I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1108 Hello, Qin Yu (first update)


Before "it" fell, there was no warning, after "it" fell, the thunder was loud, and there was no warning, and then drifting and heavy rain blinked down.

Qin Yu and Amy are the closest people to "it", almost only a few meters apart and a big glass.

There are lights around the swimming pool, and the lights hit the water surface and also illuminate the water surface.

There are also undulating blisters and waves on it, with some blood red color, which is blood.

man under water.

"That was just now...?" Amy was also a little confused, something that appeared out of nowhere - either this person was flying high in the sky, but it must not be a parachute jump, otherwise she and Qin Yu could hear it, that is This person himself has the ability to fly?

If so, great.

However, both she and Qin Yu thought of another way—the Chosen by Heaven/Evil Chosen.

Qin Yu stared at the arrival of the torrential rain, heavy raindrops fell on the water surface, and then a human head gushed out from the water surface, half of his body was exposed.

Bloody, torrential rain, ferocious.

This scene made Amy gasp, but she also noticed the wine glass that Qin Yu just picked up casually. . Clenched tighter under her fingertips.

She was staring at the people in the water, and the people in the water saw her.

The brilliance is dazzling, and the beauty is indescribable.

But more and more people gathered behind her, and they all started to panic and scream.

He lowered his eyes, his messy hair slightly covered his brows and eyes, he moved, wanting to leave.

However, the bodyguards had already rushed over, drawing guns and pointing at him, asking about his identity, and angrily urging him not to make any dangerous moves.

"Captain, this man doesn't speak and refuses to reveal his identity."

"This man is not normal!"

"Temporarily judged as a dangerous person, control him!"

The anesthesia gun was ready, and the captain had asked Quan Heshu for instructions on how to deal with this person.

Kwon Ho Seo is explaining the accident to his guests, and solemnly promises to solve it, and then responds to the captain.

"Take control first, contact the police...it may be an intruder."

They didn't directly see him fall out of thin air like Qin Yu, but they were also surprised that this appeared without warning.

Quan Heshu wondered if the other party might have something to do with the monkey people, so on the surface he was calm and peaceful, but in fact he was very worried, so he exchanged a glance with Su Wanmo.

The two were pacing to go out at the same time, but just when Quan Heshu said these words.

"I know him."


Quan Heshu and Su Wanmo were surprised, and then saw Qin Yu put down his wine glass and walked away.

The pace was not fast, but not slow either. She crossed the crowd, crossed the light, reached the corridor, walked through the corridor, and walked to the eaves in front of the swimming pool.

The bodyguards recognized her and reminded her not to approach her.

Qin Yu didn't pass the exam either, so he just stood there and watched him quietly.

He bowed his head and never spoke.

Most of the pool was stained red.

Until Qin Yu opened his mouth slowly.

"come out."

He was silent for a while, and then moved. With this movement, Su Wanmo saw something, and his face changed slightly, causing someone to draw the curtain of the french window.

Quan Heshu also reacted.

The injury on that person just now. . . It's scary, and there are shackles.

In the corridor, the people in the water finally came out, and the chains on the hand and foot shackles were dripping water, drop by drop, clang clang.

As he walked with difficulty, he walked out of the corridor.

Across the stairs and drenched in the rain, he didn't dare to look at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu glanced at him, then turned to Zhang Yu beside him and said, "Go drive and contact Dr. Zhao and the others."

After Zhang Yu nodded and left, Qin Yu said to the people in the rain, "Do you like the rain so much?"

It's not whether he likes it or not, but when it rains, the wound on his body hurts as if it had been salted.

It hurts when others look at it, but the more dangerous he looks, the more calm Qin Yu seems.

He came anyway, went up the steps, and sat down in the chair.

Put your hands on your lap, bow slightly, and hang your head, like a silent thinker, and like a dormant murderer.

There was a puddle of blood under the seat, but there was more and more blood than water.

There was still blood running down the side face, condensing the pale and delicate chin, and dripping from the chin again.

Quan Heshu was still comforting the guests, and also mobilized personnel to protect the people in the hall. This area was sealed off, but Su Wanmo came, and there was Amy beside him.

Both of them are making judgments - what is the relationship between Qin Yu and this person, so that. . .

Before Zhang Yu came, Qin Yu stretched out his hand to brush his messy hair on the side of his forehead. His movements were very gentle, which seemed to be the case for familiar people.

But there was a sudden grip on her wrist, a skinny hand bound in shackles.

"Miss Qin!"

The bodyguards around were extremely nervous, but Qin Yu was very calm. He glanced at him lightly, and when his wrist was stained with the blood from the opponent's fingers, he said slowly, "You're bold."

Even dared to shake her hand.

He let go, but at the moment Qin Yu was about to tease his hair.

Quan Heshu came suddenly, looked at everyone present, and suddenly waved away all the bodyguards, leaving only Su Wanmo Qinyu. . . There is also an Amy.

Because they know that the other party is also a person with special abilities.

"Miss Qin, someone died and was killed. A fresh corpse appeared in the glass room in the small flower hall."

Quan Heshu took a look at the person sitting on the chair, "She was skinned."

Su Wanmo frowned, "Who is the deceased?"

"Fu Yuanxin's nephew, he loves this nephew very much, he is almost like a son."

That's troublesome.

"Yes, Miss Qin and I are probably in huge trouble." Quan Heshu's meaning was very clear.

His trouble is that people died in his place, which cannot be escaped, and it is also doubtful.

Her trouble lies in this blood man of unknown origin and very evil in front of her, and she protects him.

But if you don't protect it. . . Qin Yu's troubles will decrease, and his troubles will also decrease sharply. At least there will be one "suspect."

But obviously, Quan Heshu respected Qin Yu very much, so he suppressed Fu Yuanxin first, and reminded Qin Yu by himself.

Qin Yu didn't speak, but just brushed away the hair on the bloody man's face with his fingers, Su Wanmo and others suddenly saw the man's face. . . . One eye is hollow.

Blood was oozing out.

He and Qin Yu looked at each other quietly.

Lost one eyeball, and can only look at her with one eye.

Qin Yu was silent, curled his fingers, and the fingertips landed around the blood holes in his eyes, inputting the internal force that he had recently borrowed from the meager aura and treasure rhyme in reality.

ease his pain.

Qin Yu's voice was a little cold, "Who did it, have you solved it yet?"

He hesitated for a moment and said, "Well, I've already dealt with it myself."

"Is everything done?"



Qin Yu took a deep look at him, and suddenly slipped his hand around his eyes, slipping in from the tattered collar under his neck, hooked off the fragile buttons, and reached his shoulders.

The pale skin was barely there, just scarred hide, but there was a mark.

Ironmark, because a blade had penetrated his collarbone.

He pinched his throat with his left hand, hooked his right fingertips, and quickly pulled out the end holding the blade. Before the blood spurted out, the meridians were locked and the blood was stopped.

Looking at the thin blade between fingers.

Qin Yu looked at the notch on it, smiled, and read out the other party's greeting.

"Hello, Qin Yu."

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