place of the private conversation tonight.

They are very cautious about the plum ember forest.

At the end of this session, Qin Yu, who was about to leave, saw Amy.

This aristocratic lady who came from afar has been at ease in this big eastern country recently, and has finalized many deals on behalf of her family, but she has never had any direct contact with Qin Yu.

Obviously not tonight.

"Is China fun?"

"Compared to the strength and greed of another world power, I trust your country more."

"Trust? Do you need help with something outside of commercial interests?"

"Yes, I have."

Amy gestured.

Qin Yu understood, the symbol of the Western Chosen One.

No surprise.

"Those people threaten you or your family's interests?"

"Not yet, but I think it won't be far away. Take precautions. This is an idiom in your Chinese language, isn't it?"

Plan ahead, indeed.

Qin Yu leaned against the window, folded his arms around his chest, and looked at her with a half-smile, "As far as I know, there are a lot of people in the west, even more than ours. There must be a reason for choosing me. Killed a lot of people in my camp."

"Numbers have nothing to do with strength." Amy said with a smile, and then looked out at the illuminated city night scene, "To be honest, I got the quest about that leader. I did some research and determined that I couldn't complete it. You can only choose a partner, this choice has nothing to do with regions and countries, but only considers strength, of course, correspondingly, you will also inspect me, I hope I can satisfy you."

Qin Yu looked at her fixedly, and was about to answer when he heard a loud noise.

That was the sound of something falling from the sky and into the pool.

Just outside the swimming pool where they are located through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

They watched "it" appear out of nowhere.

To be precise, "it" is a person.

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