I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1223 Spike

Qin Yu sensed the magic wave, so he saw it just when he turned his head.

Not from the old wizard's side, but directly in front of her.

The whistling gas stared directly into a solid cone.

At the same time as he condensed, he had already shuttled, and Qin Yu only had time to turn sideways. . . Lin also only had time to chop down with his long sword.

The sword broke, and the solid cone pierced Qin Yu's shoulder.

Flesh splattered.

In severe pain, Qin Yu waved his staff calmly, and a large piece of tree roots rushed out of the forest in front of him, and rushed out of the swamp to form a wall.

Intercepted the remaining several solid cones.

After the tree wall was broken by the old wizard, Qin Yu and the two had already entered the forest. Qin Yu also deliberately mobilized the many scents of the natural forest to confuse the scent of the two of them, and it was hard to find them for a while.

The trolls all woke up and asked the old wizard when they saw the situation in front of them.

The old wizard took a deep look at the forest.

"She is hiding her strength."

Lowering his eyes, the old wizard thought deeply, why did such a powerful human female wizard come here?


In the forest, Lin stopped and reached out to support Qin Yu.

Qin Yu took a different look at him, and Lin explained, "You're covered in blood."

Qin Yu: "It's okay, I've covered up the smell of blood with the forest breath, and the dripping blood will be absorbed by the plants."

Really arrange yourself clearly.

Lin raised his eyebrows, "If you are unconscious, will your body be arranged too? Then I don't have to collect the body."

Too old to speak?

Qin Yu smiled: "Probably, maybe I'm a little darker and I'll clean you up first."

Collecting corpses and tidying up, transliteration, but perhaps the same way, but also quite ridiculous.

Lin was noncommittal.

Qin Yu also didn't care, "Actually, you know, my physique can recover..."

As she spoke, she pulled out the solid spike on her shoulder, and the solid spike was dripping with blood. She played with it seriously and frowned.

"The strength of this old thing is very powerful. Its use of magic is no less than that of a prophet. It can directly manipulate the particles in the air to condense into entities...but~~"

As if sensing something, she suddenly paused and looked up at Lin.

"There is not only rotten gas, but also many toxic particles in the swamp, and the old thing solidifies them."

Damn it, I have been hunting geese for many years, but an old dog has given me the bait.

Lin: "So?"

Qin Yu smiled: "You really have to help me collect the corpse."

Then she fell.

Lin noticed the blood hole on her shoulder. . . Repairs are very, very slow.

It seems that this complex and poisonous effect has played a role.


Collecting the corpse is not enough, it just slows down the speed of flesh and blood recovery, because the toxicity is too complicated and too heavy, so the first reaction of the flesh and blood gene is not to repair the wound, but to expel the toxin by itself.

So when Qin Yu woke up, she first felt that she was lying on a smooth and tidy boulder with a gurgling stream beside it, and Lin was squatting there washing a handkerchief.

"Are you awake?" Lin turned around and saw Qin Yu woke up, and spread out his handkerchief for her to see.

"Is this considered clean? If it's not clean, I'll continue washing."

Qin Yu glanced at the part of his collar that was unbuttoned and exposed his shoulders. He helped her wipe off the toxin that had been expelled from the wound, so that the toxin would not affect the wound again.

"Okay, where is this place?"

She didn't care about unbuttoning her clothes or anything.

Lin came over and handed the handkerchief to herself, and said, "I don't know, I found it along the stream, but I think, if those trolls continue to hunt us down, the old wizard will probably follow the stream Come find it."

Because poisoning absolutely needs water.

"Well, it is estimated that we can't hide for two days."

Qin Yu lay there, took the handkerchief and wiped it on his shoulders with his hands. Although his hands were long, he still felt troublesome, so he threw it to Lin, "I can't see it, come here."

Lin: "You can manipulate trees to help."

Qin Yu glared at him, "Magic power can be saved if it can be saved, so let's leave you as a living person without it?"

She is really generous.

Lin didn't care, and continued to wipe the front and back of the wound with a handkerchief, "The blood is cleaner than before, it should be almost there, how long will it take to repair the wound?"

"One hour."

That's fast.

Lin washed the handkerchief again, then put it away.

Qin Yu also sat up, buttoned his collar with one hand, and looked around.

"This forest seems a bit ugly."

"Is there something wrong with my aesthetics?"

Lin's eyelids twitched slightly, and he observed the surrounding trees, "Are you also so demanding of trees?"

Qin Yu: "Yeah? Who do I ask more of?"

Lin: "Men, women."

Qin Yu's eyelids twitched, and he said calmly, "Why don't you just talk about people?"

Lin: "I didn't mean to cover all your goals, but to specify them. In fact, I think you might not let go of even the inhuman."

The implication is that I suspect that you are insane, but I only name you, not that you are insane, and give you some dignity.

However, Jinbi went online in a second and attacked Qin Yu frantically.

——Yes, yes, you are absolutely right.

—she turned a tree!

You shut up!

Qin Yu took a subtle look at Lin, and said slowly, "I suspect you are scolding me, but I have no proof."

Lin: "No evidence is needed."

Qin Yu: "Huh?"

Lin: "Many people don't care about what you want to do and how to do it. You have this ability."

He is very calm and real, and very casual.

Is this a compliment to her?

Qin Yu glanced at him, is this boasting of his charm?

Lin added: "You are too strong, no one can beat you."

Your wife is probably mad at you.

Qin Yu rolled his eyes, stood up suddenly, and pulled out his staff.

Lin got up too.

Angry? Want to fight?

No, the trolls are coming.

There were quite a few trolls, and they had already surrounded them from all sides. The old wizard also came, about a thousand meters away from Qin Yu and his wife.

Lin: "Shall I lure them away?"

Qin Yu looked at him: "I respect the old and love the young."

Lin: "I'm afraid you are not the opponent."

Qin Yu: "Maybe."

Qin Yu turned her staff, calmed down, and felt the approach of the troll old wizard. When the opponent came within a kilometer range, she opened her eyes and raised her staff.

Directly a reduced energy version of natural anger!

A kilometer away, the old troll wizard had roughly locked on where Qin Yu and the two were, because there were many trees here, and he knew that the other party was a wizard of the natural department. He had a unique advantage here, so he had to approach a certain distance before making a move.

But he didn't expect that the other party would notice him so quickly, and directly attacked.

boom! When the natural giant face appeared and roared angrily, the trolls behind the old wizard were shocked and knelt down in pain, and the old wizard cut off the roaring sound attack with a slight movement of his mouth.

Immediately after raising the staff, a mysterious and gloomy incantation appeared, summoning the air of a huge swamp, and the flames gathered violently.

fire attack?

Qin Yu sensed the magical aura of Huo Gong, and was about to fight back, but his face suddenly changed.

What was it just now?

There seems to be another kind of fluctuation.

The old wizard troll also noticed it, put down the staff he was holding, took a deep look into the depths of the forest, suddenly interrupted his magic, and left.

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