I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1224 Mystery? (Sensitive vocabulary blocks some chapters, waiting for revision, please ask f

When Qin Yu noticed that they were gone, he was a little surprised and exchanged glances with Lin.

Looking around, Qin Yu deliberately said, "This old man is really hot on his heels, and I didn't dig his ancestral grave."

Isn't it just overthrowing a troll.

"That's because the trolls you attacked were young trolls of their troll clan."

Qin Yudou heard the voice, of course he knew it was not Lin who spoke, because Lin's voice was not like this.

The voice seemed very thick and hoarse.

Both of them were on guard together, and when they turned around, a tall tree man appeared.

He came over, sat on the rock by the stream, looked at Qin Yu and the two, "Humans, why did you come to us and disturb our peace."

Qin Yu: "Are you talking about the corrosive swamp or the forest?"

Treant: "Both."

Qin Yu: "Come to the swamp to find help, the Tauren is with you, but I found this forest because the old troll outside was chasing and killing me, well, I'll answer your questions, and you will answer my questions as well. Down."

Tree man: "You ask."

Qin Yu: "When did you come?"

The tree man glanced at her and Lin, "It started when he took off your clothes and wiped your body."

Qin Yu and Lin also quickly glanced at each other.

Is this old dead wood really upright or old and boring?

Chat to death!

Let's change the subject.

Qin Yu: "Did that old thing just notice your existence so he didn't do anything? Are you so powerful?"

Treant: "It's not that he doesn't do anything, he's just thinking of an opportunity to kill us together."

Ah, Qin Yu thought for a while, "There are other treants here, right? The other treants threatened the safety of those trolls, so he had to back down, but he definitely wanted to kill us together."

The tree man nodded, "That's it, so you are the one who caused us trouble."

You are so straightforward.

"I don't think so. We may come here in time, or even come too late."

Qin Yu twirled his staff, sat down too, stared at the tree man, and said deeply: "The tauren are exterminated, do you know?"

The tree man froze for a moment, "What did you say?"

Qin Yu smiled: "I said, the entire group of tauren has been exterminated, and the bones are scattered outside, which means that the flesh and blood have been eaten clean. Ng, it is this bull head."

Qin Yu flicked his wrist and took out the head from the ring.

The tree man was surprised when he saw her hand, but it's not a big deal if it's the magic world, so he didn't ask, but just looked at the tauren's skull.

The tree man has no face, just a bark face, but the expression can be seen. He was shocked, suspicious, and frightened, and finally fell silent.

Qin Yu asked tentatively, "I think you tree people probably live in this forest, so do you know who did it?"

She didn't mean trolls, because asking that would give a hint.

The tree man thought for a moment, then stared at Qin Yu and the two of them.

What the hell do you mean!

Qin Yu: "Do you doubt me?"

Treant: "You don't look like good people."

Hey you piece of wood!

Qin Yu turned to Lin and said, "It's about you."

It is not once or twice that Lin has been slandered and blamed, and his face is dull and unmoved.

Hey, Lin didn't pick up on it, Qin Yu could only help himself, "We don't eat human flesh."

Treant: "You human beings eat everything. Cows, sheep, pigs and dogs. If you're so hungry, you'll even eat the bark of our treants."

Qin Yu: "Um, he's not a cow, he's a tauren. In fact, he's still human flesh."

Tree man: "Who knows, what if you become abnormal?"

Fuck, you are from Deyun Society.

Why are all the race creatures in this world so annoying, not cute at all.

Qin Yu also had a headache when she met this kind of dryad who likes to argue with reason. She pointed to the tauren skull, "Look at the tooth marks on it, do they match our human teeth? It's obviously another creature."

It seemed to make sense, the tree man looked at the tooth marks for a while, and suddenly became suspicious.

Qin Yu: "Troll?"

In order to clear himself of suspicion, Qin Yu decided to play tricks on the troll.

The tree man shook his head, "It doesn't seem right, the troll's teeth..."

Qin Yu: "Isn't that so?"

Ent: "No, their teeth look like this."

Then you say a hammer! Is it a locked troll?

However, the tree man threw out a shocking news.

"But they eat the bones together, and basically don't leave the bones, because they prefer to eat bones than meat."

The tree man put the tauren's bones on the ground and said, "The reason why their bodies are strong is that they can digest bones and strengthen their own bones."

No wonder the trolls are so powerful in combat.

Qin Yu was surprised, Lin also thought about it, the two looked at each other, they thought of a place to go.

"When I stabbed the troll with the sword before, I did feel that the tip of the sword touched the bone, and it was very hard."

Then it's not the troll tribe, and the troll they met in the cave of the tauren tribe is probably a coincidence, or this troll just happened to notice the two of them and followed them, or it was this troll They are looking for tauren bones to eat.

This is a misunderstanding.

But who is it if not a troll?

Is there another creature in the Corrosion Swamp that has such a strong strength?

"Trolls, tauren, and our treants seem to be the strongest at present, but we treants have always felt that there is another kind of power that grows and grows in the Corrosion Swamp. Their origins are very mysterious and evil, and they become stronger. The speed is very fast."

Treants have less actual combat power than trolls and tauren, but they are more involved with the natural world, so they can detect some changes in this environment, including the induction of power.

"Have you seen these mysterious creatures?" Qin Yu secretly wondered if he might be a member of Fayi's alliance. After all, under the power of darkness, small evil groups will also be cultivated by darkness to mutate and even grow. .

The tree man shook his head, "I haven't seen it, but other tribesmen may have seen it."

Then he contacted other clansmen. How did he contact them? The tree people's ethnic language is the rustling of leaves.

Qin Yu and the others waited silently. After a while, the tree man fed back the news from his tribe.

"Ugly, fat, white."

Qin Yu: "???"

Treant: "The appearance of those creatures is ugly, fat, and white."

Qin Yu: "Isn't this a pig? Uh, ugly, what kind of ugly way?"

Tree man: "I don't know, anyway, I think you humans are very strange, ugly and ugly."

After speaking, he looked at Qin Yu and Lin again.

Here comes the aesthetic generation gap of different races.

But it's rare for someone to be so honest with himself.

Qin Yu: "..."

If I didn't want to win people over to fight, I would have chopped you up with an ax a long time ago and used it as firewood, would you believe me?

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